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County Commission Minutes 08/11/99

A regular meeting of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was held on Wednesday, August 11, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. at the Dukes County Courthouse in the Courtroom, notice of such meeting having been posted as required by law.

Commissioners Present:                  Linda B. Sibley, Chairman
                                                E. B. Collins
                                                Leonard Jason, Jr.
                                                Leslie H. Leland                                                                                Robert Sawyer
Also Present:                           Carol Borer, County Manager
                                                Marsha Smolev, Executive Assistant
                                                Michael McCormack, County Sheriff
                                                Peter Flynn, Jail Study Consultant
                                                David O’Sullivan, Deputy Superint.
Chairman Sibley called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.

Commissioner Collins made a Motion to Approve the minutes of July 14, 1999.  Commissioner Leland Seconded the motion.  Commissioner Jason Abstained since he left that meeting for a short period.  The minutes were Approved.

Carol Borer gave the County Manager’s Report, beginning by mentioning that the auditors will be closing FY99 during the week of August 16.  She will present their report when it is finalized.

Mrs. Borer presented a draft of an Agreement between the M. V. Airport and the County Treasurer in which the Airport will pay $48,000.00 for the services that the Country Treasurer performs for it.  There was discussion about the wording of the Agreement (whether it would be renewed annually) and about the percentage of the Treasurer’s time devoted to the Airport (about 55% this year.)  Commissioner Sawyer moved to accept this Agreement.  Commissioner Leland Seconded the Motion.  The Motion passed unanimously.  

Mrs. Borer updated the Commissioners on the Airport Business Park.  She gave the Commissioners a current list of tenants and an updated map.  There are presently only 4 lots in which nobody is interested.   Commissioner Jason, and the other Commissioners, requested that the record to show that Mrs. Borer accomplished a tremendous amount of work in the Airport

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County Commissioners                                            Page 02

Business Park, in a short time: a great success for the Airport and the County!

Mrs. Borer gave a report about the Cape Light Compact.  The Towns and County have joined HEFA (Massachusetts Health and Educational Facilities Authority) which will provide benefits through the power supply program, Power Options, through March, 2000.  This gives Cape Light time to continue negotiations with power suppliers.

The Computer Systems Administrator RFP (to find one centralized firm to oversee County computers) was explained.  Mrs. Borer is reviewing the one bid received, hoping to negotiate and award the bid by August 27.

Mrs. Borer reported that she is continuing to review administrative codes from other counties and municipalities as was requested at the last County Commissioner meeting.  

Mrs. Borer reported that she received letters from the Towns stating that they did not want to pursue the DEM Land Swap for a solid waste facility. Mrs. Borer thanked the Commissioners for their work and for trying to meet the regional need.  Commissioner Sibley commended Mrs. Borer for her work in this area.

Mrs. Borer’s meeting with Commissioner Webber was described, including the request to pursue placing a public safety/fire training/jail in the NE Quadrant of the Airport.  It was reported that Commissioner Webber was receptive and indicated that he would be willing to help facilitate such a project.  There was discussion about the NE Quadrant, about the MAC letter from July 8, 1998 in which this quadrant, about 30 acres, was requested to be designated Non-Aeronautical on behalf of the County Commissioners.

Mrs. Borer updated the group on the move of the Cape Air Building and the difficulties encountered during the move. (There was a local power outage when a wire was struck.)  Mrs. Borer will meet with Commissioner Jason about permits required for the move.

The FY2000 Fuel Bid was discussed, including the original award to Daniele and Rogers and the subsequent termination of this agreement when Daniele and Rogers announced that they could not provide the fuel at the OEP price as bid.  The RFP was re-advertised, with bids due 8/16/99 and the award to be 8/27/99.

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County Commissioners                                            Page 03

Commissioner Sibley apologized for canceling the July 28 Cuttyhunk trip, but she feels it’s important to go with a quorum.  The trip is rescheduled for Wednesday, September 1, 1999.

Commissioner Sibley shared a letter from the Search and Rescue Team that thanks everyone who worked so hard during the JFK, Jr. tragedy.  Commissioner Sawyer made a Motion that each of the people on the list provided be thanked by the Commissioners.  Commissioner Jason Seconded the Motion.  The vote to pass was Unanimous.  Mrs. Borer will follow up with letters of thanks.  There will be a presentation by Admiral Larrabee on August 23, 1999 thanking the Search and Rescue Team.

Commissioner Jason Moved that the Commissioners reappoint Will Monast to the DCRHA.  Commissioner Leland Seconded the Motion which passed unanimously.  

Commissioner Sibley reviewed the letter from the MV Chiefs of Police about the 2 Technological Grants they received, and the letter from the Technical Advisory Committee announcing the August 12th meeting in Woods Hole.

Sheriff McCormack introduced Peter Flynn, Consultant to the Jail Study and brought the Commissioners up to date on recent meetings and progress.  The Jail Study met 4 times since its inception and has made 3 main decisions:

There is a need for replacement of the present Jail, though renovation and expansion would be acceptable if replacement is impossible.
The new facility must have the capacity to hold 80 beds.  There was some discussion of the present facility and the overcrowded conditions.
A number of sites where examined, the most desirable being the site at the NE Quadrant of the Airport, with the present site following.

Peter Flynn, Consultant with a history in public safety, commended the Sheriff for pursuing Federal money for the study.  Mr. Flynn explained that the need for 80 beds comes from careful analysis of trends in the population, as well as the realization that the new jail has to accommodate the Island’s needs for the future.  The size of the present jail, 6,125 square feet, was compared to the size of the proposed structure, 44,000 square feet.  Requirements such as a gym were mentioned.  There was mention of

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County Commissioners                                            Page 04

someday having courtroom space at the new facility if it were housed in the NE Quadrant.

There was some discussion about the number of juveniles now in the Court system, and the need to house them appropriately.  Commissioner Sibley questioned the possibility of a second story on the jail.  The Sheriff said at this time, the interest is in a single story structure.  Commissioner Sibley also questioned whether the acquisition of private land had been researched.  The Sheriff reported that at least 2 dozen properties had been examined, but there’s an advantage to using County land, since the County already owns it.
The Sheriff stressed the need for the new jail is immediate.  The safety issues demand a sense of urgency.  Commissioner Sibley feared that approving the use of Airport land would take the FAA a long time and suggested considering alternatives.   The Sheriff will present study findings to the Airport Commissioners next.

There was lengthy explanation and discussion of possible financial benefits to the Airport and County if the new jail is situated at the NE Quadrant.  This could take place by having a non-profit organization rent space to the Commonwealth for the County facility.

The Sheriff reported that attendance at the Jail Study Meetings has improved, with about 20-25 people attending the last one.

Commissioner Sawyer requested, and was granted, appointment to the Jail Study Committee, to help work on the financial aspects of the new facility.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:17.  The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 1, 1999 on Cuttyhunk.

Complete text of meeting is available on tape at the County Commissioner’s office.

 CLERK OF THE COURTS                                   
