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County Commission Minutes 06/27/01

A regular meeting of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was held on Wednesday, June 27, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. in Courtroom of the Courthouse, notice of such meeting having been posted as required by law.

Commissioners Present:  Leslie H. Leland, Chairman
                                E. B. Collins
                                Roger Wey       
                                Leonard Jason, Jr.
                                Robert Sawyer
                                Daniel Flynn
                                John Alley
Also Present:  Carol Borer, County Manager      
                  Marsha Smolev, Executive Assistant
                  Dianne Powers, Register of Deeds
                  Noreen Flanders, Treasurer
                  Steve Berlucchi, County Engineer
Chairman Leland called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.  Commissioner Collins Moved to Approve the Minutes of June 6, 2001. Commissioner Jason Seconded the Motion. The Minutes were Accepted as written with Commissioners Alley and Flynn abstaining. Commissioner Collins Moved to Approve the Minutes of June 13, 2001. Commissioner Alley Seconded the Motion. The Minutes were Accepted as written.

The County Manager reported that she has been meeting with Consultant Alice Boyd and Selectmen to pursue a Regional Housing Rehabilitation Grant.  Mrs. Borer also reported that she will be meeting with Jo Ann Murphy, Commander of Post 257 of the American Legion, about the status of the Veterans’ Agent.  Mrs. Borer stated that the Dukes County Regional Housing Authority is considering changing its name for business purposes, and that she and Chairman Leland will be meeting with the DCRHA.  This may require a change in legislation.  Commissioner Jason asked the County Manager to find out how the DCRHA is coming along with their Needs Assessment.

Mrs. Borer reviewed her letter to Michael Lambert of the Division of Capital Asset Management requesting that an upgrade to the Courthouse electrical system be included in their list of Courthouse improvements and renovations.  Mrs. Borer has been informed that the lift will be replaced, and the electrical upgrade included.  Commissioner Flynn commended the County Manager on this accomplishment.

The County Manager reported that the Sheriff’s Department gave the County a vehicle.  Mrs. Borer thanked the Sheriff.  Chairman Leland reported that he and Commissioners Wey and Sawyer attended the DCRHA open house at their new Office Building.  

Commissioner Flynn noted that the outer channel of Oak Bluffs has been dredged and the fill used to improve the road along State Beach.  He thanked the Oak Bluffs’ Highway Department and the County Recreation Department for this important improvement.  Commissioner Flynn said the Beach has never looked this good!

Commissioner Sawyer reported that the Committee on Emergency Medical Services has been meeting and that the process is moving along well.  There will be a meeting with the Hospital to begin to finalize the terms of the Contract.

County Engineer Berlucchi reported that the New York Avenue sheds are structurally sound and could be moved.  The individual cesspools will have to be addressed.  Commissioner Wey said he would bring this up with the Oak Bluffs’ Selectmen.  Mrs. Borer is researching zoning at the property, to be sure that moving the sheds will not preclude future housing on the property.  Mr. Berlucchi reported on the other engineering projects currently underway.

Mrs. Borer reviewed the need to decide how to use the office space that will be available when she and her assistant move to the County Administration Building.  Discussion followed.  The Commissioners reviewed a request from Register of Deeds, Dianne Powers, for the Registry to use the space.  Commissioner Sawyer voiced his support for Ms. Powers’ use of the office.  Commissioner Flynn Moved that the County Commissioners support the efforts of the Register of Deeds to move into the office space on the first floor of the Courthouse that will be vacated by the Executive Assistant. Commissioner Alley Seconded the Motion.  The Vote in favor of the Motion was Unanimous.  

The Commissioners will be informed about the date for the Annual trip to Cuttyhunk.
Commissioner Jason Moved that the meeting adjourn.  Commissioner Collins Seconded the Motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:12 PM.

Complete text of meeting is available on tape at the County Commissioner’s office.
