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DCC Minutes 07-23-08
Dukes County Commission Meeting Minutes
Wednesday July 23, 2008
5:00 p.m.
County Administration Building
Call to Order
Chairman Les Leland called the County Commissioner’s meeting to order at 5:10 p.m.  Commissioners Roger Wey, Tristan Israel, and Carlene Gatting were present.  

Also in attendance were County Manager Russell Smith, Alexander Trowbridge, Woody Williams, and MVTV.

Acceptance of Minutes
Acceptance of the minutes of May 14, 2008; June 11, 2008; and June 19, 2008 were deferred to the next meeting.

Chairman’s Report and Communication – Les Leland
Les said that he had a request that the meeting notices and agendas be emailed to Charter Study Members and other interested individuals.  He explained that Jennifer Randolph used to send those out, and they will be sent out via email again.

Russell assured the Commissioners that the meeting notice was posted properly and sent to all of the towns.  He said that he has not been emailing interested individuals.

Woody Williams pointed out that the agenda used to be posted to the website as well.  Les said that in the future the agendas will be posted to the website.

Roger asked Russell what the time table was for hiring an Executive Assistance.  Russell explained that the Personnel Committee chose six applicants from the twent-one that were recieved.  He had interviewed five of them already.  Once the interviews were complete, he would choose one, hopefully the beginning of the next week.

Committee Report
The Trustees of Reservations – Chris Kennedy
Chris reviewed the budget of the operations of Norton Point Beach.  Chris explained that the Trustees transfored approximately $15,000 during the first year into the budget for start-up cost.  The first year there was a deficiet, but this past year there was a surplus.  Chris explained how the surplus would be dispursed.  He explained that after purchasing a truck there was a surplus of around $32,000, of which the $15,000 of start-up funds were reimbursed.  The remaining balance of $16,000 would be split 80% to TTOR and 20% to the County.  The County’s share would be approximately $3,000.

There was discussion regarding who was the owner of the truck that was purchased.  Chris stated that the County owns 20% of the truck.  He said that Noreen agreed to an arrangement that all of the capital would be assessed fair market value and split 80% TTOR and 20% County.  He stated that he had discussed the capital expenses for this year with Noreen and the Sheriff.  Tristan stated that the County does not want to micro-manage, however expenses over $7,000 or $8,000 should be brought to the County Manager for discussion.  Chris suggested the figure of $5,000 and thought it was reasonable.  

Carlene pointed out that revenues came in higher than what was projected and the expenses were lower.  She asked if the expenses would be less in the future because the intial start-up expenses were done.  Chris said he had expected the expenses to remain around the same.

There was a brief discussion regarding the t-shirts and other merchandise.  The Commissioners suggested selling the merchandise somewhere else and offered to help in anyway.

Chris briefly reviewed this season’s activities.  He stated that the figures are pretty close to last years.  

County Manager’s Report – Russell Smith
State Beach Regulations
Russell said that he had re-written the beach regulations based on the input from the Beach Committee meeting.  He has simplified the rules by creating two documents, general rules and events over 50 people.  

Tristan said he would like to hold a public hearing at the next meeting.

Les pointed out that there are four people interested in filling the vacant County Commissioner seat.  The interviews were on the agenda for that meeting.  He asked the Commissioners if they would like to have the public hearing at the same meeting.

It was agreed to have a public hearing at the next regular meeting from 5 to 5:30.  The interviews for County Commissioner would be held after that.  

Russell said that he would like to go to the towns of Edgartown and Oak Bluffs with the new regulations, before it went to public hearing.  He would like the Beach Committee to meet so that there is consensus.  The Commissioners agreed that it could wait until the regulations were approved.

Woody Williams pointed out that the proposed regulations should be on the website for the public to review.  Russell said he would figure out how and get it done.

Roger Wey suggested that Russell get someone to help out for a few hours a week until the Executive Assistant position is filled.  He suggested Jennifer Randolph.  Les Leland agreed.  

Tristan Israel mentioned that he would like to more involvement with Cape Light and other energy projects.  He also stated that he would like an update on the efforts to form an Aggricultural Commission.  

Carlene asked  about the status of the implementation of the Charter Study Recommendations.  Tristan said that the sub-committee had not met.  Les said that Lenny had been in the office and had been working on the recommendations.  There was discussion regarding when the committee would meet.  It was agreed that a target date for the recommendations to be brought back to the Commissioners would be in two meetings.  

Woody Williams stated that he felt it was important that the Charter Study be involved when the recommendations are on the agenda.  

There was discussion regarding the one recommendation of the Charter Study that had not been approved by the Commissioners.  Woody said he would like to see it discussed again by the Commissioners and said he was disappointed that it had been dropped.  Russell explained that the Airport had received a legal oppionon from the FAA already.  It had been given to the County Commissioners.  Carlene assured Woody that the issue could be discussed again in the future.  

·       The Dukes County Airport Commission will meet Wednesday August 6, 2008 at 5:30pm at the Airport Conference Room.
·       The Dukes County Commissioners will meet Wednesday August 13, 2008 at 5pm at the Dukes County Administration Building.

The Commissioners adjourned the meeting at 6:07 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts