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DCC Minutes 11-30-2011
Dukes County Commission
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
5 p.m.
Dukes County Administration Building
9 Airport Road, Edgartown, MA

Commissioner Present: Tristan Israel, Melinda Loberg, Les Leland, Tom Hallahan.

Not Present: John Alley, Lenny Jason, Carlene Gatting

County Staff present: Russell H. Smith – County Manager, Martina Thornton – Ex. Assistant, Noreen Mavro Flanders – County Treasurer, Sarah Kuh – Health Care Access, Chuck Cotnoir – Emergency Management

Meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM

VHCAP FY2013 Budget – Sarah Kuh
Sarah presented the proposed FY2013 budget. This is the last year the County will participate in funding the Access Program based on the Inter Municipal Agreement, the County’s share is 10%, the remaining towns pick up the remaining 90% the base line of the budget is $105,882, somewhat of an increase from previous years, in previous years this had been level funded. The second article $58,914 is level funded among the towns, this is based on 50% equalized valuation and 50% population based. Sarah expects to be about $10,000 short of the full $284,000 budget and hopes to make this money up through grants or cutting hours.  Tristan asked if the CAB had seen the proposed budget and asked if there had been any questions or discussions regarding it, Tom answered that they discussed where the $10,000 would come from and what would happen in the event the money was not raised. Les asked what the CAB felt about the budget not being balanced, Noreen answered that the 10% that represents the County would be balanced where the other 90% would fall on the towns. Sarah stated the CAB would like a more formal Inter Municipal Agreement for FY14. Accounting and the additional property would still be under the County. Tom asks if the County charges the Access program rent, Sarah answered no. Tristan asked if the County is still receiving services from Community Action Committee regarding food stamps, etc. Sarah answers yes, emergency assistance is available twice monthly when they come to the island. Les would like to see the Inter Municipal Agreement process moving forward. Melinda answered the Steering Committee has met and discussed all services provided by the County should have an agreement and they will use the Isaac Group’s agreement as a model.

1. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program
Russell met with the CAB today, focusing on FY12 discussions on the effects of Oak Bluffs not participating in the program. Mosquito testing was taken on by a vote of the Boards of Health. The CAB voted to transfer the money that was used for the program. Tom added that they moved and approved to transfer the remaining amount in the account ($3017.21) only three towns (West Tisbury, Tisbury and Edgartown) have contributed to the mosquito fund, Martina added that Oak Bluffs sent their money in as well. Tristan asks if there is a balance in the mosquito fund, Tom answered that at the start of FY12 there was a balance of approximately $1,500, this is due to the expenses and who has sent in their funds. Tristan asks why the fund is not cleared out at the end of the year or why the remaining balance is not left with the remaining monies being contributed to the next FY and asking the towns for their money less the remaining balance? Noreen answered in FY11 the money that was left over was due to TJ taking comp time rather than being paid for labor. The remaining money has now been moved to the IPM’s budget and his department. Russell pointed out that the total budget for the program is $88,000 before costs to the town, a subtraction of anticipated revenue and the mosquito fund is what is presented to the towns for warrant articles. Tristan asks Board of Health fixed amount, is it a special line item? Russell, no it’s part of the IPM budget. Tristan asked if 5 towns participate in FY13 how does the distribution work. Russell answered the towns are all invited to participate if any do not participate in the program the budget will then be reduced by the percentage of what their contribution would have been. Tom adds if towns do not participate hours would realistically be cut, the CAB discussed putting a policy in place for when a town does not participate, if a town does not participate with the program it would not go into that town at all and the town would need to seek a private company, he has been asked to have the Finance sub-committee to prepare this document by Tristan. Melinda adds that if a town decides not to use the IPM program the town and also the residents are unable to use these services. Tom asks if warrant articles have been sent to the towns. Martina answered Edgartown is the only town, their deadline was Monday, this was preliminary pending the approval of the budget for the two departments. Tom adds the increase in retirement and workman’s comp is very high. Noreen answers that due to previous claims the previous carrier canceled the County and the company has much higher premiums. Tristan asked if we could argue since we are no longer with the Sheriff’s department could we try to lower the premiums, this is a legal question and has asked Noreen to follow up with the County attorney.

2. Managers Report
Courthouse: Russell reports that the main project in the courthouse is the windows one third of the windows are completed. The $55,000 program has had one third of the budget spent matching up with the progress of the project. The furnace had broken but was fixed over the weekend. The boiler has been having multiple issues over the course of three years. Some seats are being fixed in the courthouse.

Personnel Board: The personnel board has been created, this is separate from the personnel sub-committee, the board will consider any labor disputes in the County. Over the last few years insurance has been at a 75%/25% split, new job descriptions, new grades and pay have been established due to your responsibilities. This board is made up of Martina Thornton, Sheriff McCormack, Norman Perry, Michael Joyce, Joanne Murphy, and Jim Newman. The board has been going through the personnel by-laws line by line. The FY13 Budget is on the list of Russell’s task to do.

A new video was posted on the County website, it is under the umbrella of NACO, economic development, putting the towns out there as places to come.

Social Security Letter: This is the second letter that has been written to the Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSA had written a letter indicating they had stopped coming to the island, this letter was written requesting their coming back. Their response was they would not come back due to budget cuts, they have stopped doing satellite services and their concern for the safety of the individual coming to the location. Russell has spoken with Roger Wey, they have proposed finding the funds to get them to and from the island, Russell thinks it is likely a police office can take them from the boat to the Oak Bluffs Senior Center. The letter also requested having the SSA come to the island quarterly rather than monthly.

Russell adds Martina has sent out a reminder to fill out the Conflict of Interest forms/test as well as the Sexual Harassment Policies. Tom asks if the County is requesting a Security Training, Russell and Tristan answered no, not at this time.

10. Old Business
Russell reports that the desire of the DCC and of the manager is to get a grant writer but the budget currently does not support such a position. Russell is collaborating with other agencies currently, if the County can collaborate with agencies, the income from the grant programs and the percentage that would go to the County would enable the self-support the position.

Contract Veterans Affairs (VA): Melinda would like to invite the representative for the hospital to the next DCC meeting for their view of the VA.  Tom adds Congressman Keating is coming December 13. Tom will follow up; the hospital has agreed to participate. Tom has asked Russell to invite the hospital to the next DCC meeting.

Tristan raises awareness that November is National Native American’s Month, he would like to have it on the next agenda. Noreen reminds the DCC that the Retirement Board has one seat that expires on December 31. Tristan would like an ad to be placed for the opening with responses being in by December 13. Roger Wey is the current member and has expressed an interest in continuing the position. Les asks about the MVC seat expiring, Tristan asks this to be added to the December 14 DCC meeting.    

Les/Melinda moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:07p.m. All in favor.

Respectfully Submitted by:

JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts

Documents presented at the meeting and part of the official records:
  • Agenda
  • VHCA FY13 Budget
  • Calculations of County Tax FYT13
  • Letter to the Social Security Administration
  • Old Business List