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DCC Minutes 03-13-08
Dukes County Commissions
Thursday March 13, 2008 1p.m.
County Administration Building

Call to Order
Les Leland called the meeting to order at 1pm.  Commissioners John Alley, Carlene Gatting, Tristan Israel, Lenny Jason, and Roger Wey were present.  Acting County Manager Noreen Mavro-Flanders and Executive Assistant Jennifer Randolph were in attendance.

Also present at the meeting was Julia Rappaport and MVTV.

John Alley / Roger Wey Moved to accept the minutes of March 5, 2008, So Voted, unanimous, (6-0-0).
Discussion on Motion:  Tristan Israel wanted to make sure that everyone was on the same page regarding the County Manager being under the Personnel By-Laws.

Chairman’s Report
State Beach Update
Les Leland reported that he, Carlene Gatting, Jennifer Randolph, Christina Miller, Paul Bagnall, and Don Liptack met on State Beach to determine what was needed for Beach Grass restoration and maintenance.  

Eastville Beach Update
Tristan Israel gave an update on the Eastville Beach Committee meeting.  He said the State would be sending an application / proposal for a management plan for the Beach by the State.  He said once that arrives it would be put on the DCC agenda.  Roger added that if the State manages parts or aspects of the Beach, the County and Towns would have to follow the State’s rules.  He feels that once all the information is received, a public hearing should be held.  

Noreen questioned why the State would be interested in managing or maintaining Eastville Beach, when they pay the County to manage State Beach for them.

Tristan explained that it was only to handle certain areas, primarily on fishing and boating aspects, so they would fix the infrastructure to provide better access for those reasons.  The actual managing and cleaning would still be under the Towns and County.

Announcement of Associate Commissioner for Public Health
Les Leland announced he appointed S. Patrick Donegan for the Associate Commissioner for Public Health.

Acting County Manager’s Report – Noreen Mavro-Flanders
Noreen reported on the hearing at the State House regarding the Sheriff’s Bill (House 4498).    

Noreen said she spoke at the hearing, voicing her concerns. Her primary concern was that the Bill was being rushed and there were issues that needed to be addressed.

Noreen asked the Commissioners to send a letter stating their opposition to the H 4498  and also recommendations from the Sheriff if Bill has to pass, such as the position of Sheriff remaining elected and control over the budget to be kept with the Sheriff.

Roger Wey / Lenny Jason Moved that a letter be sent with Noreen’s recommendations in support of Sheriff McCormick’s position if the bill has to pass, So Voted, unanimous (6-0-0).

Tristan Israel / John Alley Moved to send a letter in opposition to the Sheriff’s Bill and to list the reasons why, So Voted, unanimous (6-0-0).

Old Business

Reschedule County Manager Interviews
It was agreed that the interviews would be rescheduled to Saturday, March 22 at 3pm.

NACo Grant Application
Carlene Gatting gave an update on the NACo grant application for Sengekontacket.  Because the grant deadline is March 24th and the next meeting is March 22nd, the Commissioners agreed to support the grant, but would still like to review it before they approve it for submission.

Tristan Israel / Lenny Jason Moved to support the grant application, So Voted, unanimous, (6-0-0).

·       The Dukes County Contributory Retirement Board will meet on Tuesday April 1st at 10am at the Retirement Office
·       The Dukes County Airport Commission will meet on Wednesday, March 19th, at 5:30p.m. at the Airport Administration Building
·       The Dukes County Commissioners will meet on Wednesday March 26th, at 5pm at the County Administration Building
·       The Steamship Authority will have a meeting on Tuesday March 18th at 9:30am in Woods Hole, Candle House rooms 104 & 105.
·       The Dukes County Charter Study Commission will meet on Thursday March 13th at 5pm at the Oak Bluffs Council of Aging.

·       Letter from Pilgrim RC&D

Public Comment
Julia Rappaport asked for an update on the County Manager search.  She also asked why the discussion of questions for the interviews would be done in executive session.  The Commissioners agreed that the discussion of questions should be done in open session.  The Commissioners asked if the questions that were used when Winn Davis was hired were available.  Jennifer said she had looked through her files and they were not there.  Noreen said she would look in the basement.

Tristan Israel / Roger Wey Moved to enter into Executive Session to discuss applicants for County Manager and to reconvene into Open Session, So Voted, unanimous, (6-0-0). (AYE, Tristan Israel, Roger Wey, Lenny Jason, John Alley, Carlene Gatting, and Les Leland).

The Commissioners left Open Session at 1:50 p.m.

The Commissioners re-convened in Open Session at 2:10p.m.

Tristan Israel / John Alley Moved to make Tenney Lantz and Russell Smith the finalists for the position of County Manager.

It was agreed that the list of questions used for the interviews on  March 22, 2008  would be the same one that was used for the Laurie Perry/Winn Davis interviews In 2003.

With no further business, the meeting was Adjourned at 2:15pm.

Respectfully Submitted by:

JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts