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County Commission Minutes 10/13/99

A regular meeting of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was held on Wednesday, October 13, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. at the Dukes County Courthouse, notice of such meeting having been posted as required by law.

Commissioners Present:  Linda Sibley, Chairman
Daniel Flynn
                                Leonard Jason, Jr.
                                Leslie H. Leland
                                Robert Sawyer
        E. B. Collins

                Absent: Tim Carroll
Also Present:           Carol Borer, County Manager
                                Marsha Smolev, Executive Assistant

Chairman Sibley called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Commissioner Flynn Moved that the Minutes of September 22, 1999 be approved as amended.  (The amendments being to add the word Registry in front of Revenue on page 2 paragraph 1, and to add All Island to the Hospital Task Force.)  Commissioners Collins and Jason abstained.  The Motion passed.

Commissioner Jason left at 7:32 PM.

County Manager’s Report: Mrs. Borer reported that the All Island Hospital Task Force has been working with Rick Manley, and meeting with finance officers to draft an intermunicipal agreement for the towns to agree to assist and procure Emergency Medical Services.  The committee is made up of the Advisory Board members and two County Commissioners.  There will be a RFP for ER Services.  The Committee will then review the bids, decide on the award, and draft a contract.  The contract will run July 1 – June 30.  Appropriations for each town will be determined by using the County equalized value assessment formula.  Commissioner Sawyer remarked that the Task Force has been very thorough in its research.  The County will administer any agreement.

Commissioner Jason returned 7:37 PM.

County of Dukes County                                          Meeting 10/13/99
County Commissioners                                            Page 02

Mrs. Borer reported that Sandra Lothrop, the Associate Commissioner for Affairs Concerning Handicapped Persons, has prepared a survey to be inserted in newspapers.  The Commissioners support Ms. Lothrop’s work and voted to provide the $1050 for the cost of the inserts.  Commissioner Jason made the Motion and Commissioner Sawyer Seconded it.  It passed unanimously.  The Commissioners also agreed to ask Marguerite Bergstrom, the Associate Commissioner for Affairs Concerning the Elderly, if there’s a similar way the Commissioner’s can support her work.  Mrs. Borer will call Ms. Bergstrom to see if she’s been successful in finding space for senior daycare or if she needs assistance.

Mrs. Borer reported that the Auditors will be here the week of October 25.  They will be looking at Airport cash, capital project funds, and closing out Tams and Scanlon.  Mrs. Borer will be drafting a revised budget to present to the Advisory Board at the end of the month after the Airport Commission meets and finalizes their budget.  (The Commissioners continued to request notification about Airport Commission meeting schedules and agenda, so they can plan to attend.) The County Manager reported that she asked Mr. Villa to look at the Agreement between the Treasurer and Airport. Mrs. Borer asked the County Commissioners to approve an approximate increase in the budget of $214,000, but the Commissioners chose to wait until after the Airport Commission meets before voting.  The final audit should be available in mid to late November.  There was some discussion about scheduling the next County Commissioners meeting so that it would be after the Airport Commission meeting, but before the Advisory Board meeting.

Mrs. Borer reported that Union Negotiations are continuing at the Airport.  Also, there are RFPs out for a Gift Shop, Engineering Consultant, Courthouse Boiler and Technical Services (311.)  

Health Council Survey Results were distributed.  Mrs. Borer will try to get a final report on the Feasibility Study Phase 1 before the October 27th meeting
so the Commissioners can review the report prior to attending the meeting.

Mrs. Borer requested quotes for electricity and plumbing work in the Cape Air Building.  She reported that the contractor is currently replacing rotten sills and putting in windows in preparation for interior work.  Occupancy is expected sometime around January 1.

Mrs. Borer presented the possibility of renting the trailer Bill Reich used, to house the Water Testing Lab until it can be moved into the Cape Air Building.

County of Dukes County                                          Meeting 10/13/99
County Commissioners                                            Page 03

The Cape Light Compact meeting was held today on the Vineyard.  The towns will probably extend membership in the HEFA Program.  The Compact continues to pursue a power supplier and is presently working on public relations and media.

Chairman Sibley asked if there was any news about the public hearings on Cable issues.  She was concerned that Cable FM is apparently going to be discontinued.

Commissioner Sawyer reported on the first meeting of the County Regional School Task Force, October 7.  The meeting was interesting and well attended.

Commissioner Leland reported on the Jail Study Subcommittee’s drafts of a letter to the editor and a brochure.  Commissioner Flynn thought it might be a good idea to include the brochure in newspapers as an insert.  Commissioner Sawyer thought it would be better to disperse them at meetings.  Commissioner Collins stated that he thought the video that Linda Marinelli did of the Jail was excellent, but he is concerned about the size of the proposed new facility. There was discussion about the Northeast Quadrant, and whether or not the Airport Commissioners have endorsed the idea of declaring that area non- aeronautic.  Commissioner Flynn will check the history of this question and see if the Airport Commissioners have made such an endorsement.  Chairman Sibley believes the endorsement needs to come after the Master Plan.

There were several announcements: the arrival of Mary Ann Alwardt’s baby, the resignation of Phil Reynolds, and the retirement of Shirley Searle.  Commissioner Flynn also announced that Tim Williamson, of the Oak Bluffs Police Force, is being awarded the Hanna Award for valor.  

Commissioner Sawyer proposed the Commissioners consider a Task Force for Transportation.  There was some discussion but no action taken.

Commissioner Leland moved to adjourn the meeting.  Commissioner Jason Seconded the motion.  The Meeting Adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Complete text of meeting is available on tape at the County Commissioner’s office.

 CLERK OF THE COURTS                   minutes101399.doc