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County Commission Minutes 03/28/01

A regular meeting of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was held on Wednesday, March 28, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. in Courtroom of the Courthouse, notice of such meeting having been posted as required by law.

Commissioners Present:  Leslie H. Leland, Chairman
                                E. B. Collins
                                Robert Sawyer
                                Roger Wey       
                                Leonard Jason, Jr.
                                John Alley
                                Daniel Flynn
Also Present:  Carol Borer, County Manager      
                  Marsha Smolev, Executive Assistant
 Sheriff McCormack     
                  Noreen Flanders, Treasurer
                  Steve Berlucchi, Engineer
                  Bill Weibrecht, Airport Manager
Chairman Leland called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m.  Commissioner Collins Moved to Approve the Minutes of March 14, 2001. The Minutes were Accepted.  Commissioners Alley and Flynn Abstained due to absence.

The County Manager reported that she attended a Purchasing and Procurement Contract Law Seminar.  The County will be looking to centralize procurement of supplies and will be refining Contracts.  Mrs. Borer will be attending the Healthy Communities Institute Team Training next week.  The focus of this is to approach collaborative community based public and private health care partnerships.

Mrs. Borer announced that the New York Avenue Charrette is scheduled for May 5th in the Oak Bluffs’ School Community Room.  Commissioner Wey requested that the neighbors be informed about the Charrette.  

The County Manager also reported that the Dukes County Regional Housing Authority interviewed candidates for the position of Executive Director.  Board members have chosen a candidate to be announced soon.

The cost or repairing damage on State Beach from the March storm is estimated at $250,000.  Mrs. Borer is communicating with State officials to find State and Federal funding.

Mrs. Borer has been meeting with The Bridge, the committee working on a Youth Recreation Center. She met with town officials about putting the Intermunicipal Agreement on Town Warrants, and is working on the FY02 Budget.  

The County Manager reported that she sent, on behalf of the County Commissioners, three volumes of Banks’ History of Martha’s Vineyard to Senator Rob O’Leary, with thanks for his years of service as a Barnstable County Commissioner.  The Dukes County Commissioners were not able to attend the party held in his honor in Barnstable.

Commissioner Collins presented the recommendation of the subcommittee that was working on compensation for the County Manager (attached.)  Discussion followed.  Commissioner Collins Moved that all five recommendations be adopted.  Commissioner Jason Seconded the Motion.  
The Vote was 5 “aye” and 1 (Commissioner Flynn) voting “nay.”  The Motion passed.  Commissioner Wey voiced concern that the County Manager did not have a Contract.  Commissioner Jason said that Counsel did not recommend one.

Commissioner Sawyer reported that the Dukes County Health Council voted to endorse the new direction of the Intermunicipal Agreement, which is to fund Emergency Medical Services the first year and also other Health Care programs in years two and three.  Also, the League of Women Voters has endorsed putting the two non-binding questions about school regionalization on the town ballots.  

Commissioner Flynn updated the Commissioners on the SSA Task Force deliberations by reporting that the Task Force was impressed with the Vineyard presentation. Commissioner Flynn commended Mrs. Borer for organizing the presentation and information distributed.  Commissioner Jason
thanked Commissioner Flynn for his work on the Task Force.

Jim Powers and David Dube of Powers and Sullivan presented the Audit, beginning by saying that there are no issues about Federal Awards (a compliance report.)  Mr. Powers explained the General Purpose Financial Statements, the result of operations ending FY June 30, 2000.  He said the County will have to do an historical cost, meaning the cost of what the County paid for the Courthouse, the Airport, and so on.  Mr. Powers explained that government accounting standards boards set the rules and the rules are the law.  Discussion followed about cost based accounting.  Mrs. Borer asked if the County is moving from cash based accounting to accrual.  Mr. Powers explained it’s a modified accrual basis.  Commissioner Sawyer stressed the need for comparisons with previous years.  Jim Powers will, next year, add comparisons of FY 2000 and FY 2001.  

Mr. Powers said, “the County is as healthy as I’ve seen it over several years.”  He commented on the consistent fund balance, surpluses, reserve funds.  He stressed the need to resolve the cost allocation plan issue, the only issue outstanding.  There are $228,000 in question.  Depending on where these funds are placed, County funds and Airport funds will be adjusted.  The lack of resolution to date is footnoted.  

Referring to the Management Letter, Mr. Powers reiterated that the County is in great shape financially.  Mrs. Borer remarked that the Management Letter has gotten much thinner in the past few years!  Mr. Powers discussed the GASB, with its deadline of 2002.  This adds a management discussion and analysis that tells, “where you are, how you got there, and where you’re going.”  Commissioner Sawyer said he would like to see this accounting done sooner.  Mr. Powers said that it could be done as soon as fixed assets are completed.

Commissioner Flynn requested a glossary of terms.  It was noted that the Cost Allocation issue must be resolved before June 30, 2001.  

Powers and Sullivan recommend a more formal schedule of accounting and procedures.  The County Manager thanked Jim Powers and David Dube for their presentation and stated that resolving the Cost Allocation issue would be a priority for April. There was some discussion about an Airport Enterprise Fund.  Jim Powers explained that this would mean that the Airport would recover costs through rate charges, etc., and that it would not then rely on government funds.

Commissioner Alley Moved to Accept the Report of the Auditors pending the Allocation of Overhead Costs be resolved and the Schedule of Financial Procedures be addressed as stated in the Management Letter.  Commissioner Collins Seconded the Motion.  The Vote was Unanimous.

Mrs. Borer asked that the County Commissioners consider starting an Agricultural Task Force to investigate possible opportunities in agriculture.  Commissioner Jason volunteered to serve on this Task Force, as did Commissioner Alley.  

Commissioner Sawyer asked about starting a Subcommittee to investigate funding sources.  Commissioner Sawyer will chair the Funding Subcommittee.  Commissioners Jason and Alley will be on the Committee and Commissioner Wey will “consult.”

Commissioner Jason Moved that the meeting adjourn.  Commissioner Sawyer Seconded the Motion.

The meeting adjourned at 9:08.

Complete text of meeting is available on tape at the County Commissioner’s office.
