October 18, 2012
Infrastructure Improvements Continue
Colchester continues to improve our infrastructure in an effort to keep our town beautiful and attractive to new businesses and residents. The streetlights have finally been installed on Lebanon Avenue and Merchant’s Row completing that grant funded project.
Many of you have seen the construction on Rt. 85 near Lake Hayward Road. This is part of the extension of our sewer and water system. Additionally, the state has cleared off a large portion of land in the area and is doing site work in preparation for a new state DOT maintenance facility. All of this helps to support Tractor Supply which has been working closely with staff to begin construction.
The town has also submitted a grant proposal to the state to beautify and improve Linwood Avenue. The proposal would improve sidewalks, lighting, and add other visual improvements in a manner that will showcase our great town center.
All of these improvements are aimed at attracting new businesses, beautifying the center of town, and creating a downtown area that is as pedestrian friendly as possible.
Fuel Bank Always Needs Help
We are now moving into the colder months of the year and those less fortunate will again have to struggle with the costs of heating their homes. There are state and federal programs established to assist those in need with the cost of heating. Please contact Youth and Social Services if you are in need of help or have questions on available services.
In Colchester, the town maintains a fuel bank which is a donation account to provide minimal assistance to families until they are able to get on a program that provides ongoing assistance. I want to take a moment to thank every person and company who has donated to this fund. Family Pizza is currently collecting for the fuel bank and has pledged to match all donations. Additionally, S&S Worldwide and their employees are always supporting the fund.
Colchester is fortunate to have so many generous people and businesses. If you are able, please consider contributing to this worthwhile fund. And thank you again to all of you that have helped maintain this fund.
Prescription Drug Discounts Coming
Over the next two months, residents will begin to see the results from a new program the town is participating in. Working with the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities, Colchester residents will receive a card in the mail that will allow them to get prescription drugs at a discounted cost.
The program will not be beneficial for everyone as many people have prescription drug coverage through their jobs. However, this program will greatly assist those without prescription drug coverage including many seniors. The program comes at no cost to the town.
Over the next few weeks, please keep on the lookout for more information in the news and in the mail.
- Gregg Schuster
First Selectman
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