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DCC Minutes 10/10/2012

Dukes County Commission


Wednesday, October 10, 2012
5 p.m.
Dukes County Administration Building
9 Airport Road, Edgartown, MA

County Commissioners: Chair Melinda Loberg, Carlene Gatting, Lenny Jason, Tom Hallahan, and Beth Toomey

County Staff: Martina Thornton – County Manager, JoAnn Murphy – Veteran’s Agent, Chuck Cotnoir – Emergency Management Director

Others: Joanie Ames – MVTV, Katie Ruppel - Vineyard Gazette

The meeting was called to order at 5:04PM.

Martha’s Vineyard Gazette Article on Lenny Jason:
Melinda took a moment to acknowledge the article in the Vineyard Gazette on Lenny Jason. It did not mention the many years he served on the Dukes County Commission (DCC). She wanted to take a moment and acknowledge that. At this time, he is not planning on running for re-election.

VA Contract with the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital:
JoAnn told the DCC that seven people from the Veteran’s Administration (VA) came to the island on October 3rd to meet with some of the veterans to assist them with any issues. There were a lot Veterans with many questions. (All were taped by MVTV.) A Veteran Benefits Coordinator from off island will be back again in December and they will return on a quarterly basis. Dr. Vanbieber will come every two weeks until all the veterans are in the VA system. She told the DCC that someone is considered “vested” if they have a primary doctor in the VA system. A discussion followed. Lenny questioned the fact that many veterans already have primary care doctors on the island. JoAnn said they still have to see Dr. Vanbieber or they are not considered ‘vested” and in the VA system. JoAnn told the DCC that the VA has about 100 signed up but she knows about 350 veterans on the island. She also said the contract with the VA is signed but it is only a one year contract with an option for renewal option for three years. The one year contract is standard for the VA. Tom asked JoAnn about the two types of healthcare monitors, one type is a telephone based monitor for mental health and other medical `conditions and the other is a satellite cellular monitor for remote places like Maine. The satellite cellular monitors are a good device, and while they are a little more expensive they would be good fit for the island because of the lack of cell phone coverage in some areas, power outages and hurricanes.

Steamship Authority (SSA) Lot Lease Update:
Lenny told the DCC that the subcommittee does not have anything to report as of yet, and they hope to have a little more details by the next meeting.

FY2013 Budget and FY2014 Budget Planning
Martina said there needs to be a County Advisory Board (CAB) meeting so we can move some line items for staffing purposes. She told the DCC that she will be attending several meetings with the Town of Oak Bluffs in an effort to convince the town to join the Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM). These meetings are: October 16 – Finance Committee, October 18- Board of Selectman (BOS) and November 6 – Oak Bluffs Special Town Meeting. Tom said he and Martina are working on a timeline to get the Fiscal Year 2014 budget done. He suggested we set a joint meeting of the CAB and the DCC to review the guidelines for Department Heads. The tentative date is November 24th. We should have a draft version of the FY14 Budget by middle of December. Noreen should send it electronically with the cover sheet to DCC and CAB.

Manager’s Report:
  • ERSI GIS Contract: The GIS Software license contract was renewed for the next three years ending June 30, 2015.  All the towns are participating, including the Airport, MV Commission and the Sheriff (Communication Center) through the MV Law Enforcement Council.
  • Antlerless Deer Permits Sale: Martina told the DCC that this year the MA Division of Fisheries & Wildlife (DFW) is moving to a fully electronic system. Currently, there are only two places on the island that sell the permits, Chilmark and West Tisbury Town Clerks. She recommended the County become an authorized vendor, which would require the County to sell all licenses, permits and stamps that are being sold by the DFW year round. We would need to establish a separate bank account to deposit the fees collected. The DFW will automatically withdraw the funds once per week. We should send at least two people for one day training in Boston. There is potential to make small revenue from selling licenses. The sale of doe permits started on October 9th. Martina suggested implementing this service, as it would be more convenient location for the down island residents. A discussion followed.
Tom/Lenny made a motion to become a licensed vendor to sell hunting and fishing licenses, pending Noreen’s agreement to do it. So voted. All in favor.

  • Dog Licenses: Martina said that there was a change in legislation regarding the Dog Fund. Effective October 31, 2012, it will now be the responsibility of each town to maintain their own “Dog Fund”. The County will continue doing the collective purchasing of dog tags and license books and bill the towns directly since most towns are interested in being part of the collective purchasing so they can save money.
  • TRI Support Letter
Martina said she was approached by The Resource, Inc. to support an application of Edgartown and Oak Bluffs for a DHCD Housing Rehabilitation Grant. (See details and proposed support letter in your folder).

Tom/Carlene made a motion to send the TRI letter of support to Oak Bluffs and Edgartown. So voted. All in favor.

  • Regionalization Conference Follow Up
Martina told the DCC she would like to prepare a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the VHCAP and IPM programs for the DCC and CAB (County Advisory Board) meeting on October 24th. Beth and Carlene volunteered to review it.
  • Community Innovation Challenge (CIC) Grant:
Martina said that she participated in a telephone conference regarding a multi-region application for the Community Innovation Challenge (CIC) Grant for e-permitting software. The Cape Cod Commission is willing to work with the Island on becoming part of the project if interested. They would need a commitment from interested towns in support of the application by October 18th. A discussion followed. Tom wanted to know exactly what this program is. Martina explained the program. Melinda said we should start by contacting the Town Administrators.
  • Personnel
The new Administrative Assistant, Connie Andrade starts tomorrow.
  • Courthouse
Martina said she submitted applications for Community Preservation funds to repair the rest of the big windows at the Courthouse using the same specifications and prepared a budget for this project. (The meeting schedules for requesting the funds are on the Manager’s Report.) A discussion followed. Martina said that this proposal is for 26 windows, the first phase was 21 windows plus the bid price came in higher than the original estimated. The additional funds are $72,150.00
  • DC Health Council
Martina will meet with Eleanor Beth next week to update the DC Heath Council’s website.
  • Joint Transportation Committee (MV Commission)
Martina said the meeting will take place on Monday October 15th at 1pm.
  • Arts MV Campaign:
Arts MV prepared a Fall for the Arts campaign panel for discussion regarding Creative Economy, Media and the Arts.  It will take place on Tuesday October 23rd from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm at the Harbor View Hotel in Edgartown with representatives from the island media. It is possible that Senator Dan Wolf and Representative Tim Madden will be present as well.
Old Business:

Tom/Lenny moved to adjourn the meeting. So voted. All in favor.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:50pm.

Respectfully Submitted by:

JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts

Documents presented at the meeting and part of the official records:
  • Agenda
  • County Manager Report
  • Letter to Dept. of Housing & Community Development
  • Monthly Report from Cape Light Compact for August 2012
  • Invitation from The Permanent Endowment Fund
  • Fiscal Year 2012 Final Report
  • Fiscal Year 2013 Up to Date Report