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DCC Executive Minutes 01/09/08

Executive Session Minutes
January 9, 2008, 6 p.m.
Administration Building

Call to order
Chairman Leslie Leland called the Executive Session meeting to order at 7:20 p.m.  A quorum was present.  Commissioners Carlene Gatting, Tristan Israel, Lenny Jason, Paul Strauss, and John Alley were present as well as Acting County Manager Noreen Mavro Flanders and Temporary County Executive Assistant Erin Leighton for minute taking.

Approval of Executive Session Minutes

Minutes of 4/11/2007
Tristan Israel Moved to approve the Executive Session Minutes of April 11, 2007, Roger Wey seconds, Vote Passed, John Alley abstains, (5-1-0)

Ms. Flanders stated the commissioner previously had seen a copy of these minutes that had been redacted. Commissioner Israel stated he does not see anything that should not be released. Commissioner Gatting tries to recollect what was said at a previous meeting what was agreed to be said and not said in these minutes. Ms. Flanders reads from another set of minutes “the Minutes of 4/11/07 John Alley asked why there were portions that were blacked out. Winn Davis explained they made reference to things that do not reflect job performance but rather protective matters according to District Attorney Shay.” Ms. Flanders states she was not part of the executive session discussing the meeting of April 11, 2007. Commissioner Gatting would like to have the attorney contacted to see the redacted copy, she does not feel comfortable releasing these minutes. Commissioner Jason feels the commissioners should not approve the minutes until they can prove what was redacted.

Tristan Israel makes a Motion to rescind the motion to accept the Minutes of April 11, 2007, Lenny Jason seconded the Motion. So Voted, John Alley abstains. (5-0-1).

Tristan Israel makes a motion to approve the Minutes of April 11, 2007, Lenny Jason seconded, Motion Fails (0-5-1) John Alley abstains.

Tristan Israel makes a motion to contact council for the proper procedure for us regarding for these minutes and follow that procedure, Carlene Gatting seconded. Vote Passed, John Alley abstains. (5-0-1).

Tristan Israel makes a motion to approve the minutes of December 12, 2007 to be released, Paul Strauss, Motion Passed. (5-0-1) Carlene Gatting abstains.

Respectfully Submitted by:

JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts