ࡱ>  tJbjbj 8t||AP P 8tj4nb($С|H(pFpxH1Tٞ>0n`ш>L,x$%CnP p: Dukes County Commission Minutes Wednesday, September 17, 2014 5:00P.M. Dukes County Administration Building 9 Airport Road, Edgartown, MA Present: Dukes County Commissioners (DCC): Chair Lenny Jason, Vice Chair Leon Brathwaite, Tristan Israel, Christine Todd, John Alley, *David Holway via telephone County Staff: Martina Thornton Dukes County Manager, Noreen Mavro Flanders County Treasurer, Connie Andrade Administrative Assistant to the County Manager, Carol Grant Parking Clerk and Asst. Treasurer, Chuck Cotnoir Dukes County Emergency Management Director Others: Joanie Ames MVTV, Alex Elvin MV Gazette, Beth Tessmer, Myron Garfinkle, James Graham, Beth Toomey The meeting was called to order at 5:00PM. Cape Cod Municipal Health Group Appointment Noreen Mavro Flanders: Tristan/Leon made a motion to re-appoint Noreen Mavro Flanders to the Cape Cod Municipal Health Group. So voted. David yes, John yes, Christine yes, Leon yes, Tristan yes, Lenny yes. Motion carries. Cape Cod Municipal Health Group Alternate Appointment Bob Whritenour: Leon/Tristan made a motion to appoint Bob Whritenour as the Cape Cod Municipal Health Group Alternate. So voted. David yes, John yes, Christine yes, Leon yes, Tristan yes, Lenny yes. Motion carries. Dukes County Personnel Board Appointment Sheriff McCormack (At Large): Tristan/Leon made a motion to re-appoint Sheriff Michael McCormack to the Dukes County Personnel Board as the At Large member. So voted. David yes, John yes, Christine yes, Leon yes, Tristan yes, Lenny yes. Motion carries. Marthas Vineyard Airport Commissioner (AC) Appointment: The DCC held interviews for the AC appointment. Myron Garfinkle Myron has been interested in the airport for 14 to 15 years. He brings a unique type of skillset. The three issues that need to be looked at are communications, cultural change and the business needs. He has a strong business background. Part of that background is the ability to turn around troubled businesses; that also comes with communication which is needed to change peoples focus. According to MASSDOT the Airport contributes over 94 million dollars a year to the Islands economy second only to the Steamship Authority. One of the things the DCC is challenged with is looking at this as a business issue. As a resident of the Island for 14 years (9 years of full time residency) he recognizes the sensitivity of the culture on the Island. Whatever we do as a group affects everyone on the Island. Hes particularly sensitive to fairness, transparency and communication. John asked if he could elaborate on the business aspect. Myron said he had the opportunity to get involved in businesses from his early 20s and his history in business is turning around troubled businesses. He has been involved in wholesale, retail, manufacturing, food service, film industry, a lot of different businesses. One of his successes was one of the largest financial reorganizations in the history of the United States in 1980. Since then there has probably been bigger reorganizations, but up until that time is was the largest one. The effort took six or seven years to complete. Since then he has been involved in community service in such things as teaching yoga at the community corrections and was an active participant in the West Tisbury fund raising for the new library. John said the reason he asked the question was because revenue made at the Airport stays at the Airport. Is what you are saying that the Airport could make more money? Myron said what he is saying is that thats the amount of dollars generated directly by the Airport (per MASSDOT website) without the Business Park. In looking at the magnitude of those numbers, trying to manage that without a business focus is missing the ball. We can appoint people for various reasons, but one of the focuses should be how do we take care of this asset in the most responsible way. Both politically and financially. John said so what you are saying is the Airport has the potential to make even more money. Lenny said Myron believes theres potential for the Airport to generate more income and more jobs. Thats the type of mandates that Airport Commissioners should be looking at. Tristan said you mention process; can you talk about that a little bit? Myron said people asked him if he is prepared to do what has to be done at the Airport. He said he is ready to be open, fair and to manage the issues properly. His focus will be on serving the people. John asked if Myron currently has a plane based at the Airport. Myron said yes he does