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Aging in Comm Minutes 1-23-14


Thursday, January 23, 201412:00-1:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Present: Betsy Corsiglia, Tom Hallahan, Mary Holmes, Gary Cogley,Michael Loberg, Paddy Moore

Absent: Karen Achille, Polly Brown, Sandie Corr-Dolby, VictoriaHaeselbarth, Nancy Langman, June Manning, Diane Durawa

Co-Chair Tom Hallahan called the meeting to order at 12:20 PM

  1. I. Approved January 6th meeting minutes
  2. -Welcomed Betsy Corsiglia, who is a dietician/nutritionist at the MV Hospital. Her email is 774-836-8599. Betsy will be joining Mary and Sandie’s subcommittee.
  3. II. Subcommittee Reports
a. Green House model
        • Michael presented information from the January 14thGreen House webinar. Please see his        attached report, aswell as Victoria’s, for specific details.
        Next steps:
  1.         1. Schedule a face-to-facemeeting with Capital Impact Partners (CAP). The participants  at thismeeting will be determined at a later date. Some who may be invited are the              hospital, Havenside, and Henrietta Brewer.
  2.         2. Explore CAP’s interest in preparing architectural and engineering drawings for               modular construction.
  3.         3. Assuming that responses to the above items provide continued support for the                 program, a request for $1000 will be made to work with CAP to investigate the           economic feasibility of a Green House model on Martha’s Vineyard
  • Victoria’s notes clearly identify the model’s use of evidenced-based practices and the its alignment with theAffordable Care Act (ACA) and CMS reimbursement.
  • There will be a scheduled trip for Wednesday, February26th to attend an informational session at the Urban Greenhouse Complex in Chelsea, MA from 10 AM – 3PM. The subcommittee will organize this activity and alert others to pertinent details in the future.
        b. Other models(i.e.VineyardVillageatHomemodel)
  • Tom presented summaries of the Elder Care Network and Full Circle America, as well as an update of the application of Senior Care Options (SCO) and PACE ElderService Plans
  • Another concept that was presented briefly: CaregiverHomes
        c. Volunteers ‘Stop at Home’ and Gatekeeper program
  • Mary reported there are 300 ‘beds’ on the island, with an approximately a third of these require skill nursing care.Please see the attached inventory for specific detailsconcerning elderly housing availability on the island.This is not an exhaustive list, but rather reflective of the subcommittee’s preliminary work
  • Need to add Elder Services, Sosteck, and VNA to this list
        d. Technology
        • No report. Committee will be meeting soon to start their work.

III. Old Business
  1. None
IV.New Business
  1. None
V. The next meeting will be held at the recreation room atWindemere on Thursday, February 6th from 5-6:30 PM

**Please have all summaries and committee reports to Tom byFebruary 5th for dissemination before our next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 1:40 PM