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County Commission Minutes 08/22/01

A regular meeting of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was held on Wednesday, August 22, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the County Administration Building, notice of such meeting having been posted as required by law.

Commissioners Present:  Leslie H. Leland, Chairman
                                E. B. Collins
                                Roger Wey       
                                Leonard Jason, Jr.
                                Robert Sawyer
                                Daniel Flynn

        Absent:         John Alley

Also Present:  Carol Borer, County Manager      
                  Marsha Smolev, Executive Assistant
                  Hank Decoteau, Veterans’ Agent
                  Jo Ann Murphy, Veterans’ Agent
                  Alice Boyd, Consultant
                  David Kann, Director, Wastewater Treatment Facility
                  Eleanor Smith
                  Marjorie Berry
                  Edward Colligan
                  Frederick Thifault
                  Gene De Felice
                  Arthur B. Dickson
Chairman Leland called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m., introducing his mother and Mrs. Borer’s mother, and welcoming them and Veterans in attendance to the meeting of the County Commissioners.  

Commissioner Collins Moved that the Minutes of August 8, 2001
be approved as written.  Commissioner Sawyer Seconded the Motion.
The Minutes were approved unanimously.

Commissioner Sawyer, representing the Proclamation Subcommittee of the County Commissioners, presented Henry “Hank” Decoteau with a Citation for his fifteen years of commitment and dedicated service to veterans and their families. The new Veterans’ Agent, Jo Ann Murphy, and other Veterans were in attendance for the presentation.  The Commissioners and County Manager individually thanked Mr. Decoteau and expressed their gratitude for his years of devoted work.  They offered best wishes to him on his retirement.

The County Manager began her report by reminding the Commissioners about the All Island Selectmen’s meeting on Nantucket on September 29, and about the SSA Forum on August 28.  
Mrs. Borer distributed a letter from Joe Eldredge and explained that she will be working with him to investigate compliance issues surrounding possible environmental risks associated with the SSA. Discussion followed about whether or not Mrs. Borer should participate in this research. Commissioner Flynn was not in favor of “adding credibility to the letter.”  Commissioner Jason suggested viewing the research as a learning process.  Mrs. Borer stressed that she has informed Mr. Eldredge that she will not be looking at the issues mentioned in the letter.  Her focus will be on compliance and environmental risks.  Commissioner Wey thought it couldn’t hurt to look into it.  

There was some discussion on the timing of the Forum, with Commissioner Sawyer voicing concern that there was not enough publicity and time before the scheduled event.  He said success of a Forum could be measured by the turnout, and he believes turnout will be limited due to scheduling and lack of enough publicity.  

Discussion continued about the need for a series of informational meetings on the SSA.  Commissioner Wey voiced concern about the financial stability of the SSA over the next few years.  Commissioner Flynn agreed that if the economy continues on a down turn, the SSA will have to increase fares and that will have a direct economic impact on Islanders.  

Mrs. Borer reported that the Dukes County Regional Housing Authority would be reporting to the Commissioners in September, probably on the 19th.  The County Manager also will be scheduling a meeting of the New York Avenue sub-committee (Commissioners Wey and Jason) after Labor Day, to review the Questionnaires that have been returned.  

The Chairman did not have a report.

Commissioner Wey reported that the Oak Bluffs’ Selectmen voted unanimously to support Representative Turkington’s Legislation that will require a moped renter to have a motorcycle license.  

Commissioner Wey Moved that the County Commissioners send a
letter to Representative Turkington stating that they support this
Legislation to require moped renters to be licensed for operating
motorcycles.  Commissioner Jason Seconded the Motion.  
The Vote to pass the Motion was Unanimous.

Commissioner Wey also reported that the Oak Bluffs’ Selectmen are working with Mass Highway and the County Engineer on a modification of the traffic pattern at the blinking light.  They are considering either a roundabout or a traffic light.

Mrs. Borer reported that Veterans’ Agent Jo Ann Murphy has begun work and is presently working 12 hours/week.  Based on the number of cases/year, this amounts to about 23 hours/caseload/year.  Commissioner Flynn suggested that at the time 12 hours is no longer enough, the hours can be reviewed.

Mrs. Borer reminded the Commissioners that the trip to Cuttyhunk is August 29th.  Commissioner Sawyer was disappointed that the trip was not being rescheduled to accommodate some who could not attend.

Commissioner Collins Moved that the meeting adjourn.  Commissioner
Sawyer Seconded the Motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:19 PM.

Complete text of meeting is available on tape at the County Commissioner’s office.
