The annual budget referendum is over; the budget and bond questions passed by a significant majority. Many think that “budget season” is done. In reality, the work has just begun.
On May 12th, Colchester voters passed a spending plan encompassing the items for which you believe your tax dollars should be used. On Wednesday, May 20th, the Board of Finance set the mill rate. They are also the entity that sets anticipated revenues, which include tax collection, fees, interest, and projected state funds.
Our challenge now is to bring this year’s budget in “on budget,” something that we’ve been working on since July 1, 2008. While a freeze was not put on the budget until January, a purchase requisition system was implemented in July 2008 to help with the careful monitoring of dollars spent. As a part of the freeze, there was to be no cut in services or jobs; the only funds to be spent were those that were “absolutely necessary” to keep the Town running and employees fulfilling their functions. Think about it … a zero mil increase two years in a row – there is no “fat” in this budget and few places to cut.
As part of our cost cutting measures, we cut all non-required workshops and seminars, instituted a system to share town vehicles, took several vehicles off the road, reviewed and revised our copy machine and phone practices, instituted increased bulk buying, revised our eighteen year old purchasing policies, joined an electricity consortium, continued to find more ways to share supplies, personnel, and equipment amongst Town departments, and worked with other Towns to find ways to share services. And, sadly, we temporarily laid-off our Food Bank clerk and Planning & Zoning clerk until July 1; however, those lay-offs were extended to the upcoming year by the Board of Finance.
At the same time, revenues dropped significantly. We took steps to increase user fees that have not been increased for five to fifteen years. Working with our tax collector, a plan was put in place to collect current and past due taxes with such success that we are looking at the likelihood of reaching a 98.5% collection rate – something that Colchester has not done in years. And we continue to apply for grants.
Add to the above (1) a snow season like one not seen in more than a decade – over 30 instances of the crew having to go out to clear snow and/or ice; and (2) increased vehicle maintenance bills because of the aging fleet. Just these two items combined are approximately $200,000 over budget.
So, a zero mil increase two years in a row, significantly decreased revenues, snow and vehicle budgets almost $200,000 over budget due to Mother Nature and circumstances beyond anyone’s control. The good news? In spite of all of this, your Town staff is working very hard to bring this budget in “on budget” and we are close to doing so. Every avenue is being utilized to increase revenues, every expenditure scrutinized and justified.
In closing, thank you to the many of you who have given suggestions to either increase revenues or decrease expenditures. We’ve utilized many of them and continue to review others. Yet others, while on the surface looked great, have repercussions and/or costs that aren’t readily visible. If you provided a thought or idea and wonder what happened to it, give me a call (537-7220). I’ll be happy to discuss it with you.
Challenges exist, but Colchester is a great community – working together we will keep Colchester a great place to live. Thank you for your help. And yes, I still believe I have the best job in the world!
Previous Selectman Notes can be viewed at