Last week a Colchester resident attended the Board of Selectmen meeting and during Citizen’s Comments asked a question. Why am I writing about it? Because I was so excited that when she’d heard a rumor, she came straight to the people who make the decisions about that particular item to get the facts. Given that her question was about the police department and the town’s intent, I thought this would be a good place to explain what is happening to all of you as there seems to be a lot of misinformation circulating.
As you know, a variety of methods were explored during the budget season to find ways to provide services to our residents while decreasing costs. During that time several areas were identified by boards and individuals to research along these lines, including our police department. Questions arose several times about whether we could use other towns as a model and provide police service in a different manner. As a result, I am gathering data for the Board of Selectmen to review the topic. Part of the data includes the task force report from several years ago outlining Colchester’s police needs, as well as a cost analysis of four forms of policing – a fully resident trooper program, combining with another local police force to provide regionalized services, becoming fully independent, or maintaining our
current status of resident trooper combined with local officers. I cannot emphasize strongly enough, this is not a decision; it is purely research.
As elected officials, we have a responsibility to the Town to review programs and projects to ensure that we are receiving the needed services in the most efficient and effective manner. Along with the police department there are several other areas which we are reviewing, including whether or not to join a regional health department versus maintaining our own. Cost is not the only factor when making these decisions; we must ensure that we are also receiving the benefits that are needed and expected.
So, to answer the resident’s question – the police department continues to operate as it has been; no changes have been made nor are any imminent. In fact, the data has not yet been accumulated nor has the Board of Selectmen seen, reviewed, or discussed the matter. Much thanks to Dee for coming and asking the question. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to come into or call my office (537-7220). We’re here to serve you.
On that note, it is with a combination of joy and sadness that I tell you that Siobhan Grogan, our long-time Director of Library Services, is leaving us at the end of June -- with sadness because she will be missed; but with joy because she is going off to fulfill a dream and will be moving to Mexico shortly. If you have a minute, stop by the library and wish her well. With over 22 years of service to Colchester, Siobhan has made a real difference in our community. We appreciate all she has done and wish her the very best in her “new” life.
Previous Selectman Notes can be viewed at