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003 March 14, 2008
March 14th, 2008
Notes from Linda        

It’s hard to believe that almost 120 days have passed since I began this job.  Four months sure do go by quickly!  And yes, I still love it!  I'm putting together a report of things that have happened during that time which will be posted on this website.   In the meantime, there's a lot going on in Town Hall, so I thought I would use this opportunity to provide you with some highlights.


I can't tell you how excited we are that the new website is live.  While it has taken a bit longer than I anticipated, we wanted to make sure that we are able to provide you with the most up-to-date, accurate information available in a way that is easy to access.  Our website is an ever changing, "living organism" -- this is by no means the final version.  Town Hall staff at all levels are undergoing a variety of training to ensure that online materials are those you need, when you need them.  As you can imagine, the Town has LOTS of documents.  We will be converting many of those documents to electronic format to post here.  If anyone has expertise in building fillable .pdf documents, has the program at home, and wants to volunteer a few hours building forms, please call my office at 537-7220 or email me.  Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Our IT Coordinator, Marc Tate, is well versed in every aspect of website development and maintenance, including training.  His dedication to the project has been pivotal in the remake of this site.  Although only part-time, between maintaining and documenting the network, troubleshooting a myriad of issues for users, ensuring reliable communications between all buildings and departments, installing user specific software, and training users, he has made this site a reality.  We thank him.  Huge thanks also to those Town employees who took a deep breath, stepped up to the plate, and were pioneers in both being trained, as well as adding content to the site -- Donna Paty, Leann Hill, MaryJane Slade, Valerie Geato, Kathy Spangler, Gail Therien, Antoinette Charest, Jay Cohen, Liz Kessler, and Mike Caplet.  Without their dedication and commitment to this project, the website would still be under construction.

Watch in April for a survey form to be added to the site.  Our vendor is currently developing this communication tool to gather information about what you think on specific topics.  Until that time (and even afterward!), please use the Contact Us page to share your thoughts about the website, as well as to let us know what additional information you'd like to see here.


Thank you to all of you who have been reaching out  with comments, inquiries and concerns.  Please don't stop!  I continue to do my very best to respond to every one of them.  Even when I am slow at responding, I read all of the emails every day.  As you know, two-way communication is at the heart of an active and engaged community.

Speaking of enhancing our town communications, Pam, Mike, and I had the pleasure of working with public relations intern Christine Corrado, a Colchester resident currently attending Endicott College. She worked in our office during the month of January writing press releases, coordinating press conferences, updating the website, coordinating information for Channel 14, and many other activities.  She was a valuable resource, allowing us to do more public outreach at no cost to taxpayers. At the same time, she gained meaningful work experience related to her intended field of interest. We are reaching out to other local universities so that we have the opportunity to work in partnership with students – offering them opportunities for learning while they provide much needed services to our town.

Coffee with Linda

Our bi-monthly coffees continue and have grown -- some months we are holding three and four coffees.  Please join us.  There is no agenda -- topics discussed are totally up to the attendees.  A Town Department Head will be attending each meeting with me; we'll briefly update you on town activities in which you are interested; and, spend the majority of our time together listening and responding to your concerns and ideas.  I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible.

The last coffee of this quarter will be held Friday, March 28th from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Cafe Mangia on Linwood Avenue.  We're planning our coffees for the next quarter (April, May, and June).  If anyone -- community organization, business, neighbors, etc. -- would like to host a coffee, I would love the opportunity to visit with you -- please, call my office and set it up with Mike.  Watch here and in the local papers for locations, times, and dates for the upcoming quarter.  

Saturday Office Hours -- Second Saturday of the Month

In an effort to provide as many citizens as possible the opportunity to chat with the First Selectman, I began Saturday office hours during the months of March, April, May, and June.  The first one was in March and I was thrilled to meet with four Colchester citizens.  Office hours will be 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. the second Saturday of each month.  Again, there is no agenda – the topic is whatever you want to discuss.

Economic Development

With the passing of our proposed business parks, our Town Planner Adam Turner and I have been meeting with potential developers and are excited by our prospects. I hope to have more to report on this front in the coming months. The Business Park on Linwood Avenue, as many of you see driving by, is moving along well.   The Economic Development Commission and task forces set up to retain and grow current businesses, as well as attract new business, are actively developing strategies for results.  Watch here for information about ongoing work being done by all groups.


Budget season is here. There are multiple opportunities for you to be involved.  So that you don't have to "wander" the website to find budget information, we have begun a page on this website devoted solely to the budget and the budget process.  This area will be continuously updated as new information becomes available during the season.  Just a note -- while there are no opportunities for public comment during a working session, I strongly encourage all citizens to attend.  Hear the facts first hand.  Take notes and bring your questions to the Board of Finance meetings, Public Hearings, a “First Selectman’s Coffee,” or a Saturday morning at the First Selectman’s office.   Or send us a letter, call us, or come in and visit.

My door is always open.  Thank you so much for this opportunity to serve!!

