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051 Thursday, April 30, 2009
Why is Colchester such a great place to live?  Time after time, the community has responded to requests for help – from the food bank to creating forms to filling positions on our many boards and commissions, Colchester’s residents are caring people.  And the caring continues.
Budget season is a tough season.  But, once again, our residents are pulling together to fill the gaps and make Colchester the town we all love.  This week’s column is dedicated to all of those who in just this last week are making Colchester a better place.  
To the …
  • Many women and men who attended our first community All-Hazards Local Emergency Planning Committee meeting.  This group is part of our ongoing efforts to plan for potential emergencies so that should one occur we are able to provide needed and necessary assistance to our residents.  Much like the many agencies in Colchester and our firefighters who pulled together seamlessly during the M&J fire, this group will plan and train to address the needs of residents during emergencies such as a pandemic flu,  hurricane, flooding or blizzards.  The next meeting of this group is May 26th, 7:00 p.m. at the EOC at Jack Jackter Intermediate School.  All are welcome and needed.
  • Colchester Garden Club for their continued efforts in maintaining the Cragin Memorial Library grounds, as well as their work with the Senior Center and Parks & Recreation Department.
  • Colchester Business Association for funding the restoration of the town sign located on the Green.
  • Sports leagues – soccer, baseball, men’s softball, football, and lacrosse – for joining together and working in partnership with the Parks & Recreation Department to develop and implement guidelines to keep our fields in good shape.  At our meeting last week, we began exploration of how the leagues could also assist in providing additional resources to maintain the fields.   Our fields are heavily used; through education and cooperation, if everyone does their part, we can keep them in good shape for all to enjoy.
  • Many residents of all ages who turned out this past Saturday for Spring Clean-Up.  Crews mulched, picked up litter and sticks, weeded, and raked on the Green, at Jack Jackter Intermediate, Bacon Academy, and the Recreation Complex.  Much thanks also to the U.S. Navy who sent a team from the Submarine Base in Groton to lend a hand.  Your help in beautifying and maintaining our many assets is appreciated.
  • The unnamed groups who were seen during Earth Week picking up litter throughout Town.
  • EcoKids from Linda Eakin’s class at Jack Jackter Intermediate School.  Students have been doing water conservation research and did a “throw out your plastic baggies” fundraiser.  As a result, they are sponsoring several trees in Ethiopia through the Eden Project and will also be buying and planting a tree or two in Colchester.
And last, but not least much thanks to Jodi Mendlinger and the Bacon Academy Art Department for painting the lovely reminder signs that you’ll be seeing later this week around town.  Reminder for what?  The Annual Town Budget meeting to be held on May 5th at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall!  Also, don’t forget the referendum on May 12th.  Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. and all districts vote at Town Hall.  Much thanks to students Jesse, Hollie, Danielle, Lauren, Devon, and Kelly for all your hard work.
For comprehensive information on the budget,  If you have questions that aren’t answered there, please call the First Selectman’s office at 537-7220 or email

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