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058 Thursday, June 18, 2009
People have been asking, “So where is the stimulus money?”  In brief, the Governor’s office is targeting the funds and releasing them slowly.  Last week, Greg Plunkett, Facilities Director, and I attended the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Municipal Stimulus Funding Seminar in order to begin the process of applying for the up to $69,000 in grant funds targeted specifically at Colchester and specifically for energy-related projects.  While we learned a great deal at this workshop about what we as a municipality can and cannot do with those funds, of even greater interest were the many ways that Colchester’s residents – you -- can take advantage of available energy dollars that the stimulus and other funds provide to individuals.

Did you know that the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy ranks Connecticut number three in the nation for its energy efficiency programs?  While I cannot explain them all in detail here, following are some of the highlights of the programs, as well as contact information so you will be able to take what we learned and use it to your benefit.  In some cases renters also qualify for the programs.  What kinds of things are covered?  

Solar rebates through the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund (CCEF) are returning on July 1st.  Don’t qualify?  How about a solar lease program – where the money you save in electricity is used to pay down the costs of the panels?  Maximum income for a Colchester family of two to be eligible for the lease program is $138,240.  Information can be found at

The Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund (CEEF) provides incentives and rebates for undertaking energy efficiencies from purchasing Energy Star products to free or inexpensive energy assessments.  Find more detailed information at

Connecticut Light & Power (CL&P) offers a variety of programs including weatherization assistance, rebates for geothermal and solar power installation,  and energy audits.  Much more information can be found at:  

The Connecticut Office of Policy and Management (OPM) offers a furnace and boiler replacement program, as well as home energy audits.  Check out the “Energy Management” link at or call 1-866-940-4676

In addition to the above, there are a variety of tax credits which can be found at

Don’t let potential cost stop you from investigating programs in which you are interested.  Some aspects of the programs have income restrictions; others are broader.  There are so many different ways to arrive at the same solution that it makes the most sense to lay out your plans to one of these agencies and work with them to figure out the best way to finance it given your individual situation.  Go to or call 1-877-WISE-USE for information or to find out which programs might be suit your needs.

As Colchester works to be more environmentally friendly, you can help by:

(1)  Taking advantage of the many programs provided for energy efficiencies.

(2)  Making your yard a community wildlife habitat.  It’s easy!  Have a bird feeder and bird bath?  A large bush where birds can nest?  You’ve just about qualified!  Farms, businesses, single family dwellings, and apartments – all qualify!  Find more information at

(3)  Joining the Town of Colchester in our efforts in the 20% by 2010 Clean Energy Campaign.  By purchasing clean energy, you will not only make a difference to the environment -- you will help the Town earn points towards obtaining free solar panels.  Sign-up on-line at, fill out the insert that is sent periodically with your electric bill, or call Candace Maynard in the First Selectman’s office at 537-7220.  Candace is a Colchester resident and a student at Eastern Connecticut State College who is beginning her second internship with us focusing on becoming more energy and natural resource efficient.

(4)  Watching for information coming in July about additional recycling efforts to be undertaken by the Colchester Transfer Station.

Each individual’s efforts do make a difference – thank you for yours.

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