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DCC Minutes 03-05-08

Dukes County Commission Meeting Minutes
Wednesday March 5, 2008
5 p.m.
County Administration Building
Call to Order
Chairman Les Leland called the County Commissioner’s meeting to order at 5 p.m.  Commissioners Roger Wey, John Alley, Lenny Jason, Tristan Israel, and Carlene Gatting were present.  

Also present was Acting County Manager Noreen Mavro - Flanders, Sarah Smith Treasurer of Gosnold, and Steve Myrick of the MV Times.

Acting County Manager – Noreen Mavro-Flanders
Sheriff’s Bill
Noreen reported that she had gone to Barnstable with Tristan Israel, Les Leland, and Russell Smith to meet with Senator O’Leary and Representative Turkington to discuss the Sheriff’s Bill.  Sheriff Michael McCormack and Special Sheriff David O’Sullivan were also there.  During the meeting the concerns of the Sheriffs and Counties were discussed.  

Roger Wey/Lenny Jason Moved to enter into executive session to review the County Manager applications.
Discussion on Motion
Carlene said there were things that needed to be discussed before going into Executive Session such as salary, residency requirements, and re-evaluations. Tristan Israel agreed and added that he had some issues with hiring a full time County Manager at this point.

Les Leland added that there was a motion needed for a grant application.

Lenny Jason withdrew his second on the Motion.

New Business
State Beach / Sengekontacket Grant
Les explained that permission was needed for a grant application to maintain State Beach /Sengekontacket.  The grant ranges from $50-$100K and is through National Association for Counties (NACO) and NOAA for Coastal Counties Restoration.

Carlene Gatting/Tristan Israel Moved to go forward with the grant application and do the background work needed for submission on March 24th.
Discussion on Motion
John Alley said that in the past the Commissioners were given the details of a grant before they voted on it.  Carlene explained that because Jennifer had not been available they were just getting started on it this week.  Tristan suggested amending the motion to say it has to be reviewed before it can be filed.

Carlene Gatting/Tristan Israel Moved to proceed with the NACo grant application subject to the Commissioners review before submission, So Voted, unanimous (6-0-0).

Roger Wey/Tristan Israel Moved to enter into Executive Session to discuss the applications for the position of County Manager and to reconvene into Open Session, So Voted, unanimous, (6-0-0).

At 5:20pm the Commissioners entered into Executive Session.

The Commissioners Reconvened into Open Session at 6:20PM

Tristan Israel / Lenny Jason Moved that the County Manager would fall under the Personnel Policy of the County, So Voted, unanimous (6-0-0).
Discussion on the Motion
Noreen will research the by-laws and do what is necessary to change the policy.

With no further business, the Commissioners adjourned the meeting at 6:25 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts