February 9, 2012
Fire Department Task Force Formed
At the last Board of Selectmen meeting, a task force was formed to begin looking at ways to improve the Colchester-Hayward Volunteer Fire Department. The exact scope of the task force duties has yet to be determined, but a large component will deal with how we compensate volunteers.
Most people are probably unaware of the time and effort it takes to serve as a volunteer in the department. Regardless if a volunteer serves as an EMT, firefighter, or fire police member, they all require a large number of hours of initial training and ongoing training. Once qualified, members perform ongoing duties for the department, respond to calls, and sign up for certain shifts to ensure coverage.
They are not your typical volunteers that spend a couple of hours every two weeks going to a meeting or some other support activity. These volunteers must dedicate a significant amount of time to their duties. Unfortunately, Colchester and communities across the nation are seeing a decline in people able to give this level of commitment.
We began looking at this issue over a year ago when I asked a UCONN student team to conduct a study as part of their coursework. Their report was well researched and gave a good outside opinion of some of the challenges we face along with the many things we are doing well.
The study recommended several areas for further investigation and improvement and this task force will help take those recommendations and translate them into concrete plans. We have to recognize that we need to do more as a town to attract and retain our great volunteers. The alternative, a 24/7 paid department, is very expensive and not in the best interest of Colchester.
The task force will be comprised of seven citizens. While we welcome those with firefighting or EMS experience, we also need people who have an expertise in finance, compensation, organizational structures, and other skill sets. A diverse task force will be best equipped to give a balanced recommendation. If you feel you can help, please consider applying for the task force even if you do not have experience in this area. Applications can be found on the town website or you can contact my office.
Animal Control To Be Discussed
I have heard a great deal of feedback from citizens who expressed concern over animal control here in Colchester. As someone who has had dogs and cats as part of my family, I too am concerned and want to deal with the situation head on.
There are always ways we can improve town services. Feedback and ideas from citizens are a critical part of the process. Bearing that in mind, I would like to invite interested citizens to a public discussion on animal control that I am hosting on Thursday, February 23rd at 6PM at Town Hall.
My hope is to have an open dialogue about how we handle our animal control and our adoption procedures. With your help, I am certain we can make some changes that are reflective of our community's compassion for animals.
- Gregg Schuster
First Selectman
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