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DCC Minutes 06-11-08
Dukes County Commission Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
5 p.m.
County Administration Building
Call to Order
Chairman Les Leland called the County Commissioner’s meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.  Commissioners Tristan Israel, Lenny Jason, John Alley and Carlene Gatting were present.  

Also in attendance were County Manager Russell Smith, Executive Assistant Jennifer Randolph, TJ Hegarty, and MVTV.

Minutes of 4/30/2008
John Alley pointed out that there was not the right configuration of Commissioners present to approve the minutes.

Minutes of 5/21/08
Lenny Jason / John Alley Moved to approve the Minutes of 5/21/08, So Voted, unanimous, (5-0-0).

Chairman’s Report and Communication – Les Leland
Final Report from Charter Study
Les told the Commissioners that a copy of the Final Report of the Charter Study was in their packet.  

Administrative Recommendations
Les asked the Commissioners to review the Administrative Recommendations of the Charter Study.  He suggested that each Commissioner pick one or two items they would like to start with and give them to Russell.

Tristan Israel pointed out that the Commissioners are already taking action on a few of the recommendations.  They have instructed the County Manager to get the language drafted for the changes regarding the County Manager position.  The Commissioners also advertised the seats on the Commissioner being up for election and made nomination papers available.  He suggested that the Administrative Recommendations be on the next agenda.

Russell Smith said he had spoken with the State's House Counsel.  He is currently working on the language.

It was agreed that the Administrative Recommendations would be discussed at the next meeting on June 19th after the Public Hearing on the Beach Rules for State Beach.  The Commissioners also agreed not to have the meeting on June 25th.

Commissioner Paul Strauss
Les announced that he had received a letter of resignation from Paul Strauss stating for health issues he was resigning from the County Commissioners and the Martha's Vineyard Commission effective June 30, 2008.  If June 30th was not an acceptable date he would be willing to stay on until July 31st.  Les said that a copy of the letter would be made available to those who would like one.

Tristan Israel asked Russell to write a letter of thanks to Paul for all of the County Commissioners to sign.

Executive Assistant Jennifer Randolph
Les Leland read the letter of resignation of Jennifer Randolph to the County Commissioners.  Russell said he would write Jennifer a letter of thanks for the Commissioners to sign as well.

Russell Smith said that he will be advertising both vacancies in the paper.  Russell read from the Administrative Code what the procedure is to replace a County Commissioner.  

There was a brief discussion regarding filling the vacancy on the MVC.  Carlene said she would need some time to think about it.  It was agreed that it would be discussed at the next meeting.

County Manager’s Report – Russell Smith
Eastville Beach Update
Russell reported that the Eastville Beach Committee met today.  He said that both Tisbury and Oak Bluffs agreed that swimming and picnicking not being allowed would not be acceptable.  It was agreed that the State should look at the piece of land adjacent to the channel and keep the section right of the jetty separate, so that swimming and picnicking could continue.  

There was discussion regarding what the next steps should be.  It was agreed that Russell would speak to the towns first.  Carlene would contact Mr. Cameron from the state to set up a meeting here to answer questions.  

State Beach Update
Russell informed the Commissioners that a dead piping plover chic was found inside one of the roped off sections of the beach.  He said it is currently being investigated by the Environmental Police.  

Russell said that due to the lateness in the season the planting of beach plums and rosa ragusa will be done in the fall.  The plants are ordered and will be billed in this fiscal year.  The nursery will hold bushes and ship them in the fall.

Russell said that he has spoken with the Oak Bluffs and Edgartown Selectmen regarding the new guidelines for State Beach.  Everything is all set for the public hearing on June 19th.

Courthouse Roof Update
Russell said that as of a week ago it is a priority of Senator O’Leary to get the Courthouse Bill out of Senate Ethics Committee.    The reason why it is sitting is because the Senate is only taking bills that require roll call votes.  The Courthouse Bill does not require a roll call vote.  As soon as the Senate is done with the bills requiring roll call votes, it will be at the top of the list.

Warrant Articles Update
All of the Towns have passed the warrant articles, with the exception of Aquinnah which meets on June 19th.      

Eastville Beach Update Cont.
Tristan said that Emily Redington from MA Audubon will be giving Russell a report of what is involved with the bird management at Eastville Beach.  

Committee / Dept Reports
Integrated Pest Management – TJ Hegarty
TJ gave the Commissioners a brief presentation of the equipment he will be using for mosquito sampling.  He will be getting samples of mosquitoes to be tested for West Nile.   TJ will be providing sampling services for all of the towns.  Lenny suggested putting the information on the website.  Carlene asked what happens if the mosquitoes tested positive.  TJ said he thinks the State would step in.   The Commissioners asked TJ and Russell to find out what the next steps and what the protocol would be if mosquitoes tested positive.  

New Business
FY09 Fuel Oil Bid
Russell presented the only bid received.  It was from Packer at $4.0275 per gallon.

Tristan Israel / Carlene Gatting Moved to accept the Bid from RM Packer and waive the requirement of a performance bond, So Voted, unanimous, (5-0-0).

John Alley said he was surprised that a fixed price was offered rather than a % over cost.  Les said there was a discussion before the bid went out what would be better for the customer.  Russell explained that Packer most likely buys oil futures, which is why they can offer a fixed price.

·       The Dukes County Advisory Board will meet Thursday June 19, 2008 at noon at the Dukes County Administration Building.
·       The Dukes County Airport Commission will meet Wednesday June 18, 2008 at 5:30pm at the Airport Conference Room.
·       The Dukes County Commissioners will meet Thursday June 19, 2008 at 5pm at the Dukes County Administration Building.

·       Letter from State Admin & Finance
·       Newsletter from Chamber of Commerce
·       Newsletter from NACo

Tristan asked what the status was on the Sheriff’s Department.  Russell answered that there was no change.  

Carlene Gatting asked what was going on with the lab equipment.  Russell said that there had not been any activity on the ion camatagraph.  He also said there is an agreement with the Tribe for some of the equipment.    

Tristan asked what the shelf life was on the MRE’s and bottled water in the basement.  He said if it is getting ready to expire it should be made use of.  Also he felt once it is gone it should be replaced somehow.  Russell said he would check into it.

Tristan also pointed out that batteries were needed for the clock.

Russell read a letter of thanks that he had drafted to Mr. Allen Warden for the donation of the carpet in the Courthouse for the Commissioners to sign.  

Public Comment

The Commissioners adjourned the meeting at 6:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts