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DCC Minutes 12/05/2012

Dukes County Commission


Wednesday, December 5, 2012
5 p.m.
Dukes County Administration Building
9 Airport Road, Edgartown, MA

County Commissioners: Chair Melinda Loberg, Carlene Gatting, John Alley, Lenny Jason, Tom Hallahan, Beth Toomey and Tristan Israel

County Staff: Noreen Mavro Flanders – County Treasurer, Martina Thornton – County Manager,
Connie Andrade - Administrative Assistant to the County Manager, Sean Flynn-Airport Manager

Others: Leon A. Brathwaite II, Christine Todd, Sean Flynn Airport Manager, Joanie Ames – MVTV, Katie Ruppel - Vineyard Gazette

The meeting was called to order at 5:04PM.

Elections-Certify Vote for MV Commission and Register of Deeds:
Joe Sollitto the Clerk of Courts requested that the Dukes County Commissioners (DCC) certify the vote of the Dukes County Register of Deeds Dianne Powers and the new MV Commission members. He will swear in the elected officials on January 9th. He sent a confirmation letter to the Secretary of State. Joe also said he was re-elected as Clerk of Courts for another six years. He will be sworn in on Wednesday January 2, 2013 in Boston. He gave a brief history of the Clerk of Courts and their time in that position. He also confirmed that Christine Todd and Leon Brathwaite are the newly elected DCC members and Leonard Jason Jr. was re-elected as a write-in candidate. All DCC members signed the approval forms.

Vineyard Power Membership:
Melinda said that the County is currently a member of the Cape and Vineyard Electric Cooperative and that we could also be a member of Vineyard Power Cooperative. Tristan pointed out we can become members of as many cooperatives as we want and that it doesn’t affect our relationship with Cape and Vineyard Electric Cooperative.

Tristan/Carlene moved to join the Vineyard Power Cooperative. So voted.  All in favor

PV (Photovoltaic) Project on SSA (Steamship Authority) Lot:
Martina told the DCC that Vineyard Power was here for our meeting on September 26th and gave a presentation on a potential project at that location. Since then, we have been notified that there has been a moratorium on any PV projects on airport land by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) so we cannot go forward with the project in the near future. The subcommittee decided that we are not ready to take the lease over and start paying $2,500.00 a month and we do not know at what point we would be able to put the PV’s on the lot and start getting revenue. A discussion followed. Lenny asked how long the moratorium will last. Martina advised them until the study is conducted to research the effects of a glare from the panels to the tower at the airport that had a complaint. Tristan wondered if we had contacted the Center 4 Living (C4L) yet. Martina said we continue the discussions with them and we will get everything ready for when the moratorium is lifted. Lenny suggested we build a building that could house the SSA Administration offices and the C4L and that we contact some contractors to find out what the cost would be. Lenny said he would get the price for a modular. Tom said if we don’t assume the lease someone else can step in and take it over. The rent, however, will go up to fair market value in 2019. Melinda’s concern was that the numbers did not work, especially on the expense side. With no incoming revenue, we need a better business plan before making a commitment on the property.

Tom/Tristan made a motion that the DCC draft a letter stating we are unable to proceed at this time because of a FAA moratorium on PV projects on airport land. So voted. All in favor: Melinda, Carlene, Lenny, Tom, Beth and Tristan.  John abstained from the vote.

Manager’s Report:
  • Permit Sales: We sold 63 Doe Permits and 1 Residential Recreational Salt Water Fishing License to date. Tristan said that we should notify the fishing derby that we sell the fishing permits for next year’s tournament.
  • Courthouse: Chilmark and Tisbury Community Preservation Committees recommended the funding of the 2nd phase of the courthouse windows repair.  Carlene questioned if it was all the windows. Martina told her it was only the large windows, we are not sure if we have to replace the small ones.
  • Community Innovation Challenge Grant: All the island towns submitted their letters of support for the Cape Cod grant application for an additional $200K to develop e-permitting software.  
  • FY2014 Budget: The Vineyard Health Care Access Program (VHCAP) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) budgets have been reviewed by the County Advisory Board (CAB) on November 19th, and the warrant articles for the Spring Annual Town Meeting was submitted to the Town of Edgartown on November 27th. The other towns have a later submission date. The budget worksheets have been received back from most of the Dept. Heads.
  • Personnel: We have requested a legal opinion from Kopelman & Paige, PC on the different COLA’s given to the County employees and the Non-Union Airport employees. We should have an answer within a week.
  • Surplus Car: The sale of the Lexus was advertised. We have not received any bids yet.  The deadline is Dec. 7th and more information can be found on the County website.
  • Homelessness Prevention: Martina met with Connie Teixeira, Sarah Kuh, Cindy Mitchell and Heidi Romans Nelson, Chief Executive Officer from the Duffy Health Center about the possibility of being included in a “New Access Points” federal grant application. The funding would be for a new case manager position and an outreach program for the homeless. A discussion followed. Tristan said we should write a letter of support. Martina said that Duffy Medical Center would be the recipient of the grant and they would administer the funds and oversee the project.
  • Cape Light Compact: Cape Light Compact filed a petition for approval of a three-year energy efficiency plan for 2013 thru 2015. More information is on the county website.
  • Addition to the Calendar: DC Health Council meeting is scheduled for Dec. 6th at 7:30am at the MV Hospital.
Old Business:
John Alley voiced a concern about the last DCC meeting’s decision to consult legal counsel on the different COLA’s between the Airport and the County.  He believes it should have been on the Agenda. A discussion was held. John requested that in the future any items that will need a vote be listed on the Agenda. Melinda said that if a vote is anticipated it is on the Agenda, but if a vote comes from the Manager’s Report, a situation may arise where a vote will be taken without a specific item being listed. Martina said that she was presented with the issue in writing one day before the meeting and that she was not anticipating a vote. Sean believes it should’ve been postponed to be listed on the agenda for vote at the next meeting. It was agreed that the matter of the different COLA’s would not be discussed at this meeting, but would be on the agenda for the next meeting.

Melinda ended the meeting with a recommendation to the general public to get their flu shots, as this year’s strain has come early in the season and is affecting more people.

Carlene/John moved to adjourn the meeting. So voted. All in favor.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:58pm.

Respectfully Submitted by:

JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts

Documents presented at the meeting and part of the official records:
  • Agenda
  • County Manager Report
  • SSA Memorandum