January 3, 2013
Energy Project Moving Forward
Two weeks ago, both the Board of Finance and the Board of Selectmen voted to move forward with an energy savings project for most town and school facilities. The Board of Education had previously voted to support the project as well.
The type of project we are proposing is called a performance contract. A performance contract has a vendor who will make a number equipment upgrades to save energy. The project is financed through the energy savings achieved by the upgrades and the level of energy savings is guaranteed by the vendor. If we don’t see the level of savings guaranteed, the vendor must pay the difference.
These projects are being done in towns across Connecticut and the country as they are a low risk method to achieve energy savings at no additional cost to the taxpayer. At worst, the project would have no negative financial impact on the town. However, if the project exceeds expectations, we will see savings above and beyond what the vendor has guaranteed. Many towns that have done these projects have seen more savings than were guaranteed.
Many people want to conserve energy and protect our environment. Many people want to save money. This project accomplishes both and will allow Colchester to begin actively managing its energy expense. We know that the global demand for energy will increase in the coming years and decades. Coupled with an uncertain supply, this combination makes energy management a critical function of our operations in order to control costs.
Throughout the next few weeks, there will be a series of information sessions where the public will hear presentations about the project and can ask questions. We encourage all residents to attend and participate in the discussion. We will also have a town meeting likely in January to decide if we should move forward with the project.
This is a very exciting and beneficial project to Colchester and I hope all will take the time to learn about it and participate in the discussion.
Sidewalk Shoveling
Now that we are into winter, snow removal becomes a top priority for the town in order to keep the roads in a safe condition. Colchester has over 100 miles of roads that need to be plowed and we maintain all town roads through 14 established plow routes. Our public works crew does a great job keeping the roads clear and we always ask that you give them a little time to treat the roads before venturing out after a storm.
Roads aren’t the only area that need clearing. Sidewalks are a critical part of our town and we need to keep them clear for pedestrian traffic. Sidewalks that have not been cleared could force a pedestrian to walk in the road during bad conditions. We want to avoid that at all costs in order to keep everyone safe.
Please remember that there is a town ordinance requiring the clearing of sidewalks by the adjacent property owner within 24 hours of the storm. I want to thank all of you that regularly clear off your sidewalks as it helps the community in many ways. If you are unsure of who is responsible for clearing a sidewalk, or wish to report an uncleared sidewalk, please contact public works and they would be happy to help.
I hope everyone had a happy New Year and let’s all work together for a great 2013!
- Gregg Schuster
First Selectman
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