and have for 14 years, he is an active pilot. He sees most of the linemen and service individuals and has a very good line of communication with them; this gives him some insight on some of the issues facing the AC if they are not already facing them today. Christine said in the past Myron has come before the DCC requesting to be on the Airport Commission and she knows the question of the Conflict of Interest has come up. She asked Myron to talk about that. Myron said before he sent in an application he contacted the Mass Ethics Commission and asked them what his situation would be. They said there has been a recent ruling that within the last few months. They were presented with an issue similar to what Myron is presenting and they said there is a clear law on the issue that there is no conflict of interest. They would consider him if he were part of the AC to be an employee of the County even though he does not get paid. He said whether directly or indirectly, he does not lease the hangar from the Airport he subleases it from somebody else. The State Ethics Commission said there is no distinction. Even if he were a direct lessee there would not be a conflict. He would be expected to recuse himself from any conversation regarding the lease rates and stuff like that. James Graham James said he does not have a plane at the Airport. He has lived on the Island full time for two years. His family has been coming here since the early 1980s. He currently works part time for Cape Air. He is also on the Airport Master Plan aviation committee. His background in aeronautics is running a division of a company called Industrial Acoustics which made a lot of noise control products for airports. He wants to be on the AC mainly for what he has seen in his vast 14 month experience with Cape Air in terms of what this asset could mean to the County. He believes there is a vast potential to do more. John asked when you say you could do a lot more, can you elaborate? James said for example in the Airport planning meeting we were talking about doing a survey and Jim Coyne was there and I said he thinks it would be a great idea to do a survey. So he asked Sean about it and Sean said we could probably get to that in a year. Both he and Jim Coyne pushed back and said you can get surveys done faster than one year but you need to look at the different constituencies. The Airport business side is broken into three groups; one is the aviation side which 1/3 of the revenue comes from, one is the Business Park, which another 1/3 of the revenue comes from and the last 1/3 is miscellaneous things like sales of fuel. He sees an opportunity to improve all that. Tristan asked James if he had attended any of the AC meetings and what is his experience. James said just the Planning Committee meetings. He sees the role of the AC from his experience of last seven years (2005 to 2012) working as a head of a private school. Theres a board of trustees he thinks functions in a similar way as the Commissioner for the Airport. The trustees supposed to guide and help with the planning for long range, help with the finances, but the most important thing that they have to do is managing the Manager and helping that person manage the asset. Benjamin Hall did not attend the meeting Skipper Manter did not attend the meeting Robert Rosenbaum was unable to attend but sent a letter that was read into the record. (See file.) Beth Toomey Beth said she would like to be an Airport Commissioner, she gave it a lot of thought and thinks it would be the right thing to do. She has a very different background with the Airport -15 years as the head LEO (Law Enforcement Officer). John Alley had her appointed as the LEO about a year after she became Chief of Police in West Tisbury in 1995. She did training with the FAA and learning the whole security piece of the airport operation. She learned the culture of the Airport and the culture of pilots, was working with commercial carriers, she worked with three Airport Managers and has been part of a number of planning stages with the Airport. History is different from the other candidates but she has a lot of historical information and understands the Airport from a different point of view. Beth said she has tried to stay out of a lot of issues because if she gets appointed she wants to come at it as a job. She wants to try to keep things level at a meeting. She has been known as being very good at mediating and trying to keep things level. She thinks that she showed some of that when she served as a DCC member, she is not a grand stander. There