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060 Thursday, July 9, 2009
I thought I’d use this week’s article to briefly answer questions that have been asked by many over the past few weeks.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or come in to the office.  

Where did you “find” the money to purchase the additional 31 acres of land adjacent to the Elizabeth & Ruby Cohen Woodlands?  We “found” no additional funds.  The $140,000 to be paid by the Town is in an account set up specifically for only this purpose.  Funds are in two accounts – (1) money set aside by the Town during past years to purchase open space and (2) “fee in lieu of” funds from developers who contribute money to purchase open space instead of giving the Town open space in their developments.

What’s this about a blight ordinance?  As you know, your boards and commissions are always working to make Colchester a better place to live.  As part of their ongoing work, blight issues were discussed during a recent Economic Development Commission meeting.  Many towns and cities already have or are considering implementing these ordinances.  Benefits include maintaining property values, improving the look of all areas of Town, building Colchester’s attractiveness to new businesses, and preserving our beauty and culture.  There are many sides of this issue to be considered though before moving forward – primarily “what about those residents who cannot afford to maintain their property?”  All sides of the issue will be reviewed and researched.  Watch soon for a survey about how you feel about an ordinance of this type.

What is this “land use summit” I’ve been hearing about?  We’re bringing together Colchester’s residents and businesses to talk about the future of Colchester, how the use of our land is key to that future, what’s currently happening, and what remains to be done.  Policy makers, farmers, land use commission members, business owners, state and town organizations, residents, and many others have been invited.  Consider joining us on July 29th.  If you’re interested in attending, please RSVP to my office at 537-7220 or to ensure that we have enough materials for all.  We’ll be releasing our new “Visit Colchester Farms” brochure and web map at this meeting.

Is the Town taking furlough days like the State?  Yes, but not all at once.  As you know, during the budget season, most of your non-union staff volunteered to take unpaid furlough days or a wage freeze during the coming year.  For most staff that amounts to seven days of unpaid leave.  However, unlike the State, those days will not be taken all at the same time shutting down Town services.  Please be aware thought that in some offices these days will significantly slow down some services for a short time.  Additionally, the firefighters union offered wage concessions in the form of giving back their uniform allowance for the year as furlough days are not a real option for them.

How is the Police Commission doing?  Great!  Last month saw the first full meeting of the new commission.  Returning members John Jones and Glenn Morron welcomed new members Don Philips, Rob Parlee, and Tony Camilleri.  A little bit of background on our new members:

Don has lived in Colchester with his wife, Joanne,~since 1996.~ He has served on the Colchester Zoning and Planning Commission and was elected as Colchester Tax Collector in 1999.~ In 2003, Don was elected to the Colchester Board of Assessment Appeals and served as chair from 2003 to~2007.~ He is an attorney and is presently employed as Government Relations Counsel at the Connecticut Bar Association.

Rob has lived in Colchester is entire life and is a life member of the Colchester Hayward Volunteer Fire Department. He and his wife, Heather, are raising two children.  Cougar football coach, long-time dispatcher for the EOC, service on the Police Task Force Board – Rob is part of Colchester’s fabric.

Tony has lived in Colchester with his wife Ronda since 2000.  Three grown children, five grandchildren, and owning USA Security Services Corporation still leaves Tony time to dedicate to our town.  He is a retired lieutenant~& Division Commander of the Hartford Police Department and has taught police related classes nationally and internationally.

Looks like summer is finally here.  Enjoy!!

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