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HC 3-22-2012
Thursday March 22, 2012

Call to order

Dedie Wieler, covering for acting chair, Rex Jarrell, called the meeting to order at 7:35 AM

Our next meeting will be April 26, 7:30am or 8:00AM in the Public Safety Building in West Tisbury. The secretary will notify the members when the survey is complete.    

Members attending: Tom Bennett, Eleanor Beth, Julia Burgess, Dave Caron, Trudy Carter, Sharon Clauss-Zanger, Donna Davey, Jay Ferriter, Angie Grant, Diane Jetmund, Chris Knowles, Sarah Kuh, Nancy Langman, Karen Meeks, Paddy Moore, Nancy Phillips, Gayle Poggi, Joseph Roberts, Sue Sanford, Joyce Stiles-Tucker, Bob Tonti, Brenda Wallis, James Weiss, Dedie Wieler

Guests: Marina Lent, Terre Young, Patsy McCornack, Peg Regan, Enid Haller, Sam Hiser, Rex Jerrell

Members absent: Nell Coogan, Valerio Destefani, Cindy Doyle, Judie Flanders, Michael Loberg, Cynthia Mitchell,  JoAnn Murphy, Russell Smith, Connie Teixeira, Beth Toomey

New members were welcomed and they include Barbara Bernstein, Trudy Carter, Nell Coogan (not in attendance), Donna Davey, Angie Grant, Diane Jetmund, Joseph Roberts, Sue Sanford, Beth Toomey (not in attendance), Joyce Stiles-Tucker and Brenda Wallis.  Introductions were made all around the table.

Chris Knowles announced that there will be a celebration of the life of Amanda Hutchinson at 1:00PM on April 29 at the Chilmark Community Center.

Minutes:   A motion was made to accept the minutes of the January meeting . The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

Treasurer's Report: Julia Burgess reported that we need to commit to spend our $500 annual allotment from the county budget by the end of next week.  $112.50 was already spent to have last month's meeting taped leaving $387.50.  Nancy Phillip from Mass In Motion Martha's Vineyard (formerly Let's Move MV) had responded to Julia that they could use some of the money to publicize their upcoming bike event.  Paddy Moore also responded that the Rural Scholars Program could use about $50 for expenses relating to travel to interview prospective Rural Scholars and also asked that consideration be given to use some of the money to pay expenses for potential speakers that could come to larger meetings to discuss health care issues.  This came as a result of the movie shown as part of the MV Film Festival.  Don Berwick, who owns a house on MV, was the speaker there and members felt he and possibly others would be good speakers on the future of health care.  Dedie Wieler stated that the expenses for the Rural Scholar interviews could come from the Rural Scholars funding so that request was withdrawn.  The MMMV request for funding for posters and/or flyers was also withdrawn in favor of the "speakers bureau." After some further discussion, Nancy Langman moved that the remaining $387.50 be committed for "consultants" to be used for health care speakers.  An ad hoc committee to work on this was created consisting of Paddy Moore, Trudy Carter, Nancy Langman, Peg Regan, Nancy Phillips and Enid Haller.

Election of Coordinating Committee  Dedie explained that normally the proposed coordinating committee would not meet and elect officers until after they had formally been elected but because there would be such a large turnover of members, the proposed coordinating committee met early to formulate the agenda for this meeting.
The proposed coordinating committee is the following:  Dave Caron, Jay Ferriter, Julia Burgess, Eleanor Beth and Joyce Stiles-Tucker.  Karen Meeks moved the slate as presented and it was voted.

The Coordinating Committee has selected the following officers:

Chair - Dave Caron
Vice Chair - Jay Ferriter
Treasurer - Julia Burgess
Secretary - Eleanor Beth

Dave took over the meeting.  He asked for volunteers of a few "veteran" members to join the coordinating committee to help the new group.

Health Council Committees

The following representatives of the various committees of the health council gave a short presentation on what their committees do.  Ellie passed out a form asking for members to indicate what committees they might wish to join.  She will pass contact information on those who express an interest to a committee contact person. Dave mentioned that health council members are expected to join one or more committees.

Coordinating Committee:  Julia Burgess
Vineyard Health Care Access Program - Sarah Kuh
Elder Affairs - Gayle Poggi and Karen Meeks
Youth Task Force - Jim Weiss
Rural Scholars - Paddy Moore
Mental Health and Substance Abuse - Paddy Moore
Mass In Motion Martha's Vineyard - Nancy Phillips

New Business

Donna Davey mentioned a conference that she had attended with a very good speaker on
the advantages of exercise in dealing with many conditions such as ADHD, Alzheimer's disease and substance abuse.  Peg Regan was familiar with the speaker and recommended those interested to look at the SPARK website.  It is

The motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn at 8:40.

Respectfully submitted,  Eleanor S Beth,  Secretary