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Aging in Comm Minutes 12-19-13
Healthy Aging Task Force
Aging in Community Working Group

Meeting MinutesDecember 19, 2013

Present: Polly Brown, Tom Hallahan, Gary Cooley, Nancy Langman, Michael Loberg

Absent: Victoria Haeselbarth, June Manning, Karen Achille, Sandie Corr-Dolby, DianeDurawa, Mary Holmes

I. Introductions of members present

  • Discussion of how large the committee should be
  • Review of recommended additional members (per 11/08/13 minutes)
  • Decided that the committee should remain small, with other experts  invited as needed
  • Tom will follow up with the original list of recommended members. It is important that the Tribe be represented. June Manning may not beable to attend meetings scheduled later in the day. Another person discussed, who may serve as an alternate member for the Tribe is Chris Knowles.
II. Reviewed minutes of November 8th meeting

III. Reviewed template for working group

  • Discussed the charge of the committee as stated in the template, as well as the four directives within, and how to best organize our workaccording to these
  • Need to develop short and long term goals for year 1 and years 2 & 3
  • Conduct inventory of existing services
  • Assess and project additional needs
  • Consider how existing services could be expanded
  • Research other models being used or explored currently
IV. Reviewed of options/models/alternatives
  • Possible options for 'Aging in Community’ were distributed. This summary document was compiled by Peter Temple to assist us with our understanding of the options available for the group to consider
  • After a brief review of each model, it was decided to assign smaller subcommittees to investigate one of the options and report back to the group as a whole. Work in groups of two or three to address the different aspects of the four directives within our group’s charge.
  • Tom will contact other group members to inquire which subcommittee they would like to serve on
        i. Green House Model Subcommittee
        Gary CooleyVictoria HaeselbarthMichael Loberg
        o Michael will contact Peter and/or Paddy to get a contact name for Robert Woods Johnson and then will connect with RWJ toschedule a Skype meeting with our entire working group. Thismeeting (Skype or conference call) would occur, sometime before the February 15th deadline for the working plan required of each group.

  1. ii. Other Models (including Vineyard Village at Home, SCOs, Maine)
  2. Subcommittee
  3. Polly Brown
  4. Tom Hallahan
  5. iii. Volunteerism Solutions (including Stop at Home & Gatekeeper) Subcommittee
  6. **Members to be determined
        o Explore use of volunteers - determine who will work on this issue

        o Unclear if we can find enough caregivers for everyone who wants to    stay here so volunteers will be essential

  1. iv. Technology/Support Medical Treatment at Home Subcomittee
        Nancy Langman
        **Others to be determined

        o Connect with John Moore re handheld health monitoring technology
        o Connect with Dovetail Health
        o Safety monitoring programs at home

Questions, which should direct the work of each subcommittee are:

1. Description of program including population served
2. Financial Viability
3. Proof of concept
4. Transferability

V. Discussion
  • Michael notes that we may not be able to solve the housing problemand therefore we cannot make it a contingency to solving the agingproblem.
  • For- profit companies may be not want to invest given the high cost ofconstruction
  • Alzheimer's needs to be part of our data collection and consideration ineach of our models, but not as a separate group at this time.
  • We will be unlikely to be able to provide services on island for latestage Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Polly's market study (from the late 1990’s) on continuing care retirement community (CCRC) will be forwarded to members of the working group. Though somewhat dated, it should offer a helpful perspective and foundation for our work.
VI. Next scheduled meetings
  • Monday Jan 6th, 4-5:30 PM
  • Monday Jan 20th, 3:30-5:00 PM
**Unless notified otherwise the meetings will be at Michael Loberg's home in VineyardHaven. Directions: Last house on the right on Crocker Avenue, off of Main Street.

Respectfully Submitted:Nancy Langman