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County Commission Minutes 06/06/01

A special meeting of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was held on Wednesday, June 6, 2001, at 4:30 p.m. in Courtroom of the Courthouse, notice of such meeting having been posted as required by law.

Commissioners Present:  Leslie H. Leland, Chairman
                                E. B. Collins
                                Roger Wey       
                                Leonard Jason, Jr.
                                Robert Sawyer
                                Daniel Flynn
                Absent: John Alley
Also Present:  Carol Borer, County Manager      
                  Marsha Smolev, Executive Assistant
                  Noreen Flanders, County Treasurer
                  Richard Combra, Selectman, Oak Bluffs
                  Rob Culbert, Director Water Testing Lab, Recreation Manager
                  William Weibrecht, Airport Manager
                  Sean Flynn, Assistant Airport Manager
                  Sheriff McCormack
                  David Kann, Director Wastewater Treatment Facility
                  Dianne Powers, Register of Deeds
Chairman Leland called the meeting to order at 4:43 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing the Fiscal Year 2002 Budget.

The County Manager reviewed each line item in each Department, beginning with Department 300, County Commissioners’.  This Department’s budget is going up 5.2%.

Commissioner Wey questioned where funds were coming from for the fence on the New York Avenue property.  The County Manager reviewed Department 800, Cooperative Extension Service, which includes those funds.  

The Associate Commissioners’ Budget, Department 301, is the same as FY2001.

The Budget for the Parking Clerk, Department 310, shows new costs for data communication lines that tie this Department into the Department of Motor Vehicles.  This also raises the telephone expense line.

The Courthouse Budget, Department 600, was reviewed.  The County Manager reported that the Fuel Bid for FY2002 was about to be awarded, the price being 99 cents.  The Executive Assistant calculated the savings for the County for FY 2001 to equal about $197,000 as a result of the County’s Fuel Oil Bid.  Therefore, the Fuel expense line reflects costs on the new bid.

Chairman Leland asked about maintenance costs for the Courthouse.  Mrs. Borer said capital expenses and Courthouse repairs would be reviewed at the Supplemental Budget. There is funding in the FY2002 Budget to replace the fuel storage tanks.

Department 610, County Administration Building, showed an increase of 60%, with the move of the County Commissioners’ Office.  The County will now be maintaining two buildings.

Department 700, Engineer, included a draftsman to assist the County Engineer.  This Department showed a decrease of 1.5%.

Commissioner Wey asked if there was any consideration given to hiring a grant writer.  The County Manager said there was no money in the Budget at this time for a grant writer, but this could be considered at a later date.  This will be added to a list of possible expenses for a Supplemental Budget in FY02.

The County Manager presented the value of services and corresponding dedicated project hours to the Towns and County for the services provided by the County Engineer:
Chilmark                                   50 hours     $  5,000
Oak Bluffs                                 70 hours     $  7,000
Edgartown                                500 hours      $50,000
Tisbury                                  140 hours      $14,000
West Tisbury                       52 hours     $  5,200
Airport                          250 hours      $25,000
Gen. County &Admin. Bldg.        845 hours      $84,500
State Beach                                15 hours     $  1,500

Department 1000 showed an increase in auditing and accounting expenses due to the new requirements of GASB 34. Mrs. Borer reviewed expenses including legal and miscellaneous contractual, in this Department and reported the increase of 2.63%.

There was some discussion about the Smart Map cost that is paid for in Department 1400, Bureau of Economic Development.

Department 1500 was reviewed.  This covers the salary and benefits for the Health Access Coordinator.  Operating expenses for this program come from grants, while the county pays the salary and benefits.

There was discussion about showing Department 1500 grant revenues in the Budget.  The Treasurer reported that only County appropriations are shown in the County Budget.

The Health Council had requested that Department 1510 be discussed next week.

The County Manager reviewed Department 1600, Human Services, which includes funds for the Aids Alliance and for Scott Ridley, Cape Light Compact Consultant.  Mrs. Borer presented information regarding the Housing Rehabilitation Grant that she and Alice Boyd, Consultant, will be introducing to the Towns for grant applications.

The Water Testing Lab Budget was reviewed, Department 1610.  Rob Culbert and the Assistant Director will each be spending 15 hours in the Lab.  Mr. Culbert will be requesting funds for an autoclave in the Supplemental Budget.

Airport Manager William Weibrecht answered questions about the Airport Budget, Department 1700.  Electricity costs have increased dramatically, as have costs for vehicle insurance (more vehicles.)  Department 1700, Airport, is up 12.6%.

Department 2700, Wastewater Treatment Facility, went up with the addition of a temporary employee, and, Mr. Weibrecht said there would be capital expenses to cover replacement of sewer pipes.

Health Insurance for the County is up about 48% due to the increase in cost of insurance and the number of retirees, Department 1800.

Recreation Department 2000 was reviewed.  Health insurance and telephone  costs are increasing (seasonal cell phones.)

Department 2200, Civil Defense Department, was discussed.  There will be some capital expenditures requested in the Supplemental Budget.  The County Manager reported that William Searle will no longer be the County Director of Search and Rescue because he is now coordinating the entire Northeast Region Search and Rescue Team for the State.  Karen Ogden has been named Director of SAR.

It was explained that money will be carried over in Department 2800, the Dukes County Regional Housing Authority.  (The funds for the fence on the New York Avenue property came from this Department during the FY2001 Supplemental Budget.)

Mrs. Borer explained that TJ Hegarty will be the new County Rodent Control Officer, head of Department 3200.  Discussion followed about how much to charge for his services.  Commissioner Jason thanked the County Manager for working to establish this important service.

The Veterans’ Agent’s Department 3300 was discussed.  Mrs. Borer gave the history of the change in the Agent’s hours to part-time.  Mr. Decoteau had been working one day/week for a number of years.  When Mr. Decoteau told Mrs. Borer, last summer, that the Veterans’ Agent had to be hired full-time in order to be in compliance with State Law changes, Mrs. Borer changed his status to full-time.  Upon review with the State Veterans’ Service, State Veterans’ Legal Counsel and the Attorney General’s Office, it was discovered that the Legislation in 1982 (an Act providing for a County Veterans’ Agent in the County of Dukes County) stated that the County could decide if the position is part or full-time.  Mrs. Borer changed the Veterans’ Agent’s hours to 20 hours, rather than the 8 hours he was working prior to January, 2001.  Commissioners Flynn and Wey voiced concern that they were not informed of these changes.  

The Communications Center, Registry of Deeds and Sheriff’s Departments were reviewed and noted these Budgets are increased for Maintenance of Effort at 2.5%.   

Mrs. Borer asked the County Commissioners to consider raising the allowance for reimbursement for mileage.  The County reimbursement is 22 cents.
It was noted that the FY 2002 Budget Review would continue to the County Commissioners meeting on June 13, 2001, to begin with the FY 2002 Projected Revenues.
Commissioner Jason Moved that the meeting adjourn.  Commissioner Collins Seconded the Motion. The meeting adjourned at 6:37 PM.

Complete text of meeting is available on tape at the County Commissioner’s office.
