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074 Thursday, December 24, 2009

Regionalism A Priority

As the New Year approaches, many people decide to make resolutions on how to improve their life or the lives of others by taking a fresh start. In town hall, I think we need to have the same approach. One of the things we need to do more of in Colchester is taking a renewed look at the services we provide that we can share with other towns.

While Colchester is unique in many ways, some of the problems we face are seen in our neighboring towns as well. The time has come to look at joint solutions to our problems in order to reduce our costs.

The first step in the process is to build relationships with some of these towns. Fortunately, I have already known many of my fellow First Selectmen and Mayors for a few years. However, I’m still meeting other leaders every day at our regional meetings, organization events, and sometimes I even pay them a visit.

This outreach is beginning to bear fruit as we have already begun substantive talks over how to share our resources. Much of the work is preliminary and I will keep everyone informed when I have something to propose to the town.

Probate Court

One of the unfortunate things that occurred in the past year was the consolidation of Probate Courts that combined Colchester with five other towns. We are very happy though that Colchester will still have a part-time satellite office here in Colchester even though the main branch will be out of town.

Judge Thomas and I met with officials from the towns of the new consolidated court to begin the process of merging the budgets and other administrative activities. We anticipate that we will have most of the details ironed out within a few months.

Residents should be prepared for this change which will occur in January, 2011. Once the new court is in place, the court will only be open in Colchester two days per week.

Budget Forums

Once 2010 begins, so will our official budgeting process. One of the successful programs we had last year was the budget forum where we asked the public to give us your feedback on spending priorities and other matters. We intend to continue this program and have one or more forums to work with everyone as we begin to shape the 2010-2011 budget.

Before we jump into 2010 though, I think it’s appropriate to reflect back on 2009 and think about what we have done as a community. Because of the support of the taxpayers, volunteers, and town employees, we’ve been able to educate our children, get food to those in need, enable new businesses to open up, and ensure the public remains as safe as we can make it.

Thank you for being part of this community and for allowing me to serve you. Happy Holidays and a great New Year to everyone!

- Gregg Schuster
 First Selectman

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