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County Commission Minutes 06/09/99

A regular meeting of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was held on Wednesday, June 09, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. at the Edgartown Town Hall Selectman’s Meeting Room, notice of such meeting having been posted as required by law.

Commissioners Present:  Linda B. Sibley, Chairman
Daniel Flynn, Vice-chairman
Timothy R. Carroll
                                E. B. Collins
                                Leonard Jason, Jr.
                                Leslie H. Leland
Also Present:           Carol Borer, County Manager
                                Mary Ann M. Alwardt, Executive Assistant
                                Marsha Smolev, Executive Assistant
                                Michael McCormack, County Sheriff
                                Robert A. Culbert, County Beach Manager
                                Marguerite A. Bergstrom, Associate Commissioner
                                                          for Affairs Concerning Elderly
                                Sandra C. Lothrop, Associate Commissioner for
                                         Affairs Concerning Handicapped Persons
                                Cynthia Mitchell, Dukes County Health Council
                                Dianne V. Durawa
                                Robert D. Edmunds
                                Shirley Wilbur
                                Ethan Kelley, Vineyard Gazette

Chairman Sibley called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.

The minutes of the April 28, 1999, meeting were not addressed at this time due to lack of quorum needed for approval.

The minutes of the May 12, 1999, meeting were addressed.
Commissioner Carroll made a Motion to Approve these minutes.
Commissioner Leland Seconded the motion.
Commissioner Flynn Abstained.
Motion Approved by a Majority.

Robert Culbert presented a report on the status of Eastville Beach and State Beach (report is attached hereto and made a part of these minutes).

County of Dukes County                                          Meeting 06/09/99
County Commissioners                                            Page 02

County Manager’s Report: Mrs. Borer introduced the Commissioners to Marsha Smolev (Executive Assistant to succeed Mary Ann).  She presented photos taken at Sheriff Look’s testimonial which exhibit the plaque presented by the County Commissioners.  Mrs. Borer reported that she prepared a County citation to be presented to Eugene Cavanaugh, retiring Director of the Department of Waterways (DEM).  She noted that “he has been a good friend to the Vineyard”.  Mrs. Borer noted her attendance at a Cape Light Compact meeting today.  She reported that she is now a member of the Compact’s Executive Committee and will be attending a meeting next Wednesday and the following Wednesday.  She indicated that the members are now also working with telecommunications.  Mrs. Borer reviewed a budget report (income & expenses) through May 31st.

Marguerite Bergstrom, Associate Commissioner for Affairs Concerning Elderly, discussed plans for the future expansion of the Edgartown Council on Aging’s “Senior Day Program”.  She commented on the need to acquire and establish a site to accommodate these plans.  She indicated that Island Elderly Housing has offered a piece of property located behind M. V. Community Services.  She suggested that it might be possible to work in conjunction with Island Elderly Housing.
Dianne Durawa reviewed the programs now being extended by the Edgartown Council on Aging and addressed the need for more independent space.  She in turn introduced Robert Edmunds to the group.  Mr. Edmunds reviewed an agenda of the “Senior Day Program” project (copy of agenda attached hereto and made a part of these minutes).  Shirley Wilbur also commented on the Program.
Chairman Sibley thanked everyone for his or her presentation.
The Commissioners indicated that they would refer any suggestions they may come up with in the way of permanent and/or alternative sites for the Senior Day Program.

Sandra Lothrop, Associate Commissioner for Affairs Concerning Handicapped Persons, presented a report to the County Commissioners (copy of report is attached hereto and made a part of these minutes).  She commented that item #9 of the proposed projects listed in her report is, to her, the most important item to address.  This being to hire an independent, traveling social worker/advocate to be able to go to different agencies to advocate for services for those disabled and are unable to either because of immobility or lack of knowledge.  She suggested that the County consider formulating a

County of Dukes County                                          Meeting 06/09/99
County Commissioners                                            Page 03

specific budget in order to address this particular need, in addition to the other projects outlined in her proposal.
Commissioner Flynn concurred with this recommendation and suggested that the County Manager review the County’s budget in order to formulate a budget for this purpose.
Commissioners Flynn and Jason offered to assist in forming a committee.
Commissioner Jason suggested contacting Armand Tiberio of the Steamship Authority with regard to providing for new wheelchairs on their vessels; contact Kevin Carr at the M. V. Regional High School regarding the possibility of instituting a handicapped ramp program; look into formation of a Martha’s Vineyard CORD group.
Commissioner Flynn suggested that Ms. Lothrop assist in formulating a job description for the social worker/advocate position.
Chairman Sibley thanked Ms. Lothrop for her report.

Cynthia Mitchell addressed the Board on behalf of the Dukes County Health Council.  She reported that the Council is ready to hire a consultant to assist in the formation of the Island Health Plan.  She noted that the Council’s application for funding through the Robert Wood Johnson grant has been deferred and that the amount of $10,000 set aside in the County’s budget for the Health Council was contingent upon approval of this application.  
She requested that the Board consider releasing the $10,000 despite their lack of success in acquiring the grant funds.
Commissioner Jason made a Motion to release the $10,000 as requested.
Commissioner Flynn Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Commissioners addressed Old Business:
Commissioner Leland inquired as to whether anyone from Emergency Management has met with Sheriff McCormack.
Sheriff McCormack indicated that he has had conversations with Brad Fligor.  He noted that there appears to be some communication problems between the Emergency Management department heads.

Commissioner Flynn inquired as to the County Engineer position.
Mrs. Borer reported that the application deadline was last week and that ten applications have been received.  She indicated that the search committee would begin the review process again.

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County Commissioners                                            Page 04

Commissioner Flynn inquired of Sheriff McCormack as to whether the enforcement of parking regulations at State Beach has been addressed.
Sheriff McCormack indicated that this issue was addressed with the All Island Police Chiefs, and he was assured that they would step up enforcement.
Commissioner Flynn inquired as to who should be called if a problem should arise.
Sheriff McCormack asked Commissioner Flynn to provide him with a list of the problems and concerns and he will in turn review them with the Chiefs of Police.
Mrs. Borer indicated that, if necessary, she would arrange a meeting to address the issues.

Commissioner Jason reported that he has been informed that Commissioner Sawyer is scheduled to return home from the hospital tomorrow.  He indicated that Commissioner Sawyer had inquired as to what role the County Commissioners would be taking in the opening ceremony of the new Airport terminal.
Commissioner Flynn noted that the opening ceremony is to take place at 10:00 a.m. on June 25th; hosted by Cape Air.  He indicated that the County Commissioners would be invited to the ceremony; however, he is not aware that they will play a role in the actual ceremony.
The Commissioners discussed this matter and worked on formulating a list of those individuals that they felt should be invited to the ceremony.  In addition they suggested there are individuals who should be recognized in some way for their contributions over the years in being instrumental in the success and reality of the new terminal.

Sheriff McCormack reminded the Commissioners that the second meeting of the Jail Study Task Force is scheduled for next Monday at 6:30 p.m. at the Dukes County Courthouse.

Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

Complete text of meeting is available on tape at the County Commissioner’s office.

 CLERK OF THE COURTS                                   
