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DCC Minutes 04-09-08
Dukes County Commission Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
5 p.m.
County Administration Building
Call to Order
Chairman Les Leland called the County Commissioner’s meeting to order at 5 p.m.  Commissioners Roger Wey, John Alley, Tristan Israel, Paul Strauss and Carlene Gatting were present.  

Also in attendance were Acting County Manager Noreen Mavro - Flanders, Executive Assistant Jennifer Randolph, Bret Stearns, Martha's Vineyard Times, Vineyard Gazette, and MVTV.

New Business
Bret Stearns – Wampanoag Tribe Natural Resource Director
Bret explained to the board that Old South Road is in a County Layout.  He said the road runoff is currently draining into Occooch Stream, which is located on Tribal lands.  He is currently working on a project, which will correct the problem.  The road will be paved, and runoff will be forced into a catch basin for ground water infiltration.  After the construction is complete, the sides of the road will be re-vegetated with native grasses and stream restoration will begin.  He stated that in order to bid the project under federal guidelines he needs the County Commission to give consent and be the applicant in the state filing.

Tristan Israel / John Alley Moved to give the Tribe consent to the Old South Road project and to be the applicant in the state filing, So Voted, unanimous, (6-0-0).

Paul Strauss asked why pave the road.  Bret explained that because of the amount of clay on the road, the only way to get the water off of the surface is in one spot, which requires paving.

Tristan Israel / Roger Wey Moved to enter into Executive Session for contract negotiations and to reconvene into open session, So Voted, unanimous, (6-0-0), Tristan Israel, Roger Wey, John Alley, Paul Strauss, Carlene Gatting, and Les Leland AYE.

Reconvene into Open Session at 5:40

Tristan Israel / Paul Strauss Moved to hire Russell Smith as the terms agreed to in the attached document, So Voted, unanimous (6-0-0).

John Alley left the meeting at 5:45p.m

Russell Smith thanked the Commissioners

The Commissioners thanked Noreen for her hard work filling in as Acting County Manager.

Tristan Israel / Carlene Gatting Moved to approve the minutes of August 1, 2007, So Voted, unanimous (5-0-0).

Carlene Gatting / Tristan Israel Moved to approve the minutes of April 4, 2008, So Voted, unanimous(5-0-0).

Chairman’s Report and Communication
Les Leland reported on the meeting with the Tribal Council.  He said it went very well and will provide a written report at a future date.

Acting County Manager – Noreen Mavro-Flanders
Surplus Property
Noreen said that the Island Council on Aging called and would be able to use the Emergency Management Van that was declared surplus.  

Tristan Israel / Roger Wey Moved to give the Emergency Management Van that was declared surplus to the Island Council of Aging, So Voted, unanimous, (5-0-0).

Sheriff Update
Noreen reported that since it looks like H 4498 (Sheriff’s bill) will go to study, Secretary Kirwan from the Executive Office of Administration & Finance has putting the pressure on counties and County Sheriffs.

She said that Sheriff McCormack is not available to be at the meeting, but provided a letter that he has received.  She explained that the Sheriff has stated that he needs approximately $700,000 to finish FY08.

She said that some of the information in the second paragraph is misleading.  The $49 million that the County Sheriffs have received in supplemental budgets is not being added to the main operating budget of the departments as is done for the state sheriffs. This funding method is inequitable, as the Sheriff has stated many times.  

She stated that the last sentence, which directs the Sheriff to bring his “spending in line with available revenues or work with your County Commissioners to find additional revenue to support your request” is just ludicrous.  

Draft Airport Budget Update
Noreen presented a consolidation of the Airport’s FY09 draft budget.  She said that   Sean hopes to have it approved at the 4/16/08 MVY Commission meeting.

Tristan said that he would like a walk through of the budget from John Alley at the next meeting.

TTOR Update
Noreen reported that TTOR has appointed a new Superintendent that will be responsible for Norton Point Beach.  She said she hopes they would be in attendance at the next meeting for a review.

Town Meeting Update
Noreen said that she, Sarah, and TJ had been making the rounds of Town meetings to be available for any questions regarding the county articles.  Both Tisbury and Edgartown have approved Rodent Control and VHCAP.  Both Oak Bluffs and West Tisbury meetings were continued to tonight, and the finance committees of both towns have recommended the programs as has Aquinnah.  Chilmark has put the programs on the ballot as override questions.

Seminar Update
Noreen reminded everyone of the two seminars the County is hosting this week.

·       Thursday 4/10/08, at 5:30 in the MVRHS Library conference       room, VHCAP has a spokesperson from the Connector (Commonwealth) to make clear what the duties of employers are under the new health laws.

·       Friday, April 11, 2008 at 1:00 at the MVTA, Congressman Delahunt’s office is co-sponsoring a Grants Forum  “How to Research and Apply for Grants through “”  

Committee Reports
Beach Rules & Regs / Private Party Permits – Carlene Gatting
Carlene provided a brief history of why the rules and regulations were being updated.  It was agreed that the Commissioners would review the updates and discuss it at the next meeting.  It was also agreed that there would be a public hearing after the Commissioners review the changes.  Noreen pointed out that at the public hearing it could be discussed to ask the legislature to raise the amount of the fines the County could give.  It was agreed that the Commissioners would email Jennifer Randolph any comments or changes.

New Business
Parking Fees – Carol Grant
Carol reported to the Commissioners that the State had increased the amount of the parking fines.  She said that she had already spoken to the Towns and they had already raised their fines in form or another.  She said there is only one small area the County would be able to increase their fines, and that was behind the courthouse.  

Tristan Israel / Roger Wey Moved to increase the County’s parking fines behind the Courthouse to be consistent with the Town of Edgartown, So Voted, unanimous (5-0-0).

Intergrated Pest Management – T.J. Hegarty
T.J gave the Commissioners an overview of the seminar he was sponsoring May 6th on an “Introduction to Intergraded Inspectional Services, Rodent Control and Bed Bug threat to Hotels, B&B’s and Homes in Massachusetts.”

All Island Board of Selectmen Meeting Date
The Commissioners agreed that May 7, 2008 would be the best date for them to attend the All Island Board of Selectmen Meeting.

Tristan said that he would like the name of the department changed to Integrated Pest Management.  Noreen said that the name had been changed.

·       Cape Light Compact Report
Les said that Peter Hefler would be attending the next meeting to discuss the report.  Tristan pointed out that it does not seem the Vineyard is not utilizing the program and should do some more publicity.

·       Letter to Sheriff McCormack from Leslie Kirwan (Secretary of Administration & Finance)

Next Meeting
It was agreed the next meeting would be on April 30, 2008 at 5pm.

Public Comment
It was pointed out that the deadline to turn in nomination papers for County Commissioner is on April 29th at 5pm to the local election officials.

Carlene said that she felt the County should make an effort to make the nomination papers available at the County Administration Building and to the Town Clerk’s office.

Russell Smith said he would obtain the papers from the State.

Tristan Isreal / Carlene Gatting Moved to place an ad in both newspapers encouraging people to run, So Voted, unanimous, (5-0-0).


·       The Dukes County Contributory Retirement Board will meet on Tuesday May 6th at 10am at the Retirement Office.
·       The Dukes County Airport Commission will meet on Wednesday, April 16th, at 5:30 p.m. at the Airport Administration Building.
·       The Dukes County Commissioners will meet on Wednesday April 30th, at 5pm at the County Administration Building.
·       The Dukes County Charter Study Commission will meet on Thursday April 10th at 5pm at the Oak Bluffs Council of Aging.

The Commissioners adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts