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DCHC Minutes 2-22-2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007 Meeting Minutes
West Tisbury Public Safety Building

Chairman Cindy Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:30 AM and determined that a quorum was present.  Attendees included: Terry Appenzellar, Julia Burgess, Jacque Cage, Olga Church, Jane Cleare, Tad Crawford, Cindy Doyle, Judie Flanders, Christopher Knowles, Sarah Kuh, Patsy McCormack, Karen Meeks, Paddy Moore, Jo Ann Murphy, Dan Pace, Sandra Polleys, Matt Poole, Bob Tonti, Susan Wasserman, James Weiss, Dedie Wieler, Winn Davis County Manager, and Jennifer Caton, Executive Assistant to record minutes.

The next meeting was set for March 22, 2007.

Coordinating Committee Report and Discussion – Health Council Assessment:
Cindy Mitchell reviewed the results of the survey that was used to evaluate the Health Council (See Attached).  

There was a lengthy discussion regarding the interpretations of the raw data.  Some people said they filled in “Don’t Know” primarily because they did not understand the structure of the survey.  Others said there was a lack of understanding of how some committees function.  Others felt it was due to a lack of personal involvement in the committee.  There was some discussion regarding why people felt they don’t know and how to make things clearer.  It was suggested that it is because the reports are brief and rare, and reports with structured formats could be more effective.

Paddy Moore pointed out that the goal of the Council should be clear and relate to the Council’s activities.  There was further conversation regarding reviewing the mission statement.  It was suggested that the Council should have a deeper discussion regarding its mission and goals.  

Chris Knowles pointed out that if the purpose of the Health Council, tasks assigned to the Committees, and reports were all quantifiable the results would be easier to measure and would be more satisfying.  

Julia Burgess said that she agreed with Paddy and Chris.  She suggested each committee identify a goal and objective at the beginning of each year.  Their reports could then be related to their work-plans rather then process.  

Cindy Mitchell said there is a plan that exists.  She said the Committees are aware of it and sets the goals for themselves.  Julia said the report should include work-plans.  She said just by coming to the meetings members do not know enough about what the Committees are doing.  

Cindy Mitchell said that the Coordinating Committee talked about the style of reporting from the Committees.  She attributed the high marks received by the Health Care Access Program to the result-style of reporting.

Tad Crawford recommended that each of the workgroups go through a process of evaluation and goal setting.

Cindy Doyle expressed that there is an unquantifable benefit to the meetings and oral reports.

Paddy Moore suggested concentrating on fewer issues and having a larger impact on them.  

There was a discussion about whether the Mission is appropriate and can be accomplished.  It was suggested that instead of focusing on a global mission, the Health Council would have more success filling in gaps of the unmet needs of the island.  

It was agreed that the Coordinating Committee would compile the information to have a discussion at the next meeting in a more formal fashion.

Paddy Moore suggested that the agendas allow more time for the Health Council to think together as a group.

Terry Appenzellar gave the Treasurer’s Reports for December, January, and February, and also provided a copy of the proposed budget.  She said that the Health Council would be requesting a flat budget for FY08.  

Patsy McCornack / Susan Wasserman Moved to submit a request of a flat budget to the County Commissioners, So Voted, unanimous.  

Cindy Mitchell announced that there is a newly formed committee for the Rural Scholars Clerkship program.  She said the fifth clerkship is scheduled for October.  She offered the students as a resource for other committees.

Nominating Committee Report and Proposed Slate of Nominees for CY2007:
Proposed By-Law Changes & Nominations
Tad Crawford distributed the Proposed By Law Amendments. (See Attached)

The recommended change to the bylaws is the number of Health Council Members.  It was recommended to reduce the number from 35 to 32.  The Associate Commissioners and Veteran’s Agent would become ex-officio non-voting members.  The Health Care Access Program Director would also be added as an ex-officio member.

Other significant changes proposed to decrease the number of public officials from 6 to 5, and to change the word “professional” to “health care practitioner”.  
Three positions were also added under “non-physician-practioners ” to include more people with experience that may not be eligible under consumer category due to the income restrictions.  The three new positions are academic, administrator, and consultant.    The Hospital and Martha's Vineyard Community Services are also now able to name three representatives, rather than two.  Another proposed change is to change the title of “Associate Commissioner for Health Care Access” to “Associate Commissioner for Public Health”.  

Tad Crawford distributed a slate of people that the Nomination Committee recommended the Health Council submit to the County Commissioners for appointment to the Health Council.    

Paddy Moore raised some concern regarding reducing the number of public officials.  She felt that in order for the Council to be the most effective it needs to include relevant public officials.  She said she understands the reasoning behind reducing the number is because people did not come; however she feels the Council should find people who will come.  Tad Crawford said they have not been able to find a selectmen to serve with the proper background.  Paddy pointed out that the term “public official” is much broader than “selectmen”.  Tad suggested amending the by laws to read “5 to 6” to allow for flexibility.  

Paddy Moore also pointed out that some organizations allow for ex-officio members to vote, while others do not.  She said the by laws did not address that.  She pointed out that the Veteran’s agent attends the meetings faithfully, but the proposed by-law changes would turn her into a non-voting member.  Tad Crawford said she could be an exception.  Paddy recommended allowing the ex-officio members the right to vote.  

It was also pointed out that the position of Associate Commissioner for Health Care Access would also be an ex-officio member.  Tad Crawford further explained that in the past the County Commissioners could have served on the Health Council or designated someone.  Tad proposed that the County Commissioners give up their position and have the Associate Commissioner for Health Care Access (proposed “Associate Commissioner for Public Health”) be their designee.  Paddy asked what the reasoning was in reducing the number of members and voting members.  Tad explained it was a quorum issue.

It was decided that the proposed change to make ex-officio members non-voting would not be presented to the County Commissioners.  

There was some discussion if it was the place of the Health Council to recommend a name change to the position of Associate Commissioner for Health Care Access.  

There was discussion regarding changing the quorum requirements.  It was decided that the quorum requirement suggested would be 17.

It was agreed that the by-law changes would be voted on by a phone poll.  

Winn Davis asked if the term “public officials” meant appointed or elected official.  It was decided that “public official” would refer to public officials in either category.

Other Business/Announcements

ADJOURNMENT:  Cindy Mitchell adjourned the meeting at 9:30am

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Caton