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Youth Commission Minutes 03/12/2003

Present:          Gale Schultz, Lorraine Gagne, Alyson Bellora, Debra Brejcha, Valerie Alves, Kevin Lee, Youth Advocate and Justine Clarke, clerk

Regrets:            Allison Nastanski and Paul Foucart

   Note:  Ms. Gale Schultz agreed to chair the meeting.

   Ms. Schultz called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m.  

Kevin informed the Commissioners that Debra Smith has submitted a letter of resignation effective March 11, 2003 from the Youth Commission.  Ms. Smith met with Kevin and explained she has taken on extra responsibilities in both her professional and personal life and will not be able to devote the time needed to serve on the Youth Commission.   

Kevin stated that she was a valuable member of the Youth Commission and she will be missed.  

Because two Commissioners were not present, the Commission postponed appointing a new chairperson until the next scheduled meeting.  

Approval of January 8, 2003 minutes:  Lorraine Gagne made a motion to accept the minutes of January 8, 2003.  Ms. Alves seconded the motion.  Voted unanimously.    

Old Business:    

Update on  
Kevin stated that student intern Nicole Pitts has been spending less time working at his office due to her need to focus on her schoolwork.  Kevin and Nicole have been working on a new graphic logo for the home page.
Kevin has been in contact with parents that have expressed their concern in dealing with their children regarding the effects of the war.

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Appoint a Commissioner as overseer or administrator of the “Alvin Glaser Memorial Family Assistance Fund”  

Kevin stated that a sum of $2,500 was recently transferred from the High School to the Youth Commission.  It is now in a separate gift account named “The Alvin Glaser Memorial Family Assistance Fund.”  The Youth Commission will oversee this account.
Ms. Schultz inquired as to how many gift accounts the Youth Commission currently has.  Kevin stated there are three.  Explanation follows.

1.      Gift Account --- In the past, funds from this account were used to help families in need of assistance with food, clothing and occasionally medical care.  The Gift Account is also used to purchase other items, from time to time, which fall outside regular budgeted items.

2. Gift Account --- Monies from this account are

      used for ongoing development and promotional items having to do

      with the Web site.

3.      Alvin Glaser Memorial Family Assistance Fund – Monies from this

Account, in accordance with the donor’s wishes, will be used to assist families and individuals who are in need of food, shelter, clothing or medical care.  This fund will be overseen by an appointed administrator/commissioner.

Ms. Schultz would like to see the current budget report for all three gift accounts at the next scheduled meeting.  Kevin stated that in addition to recommending an administrator to oversee this fund, he further suggested that the fund’s administrator might also approve requests for disbursement and sign off on applicable vouchers.
At this time, there were no volunteers for this responsibility.  The Commission hopes to appoint one of its members at the next meeting.

 Youth Advocate’s Report:    

Kevin thanked the Commissioners for their support, which made it possible for him to attend the Child Welfare League of America’s annual conference in Washington, DC.  Funding to attend the conference was made possible through an education/training fund under the care of the Executive Administrator.  Kevin noted that he was able to save the Town over $600.00 by staying at a Quaker conference center for only $35.00 a night.

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Kevin stated his client workload has been extremely busy.  The Banana Splits program has two more weeks until it ends for the year.  The Caring Tree Grief Group held on Thursday evenings between 5:30 and 8:30 PM started two weeks ago and will run for eight weeks.  Six families are enrolled in the program this year.

Kevin reported that he would organize and lead a series of popular kickball games again this spring.  This event will take place on Tuesdays from 4:00 – 5:30 PM.  Even though this program generates clients, referrals and requests for services from residents, Kevin considers this activity, now in its 5th year, to be after hours and inn addition to his regular duties.  

Kevin reported that he has been attending a course called CERT, (Community Emergency Response Team) on Monday evenings.  This eight-week program is sponsored by the Town’s Emergency Management Agency.  Kevin also was a presenter for one of the training sessions on the psychological and emotional impact of trauma upon communities and groups.

New Business:    

Budget cuts:  

Kevin reported the budget cuts made by the State are affecting all towns.  He indicated that it is still too early to predict how the State budget crisis will impact our community, and especially the Youth Commission.

New Business from the floor:    

  • Ms. Schultz is in the process of drafting a letter to Christian Broughton thanking him for his years of service to the Youth Commission.  
 Kevin will have a draft letter at our next meeting detailing the “Alvin Glaser Memorial Family Assistance Fund.”
  •  Ms. Schultz has been unable to contact Mr. Caslin regarding filling a vacancy on the Commission.

·        Valerie Alves recommended Mr. Jim Matthes, Executive Director of the New Bedford Chamber of Commerce.  Ms. Alves will contact Mr. Matthes to inquire if he would be interested in becoming a member of the Youth Commission.


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   ·        Kevin stated that due to recent budget cuts within the Dartmouth Police Department, the position of School Resource Officer (SRO) held by Detective Bonnie Escobar, has been eliminated as of March 8, 2003.  Officer Escobar has returned to regular patrol duty.  Kevin expressed his disappointment in the elimination of this position and hopes that it will eventually be

 Review Budget Accounts:  

·        Ms. Lorraine Gagne made a motion to accept the following budget accounts:    

1.      Gift account budget report (December 2002 – January 2003)  

2.      Year-to-date expense report (December 2002 – January 2003)  

3.      Year-to-date expense report for February 2003    

Ms. Valerie Alves seconded the motion.  Voted unanimously.    

The next meeting of the Dartmouth Youth Commission is scheduled for Wednesday, May 14, 2003 in Room 318 at the Dartmouth Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.    

Ms. Schultz made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Ms. Gagne seconded the motion.  Voted unanimously at 9:10 p.m.