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DCC Executive Session Minutes 2003-06-09


An Executive Session of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was held Monday,
June 9, 2003 at 9:37 p.m. in the conference room of the County Administration Building.

Commissioners Present: John Alley, Chairman; Nelson Smith (left 10:50 PM); Leonard Jason, Jr.; Robert Sawyer; Paul Strauss, Leslie Leland       
Absent: Roger Wey
Also Present:  Dianne Powers, Acting County Manager; Marsha Smolev, Executive Assistant; Laurie Perry.  Treasurer Noreen Flanders was invited in by Roll Call 9:43 PM.

Laurie Perry presented several points for discussion about the County Manager’s Contract. Ms. Perry said the $65,000 salary offered was low.  At her interview, she said, the range was presented as $60,000 - $80,000 to start.  Each point outlined in her letter was addressed and clarified.  Chairman Alley noted in reference to termination, that the Contract followed the Charter.  Vacation timing was clarified.  Compensatory Time was discussed. Commissioner Sawyer said the County Manager would be responsible for her own time.  The Commissioners agreed with Commissioner Strauss that they had worked to eliminate the idea of Comp Time. The term ‘reasonable’ was discussed with Commissioner Strauss saying ‘whatever seems okay.’  Health Insurance (90%-10%) and an Indemnification Clause were discussed. Ms. Powers asked Mrs. Flanders about Liability Insurance.  If Ms. Perry was a County Employee, she would be covered.  It was noted that the County’s policy for Life Insurance was less than the Tribe’s.  Ms. Powers said the COLA should be what every other employee got, but that the Merit increase would be determined by the Commissioners. COLA was removed from the Contract so Ms. Perry would receive what other employees received.  Commissioner Jason said after a positive Evaluation, the County Manager should receive a 2 % step increase like other employees.  The County Manager would then lead by example.

Ms. Perry stated that she was looking to have a comparable salary package as the one she has and not less. Discussion about starting with $70,000 and increasing to $72,500 (as Ms. Perry suggested she wanted) in six months was discussed.

Commissioner Jason Moved that Ms. Perry start at $70,000 and get $72,500 after six months.  Commissioner Leland Seconded the Motion.  

There was discussion. Commissioner Leland took back his Second when the Commissioners seemed to want to wait until Wednesday to vote, but then Seconded the Motion again.

Commissioner Smith called for the Vote but abstained.  Afterwards, while the vote appeared to pass, Commissioner Strauss said he hadn’t voted.  Ms. Powers said the money had to be in the line now and it wasn’t.

Roll call vote to include Treasurer Flanders at 9:43 PM. Commissioner Sawyer, aye; Commissioner Jason, aye; Commissioner Smith, aye, Commissioner Strauss, aye; Commissioner Leland, aye; Chairman Alley, aye.  

There was discussion about where in the Budget to find the additional funds.
Commissioner Smith left at 10:50 PM.  Ms. Powers left at 10:52 PM.

Commissioner Jason suggested taking $1000 out of the fuel line for Department 600, Courthouse.  

Commissioner Jason Moved that the Commissioners reconsider the previous vote. Commissioner Sawyer Seconded the Motion.  The Vote passed Unanimously.

Commissioner Jason Moved Ms. Perry be offered $71,000 for the first six months and at the end of six months it would be $72,500 if the funds were available.  Commissioner Sawyer Seconded the Motion.  Commissioners Jason, Leland, Sawyer and Alley voted aye.  Commissioner Strauss hesitated but voted in the affirmative when Ms. Perry said she was okay with it.  The Vote was Unanimous.

Roll Call to adjourn: Chairman Alley; Commissioner Jason, aye; Commissioner Strauss, aye; Commissioner Leland, aye; Commissioner Sawyer, aye.

The meeting adjourned at 11:04 PM.