are some things we need to look at no matter who is the manager. That part of the culture needs to be looked at. Going in and telling the AC what to do will not work. Jeffrey Wheeler was unable to attend but sent a letter that was read into record. (See file.) Kristen Zern did not attend the meeting. Lenny said the vote will be taken via ballot. Everyone will need to sign their ballot. David - participating via conference call will state his vote into the record. The votes are as follows: David voted for Beth Toomey John voted for Myron Garfinkle Tristan voted for Beth Toomey Christine voted for Myron Garfinkle Leon voted for Beth Toomey Lenny voted for Beth Toomey. Total vote count is Beth Toomey four votes and Myron Garfinkle two votes. Beth Toomey was elected to the Airport Commission to replace the seat that Peter Bettencourt vacated. Tristan said we had a lot of good candidates this time around and at some point we should consider expanding the size of the AC because of the good candidates and he believes the board could use a good injection of qualified people and the Times said we should have people who are experts in aviation. We have many qualified candidates. Christine said she would support entirely Tristan suggestion and it was a difficult decision to choose among so many of the very capable applicants that has come forward this time. This is an unusual circumstance, we have in the past not had many people come forward let alone individuals with very sincere interests in doing their best to improve an organization and she agrees with Tristan that the DCC should consider expanding the AC. Leon said if the DCC chooses to expand the AC what would the process be. Lenny said it would have to be on the next meetings agenda. Christine said its already in the legislation that we can have up to eleven members on the AC. David said he would not have any objection to expanding the AC. It was agreed to put the possible expansion of the AC on the agenda for the next meeting. Christine thanked all the candidates for applying for the AC. FY2014 Carryover for DC Health Council Martina said the County received a request from the Health Council for a carryover. The Dukes County Health Council (DCHC) voted and approved at their May 22nd meeting to carry over $214.26 into this years fiscal budget as an allocation for the Rural Scholars Committee to be used for housing, feeding and transportation for the participants. Leon/Christine made a motion to allow the Dukes County Health Council carryover $214.26 from FY2014 to FY2015 budget to be used for the Rural Scholars Program. So voted. David yes, John yes, Christine yes, Leon yes, Tristan yes Lenny yes. Motion carries. FY14 Audit Update Noreen Mavro Flanders Noreen said the DCC asked the auditors to have FY14 substantially complete by the DCC November meeting. That is not going to happen. She is unable to get information from the Airport; she gets no response to her emails. Noreen said there are some things that need to be forwarded to her and letters she has to have to transfer money. Center for Living Building Update Martina Thornton Martina said she has had meetings with Leslie Clapp, the Bank and potential tenants. She has also had phone calls with the bonding company. At this point, we have a better sense at how much it would cost to bond. We are still looking at how to structure this transaction; it will have to be done through a Request for Proposal (RFP). The building was part of a DRI in 1991 and 1992 and there are some restrictions. She is researching to see if the DRI will impact the purchase or not. A discussion was held. Martina said she is trying to schedule a County Advisory Board (CAB) meeting at the beginning of October before the All Island Selectmans meeting. She would first like to talk to the CAB and then bring it to the All Island Selectmans meeting. Managers Report: State Beach FEMA/MEMA requested additional information regarding the State beach project to verify that the beach is in fact an engineered beach. She has sent the information to them. We need approval before we can re-bid the project of moving sand from Eastville to State beach. She has also applied for approval by Oak Bluffs and Edgartown Conservation Commission for work to be done at the State beach after the season (repair fencing, man-made paths etc.). Oak Bluffs has already approved the project. Eastville Beach The Oak Bluffs selectmen approved the oyster farm. Martina sent a letter on behalf of the County, asking for the requirement of annual review so we can assess the impact on the public beach