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Caregiver Minutes 3-19-14
March 19, 2014
Caregiver support group, Healthy Aging Task Force

Present: Mary Beth Daniels,  Rosetta Hughes, Inez Janger, Stanley Schonbrun, Terre Young.

The minutes of the February meeting were reviewed and accepted.

  • The overall taskforce is reviewing the work plans of all the groups on the 21st of March. Once the plans are accepted and approved, the work plans will be given a real go-ahead. A large, inclusive meeting is planned for early May and every groupís work will be shared and discussed.
  • Our work plan includes the task of documenting all of our efforts and Mary Beth has agreed to pull this together.
  • Mary Beth presented numbers that focused on caregiver profiles using a formula from AARP and island community census numbers. The application of trends of populations and percentages predict numbers of caregivers and the economic impact of informal caregiverís unpaid contributions. ( sorry, this doesnít really make sense to me, but so it was written oh so long ago. ) Perhaps Mary Beth can talk more about this at the next meeting.
  • The review of our work plan invites us to keep focus on “informal caregiversí . We donít want to lose the emphasis on the caregiver. Should we look at models in other communities? What are they doing that isnít available on the island? Another model may not fit here but what they do for caregivers might definitely apply.
  • Inez will give Stanley and Rosetta the names of web sites for looking at what other communities are doing from a caregiverís perspective.
  • Terre will look at the list of island services with a focus on informal caregivers rather than the individual being cared for.
Stanley raised the issue for many caregivers around finding legal help and being able to meet the financial needs for these services. He is wondering how we/ the island can provide these services to those who can't afford. Are there pro-bono legal services that caregivers can access? Score was one answer.

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 23rd at 1:30 in the hospice office.

Respectfully submitted,    Terre D. Young