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County Commission Minutes 02/16/99

A regular meeting of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was held on Tuesday, February 16, 1999, at 3:00 p.m. (continued from Wednesday, February 10, 1999) at the ARFF Building at the Airport, notice of such meeting having been posted as required by law.

Commissioners Present:  Linda B. Sibley, Chairman
Daniel A. Flynn, Vice-chairman
Timothy R. Carroll
                                E. B. Collins
                                Leonard Jason, Jr.                              
Leslie H. Leland
Robert M. Sawyer
Also Present:           Carol Borer, County Manager
                                Mary Ann M. Alwardt, Executive Assistant
                                Noreen Mavro Flanders, County Treasurer
                                W. Philip Reynolds, Airport Manager
                                Marc R. Villa, Chairman MVAC                            

Chairman Sibley called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.

Commissioners continued their review of the County’s proposed FY2000 Budget.
Mrs. Borer distributed copies of an updated revenue report.

Mrs. Borer reviewed the County Commissioners budget – Dept. 0300; 10% increase due to salaries and contractual items.
Commissioner Flynn made a Motion to Approve this budget.
Commissioner Sawyer Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Commissioner Jason made a Motion to Approve the M. V. Parking Clerk’s budget, as previously reviewed.
Commissioner Flynn Seconded the motion.
Commissioner Carroll voted opposed.
Motion Approved by a majority.

Mrs. Borer reviewed the Courthouse budget – Dept. 0600; down by 39% due decrease in custodial staff, etc.
Commissioner Flynn commented on the revenues; specifically, the amount of rent paid by the State for the portion of the building they occupy.  He

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County Commissioners                                            Page 02

inquired as to whether any of the funds moved to the Capital Fund account are to be used for repairs to the courthouse; i.e. new furnace.
Mrs. Borer indicated that a large portion of these funds would be utilized to relocate the Cape Air building.  She suggested that any remaining funds might possibly be used for courthouse repairs.  She indicated that this would depend on whether or not any action is taken by the State to take over the courthouse.
Commissioner Flynn made a Motion to Approve the Courthouse budget.
Commissioner Jason Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Mrs. Borer reviewed the budget for Dept. 0700 – Engineering.  She noted that $54,000 has been budgeted for FY99, which should be expended prior to June 30th.
Commissioner Collins inquired as to whether the salary amount is sufficient.
Mrs. Borer indicated yes, that she made this assumption based on salary surveys of other Massachusetts communities with similar populations and positions.
Commissioner Collins asked where this person would be housed.
Mrs. Borer responded that it is anticipated that the County Engineer’s office will be located in the Cape Air building along with the County Testing Lab.  She noted that the M. V. Commission has offered space on a temporary basis if this position is filled prior to relocating the Cape Air building.  She reported that approximately 15 resumes for the County Engineer position have been received to date; closes March 5th.    
Commissioner Carroll inquired as to whether this would be a self-sufficient department of the County or will the Towns eventually be assessed to cover expenses, etc.
Mrs. Borer noted that part of the job description includes pursuing grant monies.  She indicated that she will make a thorough assessment after the department is up and running.
After further discussion regarding this matter, Mrs. Borer indicated that her Cabinet feels strongly that we should not go back and charge the towns; however, she will have them discuss this again.
Commissioner Flynn made a Motion to Approve the budget for the Engineering Department.
Commissioner Jason Seconded the motion.
Commissioner Carroll voted Opposed.
Motion Approved by a majority.

Department 800 Cooperative Extension Service budget reviewed; consists of an insurance bill for the buildings at the Dukes County Extension Service.
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After some discussion,
Commissioner Carroll made a Motion to pursue acquiring the buildings back from the M. V. Commission; offer $1.00 to terminate lease and/or interest, if any exists.
Commissioner Jason Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.
Chairman Sibley requested that this matter be addressed on an agenda fairly soon.

Commissioner Jason made a Motion to approve the budget for Dept. 800 – Cooperative Extension Service.
Commissioner Flynn Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Department 10 – Miscellaneous budget reviewed.  
Commissioner Carroll asked from where the revenues are acquired.
Mrs. Borer responded that it is derived from the Communications Center (alarm fees) and Airport Business Park Manager ($12,000).
Commissioner Carroll noted that the Airport Commission voted not to expend $12,000 for the Business Park Manager; therefore, Dept. 10 expenses will exceed projected revenues.
After further discussion,
Commissioner Sawyer made a Motion to Approve Department 10 budget.
Commissioner Flynn Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Department 1210 – Reserve Fund Salaries budget addressed ($5,000.00).
Commissioner Flynn made a Motion to Approve this budget.
Commissioner Sawyer Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Department 1500 – Health & Human Services budget addressed; $250.00 stipend to Aids Alliance and $250.00 stipend to M. V. Community Services.
There was some discussion on giving some consideration to increasing these amounts.  After discussion,
Commissioner Carroll made a Motion to Approve this budget with the understanding that, if possible, we will try and meet the FY2000 requests at supplemental budget.
Commissioner Jason Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

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Department 1510 – Dukes County Health & Human Services Advisory Council; $0.00 allocated in FY2000 budget.  It was noted that there is an amount of $10,000 presently set aside in a separate grant fund (matching funds in anticipation of receipt of grant), which will be carried forward to FY2000.
Commissioner Sawyer inquired as to how the Council presently operates.
Mrs. Flanders responded that grant money is maintained in separate funds; separate from the County’s general fund.

Department 2800 – Dukes County Regional Housing Authority; $10,000 to rental assistance program.
Commissioner Sawyer made a Motion to Approve the $10,000 budget.
Commissioner Jason Seconded the motion.
Commissioner Carroll inquired as to what exactly the $10,000 is used for, as it was his understanding that this money was to assist with funding an executive director position.
Mrs. Borer explained that the Advisory Board requested that these funds be used for the Authority’s rental assistance program versus funding an executive director.  She noted that the Housing Authority is presently in the process of working on guidelines for this program.
Commissioner Carroll suggested that this request should have come back to the Commissioners; questions the Advisory Board’s authority.
Commissioner Jason made a Motion to approve the appropriation of $10,000 for FY99 to the Dukes County Regional Housing Authority’s rental assistance program.
Commissioner Flynn Seconded the motion for discussion.
After further discussion, this motion was withdrawn.
Mrs. Borer noted that the $10,000 allocated to the Housing Authority for their rental assistance program comes from the Cape & Island license plate funds (economic development &/or tourism use).
Commissioner Carroll made a Motion to amend the original motion to approve this budget “subject to review and approval by this Board of the rental assistance guidelines”.
Commissioner Flynn Seconded the amendment.
Commissioner Jason voted opposed to the amendment.
Motion to amend approved by a majority.
Commissioner Sawyer restated his motion as amended.
Commissioner Jason Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

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Chairman Sibley inquired as to whether it is necessary to revisit the FY99 budget for the Housing Authority.
Mrs. Borer indicated that it is not necessary; has already been approved by the Advisory Board.

Department 3000 – County Treasurer budget addressed.
Commissioner Carroll made a Motion to Approve this budget.
Commissioner Flynn Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Registry of Deeds budget (maintenance of effort) addressed.
Mrs. Flanders explained the “maintenance of effort”.
Commissioner Carroll made a Motion to Approve the Registry of Deeds budget.
Commissioner Flynn Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Sheriff’s Department budget (maintenance of effort) addressed.
Commissioner Flynn made a Motion to Approve this budget.
Commissioner Leland Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Department 2000 – Recreation Department budget addressed.
Commissioner Carroll made a Motion to Approve this budget.
Commissioner Sawyer Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

There was some discussion on a bill received from the Town of Tisbury for the County’s proportionate share of the maintenance of Tashmoo Beach.
Mrs. Borer indicated that she plans to negotiate with Tisbury, for next year, their proportionate share of maintenance of Eastville Point Beach.

Department 2200 – Civil Defense budget addressed.
Commissioner Carroll made a Motion to Approve this budget.
Commissioner Flynn Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Department 3300 – Veterans Services budget addressed.
Commissioner Carroll made a Motion to Approve this budget.
Commissioner Flynn Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

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Department 1800 – Group Life/Health Insurance budget addressed.
Commissioner Flynn made a Motion to Approve this budget.
Commissioner Jason Seconded the motion.
Motion Unanimously Approved.