and bring any concerns before the board prior to renewal of the permit. The motion however did not state this condition. She requested copy of the final decision with the condition. Registry of Deeds Paulo DeOliveira was appointed the Assistant Register of Deeds and has been sworn in. Jessica Burnham employee of nearly 15 years has resigned from the Registry. County Admin. Building Door was installed in the cellar by the bulkhead to prevent heat loss and leaks. Martina asked to surplus the big generator with the shell (originally given by Coast Guard) Tristan/Christine made a motion to declare the big generator with the shell surplus property provided that Chuck Cotnoir says its ok. So voted. David yes, John yes, Christine yes, Leon yes, Tristan yes, Lenny yes. Motion carries. Mass In Motion the coordinating committee met on the next steps once the grant expires at the end of September and to identify activities that should be moved forward and organizations to assume the responsibilities. Martina asked Nevette Previd, the coordinator for a summary report on work done. She will make a presentation to the commissioners in October. Mosquito Surveillance Program the Boards of Health agents agreed to extend the testing for additional two weeks. This was the last week of testing this season. A discussion was held. Leon asked to have Dick Johnson come and give the DCC an update on the program. Community Innovation Challenge Grant to fund regional start up projects is now available with a deadline October 10th. Martina distributed info to all town administrators. Fuel Assistance-Martina followed up on the fuel assistance providers and found out that the Councils of Aging will be processing the fuel assistance for seniors and the Edgartown Council on Aging and the MV Community Services will also assist people under 60 years old if they are eligible. The program starts November 1st. Fishermens Association Alex Friedman agreed to convene a meeting of the fishermen to discuss the future of the Association. A discussion we held. Tristan said he would like the DCC to be notified of when this meeting is held. Old Business: Tristan said Stephanie Cox the director of Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands (CACCI) is coming to meet with the DCC subcommittee on homeless on September 29th. Christine, Tristan and Martina will be meeting with her at the County Administration Building. John/Tristan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. So voted. David yes, John yes, Christine yes, Leon yes, Tristan yes, Lenny yes. Motion carries. Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm. Respectfully Submitted by: ______________________________ JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts Documents presented at the meeting and part of the official records: Agenda Letter from the Dukes County Personnel Board to the DCC Applications and Letters of recommendations for Airport Commissioner position     DCC Minutes approved by DCC 5/6/15 Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 6  !+,-9:>?@ABCDJK̸{l]l]KAh6sOJQJ^J#ht<h6s5CJOJQJ^JaJhg5CJOJQJ^JaJhP~5CJOJQJ^JaJhY xCJaJhCJaJh7CJaJht<h6sCJaJh6sCJaJ#hwqh6s5CJOJQJ^JaJ&hwqh6s5CJOJQJ\^JaJ#h|lh9z5CJOJQJ^JaJh6s5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h|lh6s5CJOJQJ^JaJ!"@IKp3 4 C D % & gdgd\$a$gd13gd3n$a$gd3ndgd6s$a$gd6s  2 4 A B k A B C D J K L ɦ|rjh7h3n5h7h3n5>* hmjh`*[hWyh}c~h}U hmjh3nhmjh3n>*h:e\h7hh1hh V}h; h\hWA hY xhmhLhXhI=h\h3n>* hE>* h\h}Uh3n h\h3nh\h3nB*ph)L W X ^ ` j y  # $ % & 3 D G O e Ŀ{vninidnv_ h/! 5 hg~5 h75hhWy5 h5 h5>* h^5>*huph5>* hL\5>* h75>*hmh h\h\h1hr h\h3n h135 h}c~ho h}c~huGh}c~ h}c~h}U h}c~h1 h}c~h6s h}c~h3n h}c~hW h}c~hmj$ 4 5 7 D ] H I J W h k s +>FRWcdeմß|xp|l|h}c~hmPh5hh h^5>*h^h^5>* h5>* hL\5>*hh5hh5 hO5hhO5 hO5>* h/! 5 hg~5hhg~5 h5huphg~5>* hg~5>*hSkhhWy5hh5( 6 7 I J +,e &&'x',-F-G--- . .&.E.gd>\ & F#gd2pr & F#gdgdgdgdg~79WZl=>\]^1BIRZ$&1h#%&7:  #$'-P[^hl1mhh0hoH hnGhnG hnGh[hnGh[hv h}+h}c~h$^zhh1;L^v|   0 : ; ? q z !!!!!!j"k"w""#G#U#$$M$N$O$P$%%&%)%I%J%V%W%\%d%j%n%w%}%%%%%%r&x&&&&&&&'''#'L'j'hmPh9ghmPh9g5hmPhd5hdhd5hP%sh?iuhdh2prhl1mhuGhmPhuG5hh}c~h1;hEj'k'm'n'u'v'w'x'''''''''=(?(O(T(q(((+)>)@)F)I)K)))))))))**+!+h+i+{+|+Q,R,,,,,--*-E-t-u-------- .g/n/ܯh>\h>\5ho> h>\h>\ h>\5h>\hJ['5 hJ['5hJ['h2pr5ha=hJ['h?iuhmP h?iuh?iu hmP5h9gh9g5h9gh>\BE.c.....q/r/94:4a4556667888m8`;a;s;<r=>^gd & F%gdgd[Lgd<gd/! gdgd>\n///03181W1_1.28494:4a444455)5/5555555#61646[6f666667(7687888h8l8m8p9|9999999_;`;a;ļIJĥ𡚓𡏈 h8h8h03Q h85>* h8h<h8hh/! 5 hP%s5 ho>5 h<5h*Ch<5 h/! 5 h85 h/! h<h/! h/! 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