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DCC Executive Minutes 03/05/08
Dukes County Commission Meeting Minutes
Wednesday March 5, 2008
Executive Session
5:30 p.m.
County Administration Building
Call to Order
Chairman Les Leland called the County Commissioner’s Executive Session meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.  Commissioners Roger Wey, John Alley, Lenny Jason, Tristan Israel, and Carlene Gatting were present.  

Also present was Acting County Manager Noreen - Mavro Flanders.

Discussion of Applications for the Position of County Manager:
There was a brief discussion regarding process and parameters.  Les felt it was important that the candidates know the salary amount and what the residency requirement is.  He stated he felt strongly that it should not be waived.  He also said that the candidates should be aware of the changes that are going to be made due to the Charter Study Commission’s recommendation.  Roger said he thought that residency requirement had already been voted on.  

Tristan suggested that the Commissioners reassess the position in 6 months to a year and make adjustments accordingly.

John Alley felt that at this point the Commissioners are bound to what had been advertised, but maybe the solution would be to throw everything out and come up with something different.

Carlene suggested picking out the top 3 to 4 candidates and interview them, while setting up the interview discuss salary etc.  She feels the salary should be around $50k and they should live here.  She also feels there should be a re-evaluation of the position in January after the November vote.  

John said he agreed, but felt it should have been advertised that way.  
Lenny and Roger both stated that they felt residency was not mandatory.

Tristan asked the Board if they would agree to set a salary of $50k and for a re-assessment of the position in January after the November vote.  John mentioned that maybe they should be hiring a Deputy County Manager.

Lenny stated that even if the form changes to Chairman, there would still be a need for someone to do the work.  The County Manager could apply for the Executive Administrator position.  If they had done a good job, then they would get hired.

Tristan questioned the workload of the County Manager.  He feels the County Manager should be aggressively building relationships and getting money into the County.  He feels giving them $75k at this time is not a smart decision.  They should have to prove their worth first.  

Noreen Mavro-Flanders pointed out that usually ads say, “Salary commensurate with experience.”  Once someone is chosen, the salary is then negotiated.  She also said that she disagrees with the comments being made regarding the workload.  She said that she has had discussions with both Dianne and Jen and they agree that it is more than a full time job with plenty of work if done correctly.

Roger Wey /Lenny Jason Moved to waive the residency a requirement,
Discussion on the Motion
Tristan stated that if someone was willing to move here within a 6-month period of time, he would be fine with that, but they should be living here.  Lenny asked if he meant before or after a six-month review.  There was discussion about whether it was worth it for someone to move here for $50k before they had a performance review.  John Alley stated that to the best of his knowledge Winn Davis, who lived in Falmouth, never missed a meeting that he was supposed to attend and he paid for his own lodging.  Tristan said that Winn not living here was a detriment to him, because as soon as something negative was mentioned people always pointed out the residency issue.  

Lenny suggested that the County Manager fall under the Personnel Policies and would be on probation for the first 6 months. If the County Manager does not get a favorable review they would be let go.  At that time the residency requirement would be considered.  Tristan felt that it would be important that goals be set for the position.

Roger Wey / Lenny Jason Moved to waive the residency requirement for the first 6 months.  At that time the County Manger will be evaluated and the residency requirement will be revisited, So Voted, unanimous, (6-0-0).

Roger Wey / Tristan Israel Moved that the County Commissioners write down up to 4 top choices of the candidates to be interviewed first, So Voted, unanimous, (6-0-0).

Tristan Israel – Russell Smith, F. Tenney Lantz, Stephen J. McGrath
Carlene Gatting – F. Tenney Lantz, Russell Smith, Daniel McCarthy, Stephen J. McGrath
Les Leland – Russell Smith, F. Tenney Lantz, Daniel McCarthy
John Alley – F. Tenney Lantz, David Espindle, Jim Thivierge
Lenny Jason – Russell Smith, F. Tenney Lantz, David Espindle
Roger Wey – F.Tenney Lantz, Russell Smith

F. Tenney Lantz – 6
Russell Smith – 5
Stephen McGrath – 2
David Espindle – 2
Daniel G. McCarthy – 2
Jim Thivierge – 1

Tristan Israel / Moved to do the background checks on F. Tenney Lantz and Russell Smith, So Voted, unanimous, (6-0-0).

It was agreed that at the next meeting on Wednesday March 12th the background checks would be discussed and in the event one of the candidates does not have favorable references then the Commissioners could go back to the pool of applicants.  It was also agreed the interviews would be held on Saturday March 15th at 3pm.

Tristan Israel / Moved to adjourn the Executive Session and reconvene in Open session at 6:20PM, So Voted, unanimous, (6-0-0).

Respectfully Submitted by:

JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts