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County Commission Minutes 06-14-2006
June 14, 2006 at 5:00 p.m.
County Administration Building
(with Notice of Such Meeting having been Posted as Required by Law)

Call to order
Chairman John Alley called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.  A quorum was present.  Commissioners Leonard Jason Jr., Paul Strauss, Leslie Leland and Robert M. Sawyer were present as well as County Manager E. Winn Davis, and Deborah H. Potter, Executive Assistant.  

Other representatives or visitors present included Joanie Ames of MVTV; Noreen Mavro Flanders, Dukes County Treasurer; Chuck Cotnoir, Dukes County Emergency Management Director, Sheriff Michael McCormack, Dukes County Sheriff; Sean Flynn, Airport Manager;

New Business:
Update from Dr. Ilene Klein, Associate Commissioner for Health Care Access:
Dr. Klein updated the commissioners on her progress in a variety of areas she is working on in relation to her capacity as the ACHCA including:

·       Lyme disease forum:  Dr. Klein noted the forum was extremely well attended with 100% attendance of registered guests on Friday night and an extremely well attended Saturday public session.  They received numerous questions that will be answered and posted on the county website and noted that additional opportunities as a result of this forum may eventually include a potential partnership with an internist coming at the end of the month, the initiation of the database with tick related info, and translating the forum into Portuguese for re-broadcast.  

·       LPHS survey:   Dr. Klein reported that this survey regarding the island, also having been done by 25 states and 400 counties, is nearing completion.  She noted that there are ten standards and they are doing 10 different groups involving approximately 100 individuals with a wide cross section of people.  She stated the results of the initial report will be shared with the participants first, then with other groups, such as the DCHC, MVH, Commissioners, as appropriate.    

·       Dukes County Health Statistics Database:   Dr. Klein reported that the creation of this new database is starting with the help of Dan Pace who has a significant amount of related experience.  She noted they would start small by working with Tick Borne Diseases first and then through the feedback from users look for potential grants to start a more long term, viable, and more detailed database.   
Mr. Davis thanked Dr. Klein for her efforts, as well as for the Zane’s contributions, that enabled this forum to happen noting that Dr. Klein actually had to close the enrollment prior to the event because of it being so well attended.  

Adoption of Minutes
The minutes of the May 17 and 24th as well as the meeting notes for May 31, 2006 were deferred.

County Managers Report:
Mr. Davis reported on the following areas:
DCR:  Mr. Davis reported that since the last meeting, the DCR grant has been restored and noted that the initial schedule is get the handicapped access this week and then address other needs.  He noted that once the contract comes back from Boston, the funds can be received and then disbursed.  Mr. Strauss noted that he was at a FOS meeting and they reported essentially the same thing.

Budget:  Mr. Davis noted that while the information is not confirmed the expectation is that the budget will be approved as it was presented.

Airport:  Mr. Davis advised that the lawsuit has been settled and the checks have been issued.  Mr. Davis also noted he has been in contact with Chairman Perry of the Airport Commission to resolve any ongoing issues.

Fuel Oil Bid:  Mr. Davis is looking into the possibility of issuing an RFP for a secondary fuel oil bid for island residents and for an arborist to spray for caterpillars.

Oak Bluffs Selectmen’s Meeting:  Mr. Davis reported that he attended the Oak Bluffs Selectmen’s meeting and one idea was to create a flyer to mail to each resident advising what services the county provides.  He noted that he received questions about the Beaches and the role of Emergency Management from the County’s standpoint.  Mr. Wey added that it was a constructive discussion with a lot of positive input and that it is important that we get out the information about what the county does.  

Edgartown Meeting:  Mr. Davis also went to Edgartown on May 30 and that meeting also went well.  Mr. Smadbeck asked if the county could look into mosquito control.  Mr. Davis reported that Kendra Read is leaving so this was an opportune time to reevaluate the position and the direction of the department.

Courthouse:  Mr. Davis reported that during the last rain, there was substantial flooding to the basement and that this problem needs to be addressed.  Mr. Davis stated he was going to talk to Commissioner Jason in his capacity as Building Inspector to determine what options are available.  

Chairman’s Report and Communication:  

Subcommittee Reports:  
MACC meeting:  Mr. Jason felt that the recent meeting of the Massachusetts Association of Counties was interesting and found the information that was addressed was helpful.  Mr. Davis advised that the discussion also included talks on regional issues.

Mr. Strauss noted that a sub-theme included identifying what some counties do that some others do not.  Mr. Davis noted that our Sheriff’s 311 system was a good example of an extra service that we provide.  Mr. Alley then noted that the idea of having a RFP for Fuel Oil Bid for residents was discussed last year and was brought up again this year so he will forward to Mr. Davis the information in the future to include in the RFP.

Old Business:
Mr. Davis noted that he is working on this with Senator O’Leary in regards to a room tax as a means of increasing alternative revenue.

Mr. Jason asked how long would Ms. Potter still be available and Mr. Davis noted that with Sean Flynn’s consent, Ms. Potter agreed to continue helping until a replacement can be found and trained.  Mr. Davis added that there are 8 applicants who are all being interviewed tomorrow.  

Public Comment:
Mr. Kinsella asked what was the 311 system and Mr. Davis explained that it was similar to the 911 system but set up to answer non-emergency related questions or reports.

Mr. Kinsella also asked what the $30,000 grant for State Beach would be used for and Mr. Davis replied for the development of a Beach Management Plan, roping, public education, and many other areas.  Mr. Kinsella also asked if the county has received this money in the past and Mr. Davis stated yes that the grant was in effect two years ago, was not renewed for one year, and is now re-instated.  

Mr. Kinsella also asked about the alternative revenue.  Mr. Davis noted there were two ideas right now to find extra revenue without taxing residents with one being a room tax and an alternative concept, as suggested by Senator O’Leary, to expand the room tax to private homes that are rented seasonally.  Mr. Davis noted that due to a variety of reasons, this second method is not the preferred approach.  

Mr. Wey asked about the parking proposal for paid parking on State Beach.  Mr. Davis noted that it is still pending but the process is lengthy with the state.  He added that it was too late for this year but might be worked out in the future.  

Mr. Kinsella also asked if Deb Potter was being paid for both positions or just one and was advised that Ms. Potter was being paid for just one position while temporally function in both capacities.  He also asked how many commissioners attended the MACC meeting and Mr. Davis replied 6 of 7 with Mr. Wey in Boston for Medical treatment.  Mr. Kinsella also inquired if there was any expense to the County for this meeting and Mr. Davis stated that there was none.   

·       The Martha's Vineyard Airport Commission meets June 21 at 5:30 p.m. at the General Aviation Building
·       The Dukes County Health Council meets June 22 at 7:30 a.m. at the West Tisbury Public Safety Building
·       The Dukes County Regional Housing Authority meets TBD The Martha's Vineyard Airport Commission meets 5p.m. at the General Aviation Building
·        4 p.m. at the DCRHA building, State Road, Vineyard Haven.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Alley at 6:20p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by:

JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts11142006_32213_0.bmp