Commissioner Carroll made a Motion to substitute the Airport Commissioners approved budget for the flat-line budget for purposes of discussion.
Commissioner Flynn Seconded the motion.
Chairman Sibley deemed the motion inappropriate and indicated that she would not entertain a motion until after the County Manager makes her presentation.
Commissioner Flynn withdrew his second.
Mrs. Borer commented that the budget presented by the Airport Commission represents a thirty percent (30%) increase in expenses and a thirty percent (30%) increase in anticipated revenues over last year’s budget.  She noted that Powers & Sullivan reported that the Airport had been $23,000 in the red at 07/01/98, and if there is a deficit at the end of FY99 they will need to find the appropriate money.  She noted, as a point of information to the new Commissioners, that on July 01, 1999, all County departments can expend one twelfth (1/12) of last year’s appropriations until such time that the County Finance Review Board approves the budget; until that time there cannot be any salary increases, step increases, no new positions and no capital expenditures.  She indicated that she has brought this to the attention of Chairman Villa and discussed the possibility of hiring staff before the end of this fiscal year.  Mrs. Borer indicated that she is recommending at this time the Airport budget of $1,264,225.00 with the provision that revenues will be examined at the end of the first and second quarters and compared with the first and second quarters of FY99.  She indicated that each quarter would have to exceed revenues by thirty percent (30%); if not exceeded at the end of the first quarter will reexamine their budget (same with the second quarter).
Chairman Sibley asked for a response from the Airport Commission Chairman.
Mr. Villa commented that he is pleased to see the Airport Commissioners budget presented for approval, despite its late submission.  He indicated that what Mrs. Borer has proposed is precisely the intentions of the Airport Commission.
Chairman Sibley asked Mr. Villa if he understands the recommendation to act on staff hiring this fiscal year due to the difficulty in having to wait for approval of the FY2000 budget.

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County Commissioners                                            Page 07

Mr. Villa indicated that he discussed this with Mrs. Borer earlier and agrees that this is an excellent idea.
Commissioner Flynn thanked both Mrs. Borer and Mr. Villa for their efforts.  He inquired as to what would be done with excess revenues from the Airport, if any.
Mrs. Borer indicated that if there were an excess at the end of the fiscal year she would recommend reimbursement to the County.
Commissioner Carroll noted that new job descriptions are required for any new positions; approval of job descriptions by County Manager required.
After further discussion and comments,
Commissioner Leland made a Motion to Approve the Airport Department budget subject to the recommendations of the County Manager.
Commissioner Jason Seconded the motion.
Commissioner Sawyer remarked that he feels that he has not had sufficient time to thoroughly review this budget.
There was some discussion regarding the $12,000 not being appropriated for the Airport Business Park (Manager) which is included in appropriated revenues in the overall budget.
Mr. Villa suggested possibly drawing $12,000 from Contractual Services to be appropriated as a reimbursement to the County.
After further discussion and comments, Chairman Sibley called for the vote.
Commissioner Sawyer voted Opposed.
Motion approved by a majority.

Commissioner Jason indicated that he had a matter to bring up; however, he may have a potential conflict.  He proposed allocating $500,000 to go to the Hospital; go to the communities, ask for an override, and let the dialogue begin.  He suggested keeping it out of the politics; doesn’t think that the County Commissioners, Advisory Board members, or members of the Dukes County Health Council should determine the fate of the Hospital; believes the community should determine the fate of the Hospital.
Chairman Sibley indicated that Commissioner Jason was not making himself clear and feels that he is not in conflict; no personal financial interest.
Commissioner Jason indicated that he feels he is in conflict.
Mrs. Borer explained that the County would act in the capacity as an agency to receive the funds.
Chairman Sibley asked if the $500,000 would be allocated to the Hospital’s budget.
Commissioner Jason indicated that it would be allocated for a specific purpose to contract for a specific need or a service that the Hospital provides.

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County Commissioners                                            Page 08

After further discussion and comments,
Commissioner Carroll made a Motion to include $500,000 in the County’s budget for contracting with the Hospital to provide emergency room services as worked out by the County Manager and the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital and pursue an override vote.
Commissioner Flynn Seconded the motion.
Commissioner Jason suggested giving consideration to reserving a right of refusal in the event the Hospital ever wishes to go private or to be sold; leave opportunity open to the community.  This was accepted as a friendly amendment to the motion.
After further discussion and comments, Chairman Sibley called for the vote.
Commissioner Jason Abstained.
Motion Approved by a majority.

Commissioner Carroll made a Motion to Approve the County’s proposed FY2000 budget of $3,020,604.65 (including $500,000 Hospital proposal).
Commissioner Collins Seconded the motion.
Commissioners Jason and Sawyer Abstained.
Motion Approved by a majority.

Meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.

Complete text of meeting is available on tape at the County Commissioner’s office.


