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Aging in Comm Minutes 2-27-14

Thursday - February 27, 2014
5:00-6:15 PM
Dukes County Office

Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order at 5:02 PM

I.      Accepted February 19th meeting minutes

II.     Subcommittee Reports & Updates
  • Green House model
  • Victoria provided update from the February 26th Chelsea meeting.
  • Tour was the most remarkable.  The group toured the ALS unit.  Had the opportunity to meet with 8 residents on the unit.  
  • Her experience yesterday, led her to believe that a feasibility study should be explored with island leadership
  • Symposiums are provided every two weeks.  If there was enough interest, perhaps Green House could provide a symposium just for an island contingent.
  • Green House model can be rehabilitative, long-term care, or independent living
  • Victoria will write up a report about the groupís experience and forward to us shortly.
  • Other models
  • No update
  • Volunteers
  • Dianne reviewed the report that she and Mary developed
  • Dianne gave an update about the Gate Keepers program and feedback she received from her meeting with the Edgartown Council on Aging.   She wondered if this program should be start of the One Stop Shopping
  • A board member thought that MV Community Services could spearhead the Gate Keeper program.  Members of our group thought it made more sense for the Councils on Aging to coordinate this program.  While others thought that the Chamber of Commerce could play a pivotal role in outreach to business and members.
  • Technology
  • Betsy provided a summary of the information that she had found.  She will send out a list of categorical information that she has acquired in her search
III.    Old Business

IV.     New Business
  • Develop work plan
  • Discussion about work plan design.  Members agreed plans should be organized according to:
  • General issue
  • Objectives to address this issue
  • Timeline
  • Person/agency/organization responsible
  • Who in the community can be recruited to help implement our working plan

Important Dates:
Friday, February 28th work plans due to the Healthy Aging Task Force Coordinating Committee