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121 Thursday, January 12, 2012
January 12, 2012

2012-2013 Budget

I hope everyone had a good holiday season and a happy new year! As we move into 2012, our focus now shifts to the creation and presentation of the 2012-13 budget. As with any budget, we will have to make some tough choices about what we can fund and what we have to eliminate.

The process works best when citizens get involved and let the boards know our thoughts and ideas. There are many ways that you can participate in the process and I hope you will choose to do so. After all, this is the community’s budget and it must reflect the wishes of the citizens.

The first place you can provide input is through the budget survey. The survey will be available shortly online at the town website at . Paper copies will also be available at the First Selectman’s office, the Town Clerk’s office, and Cragin Memorial Library. It’s a short survey and the information provided will help guide the budget process.

There will also be a number of budget meetings that the public is invited to attend. February 1st, the Board of Finance will host an open discussion on our police staffing and whether we should start moving towards 24/7 local coverage. On Monday, February 6th, there will be a budget forum where everyone is invited to come and have a discussion on your thoughts on the budget. February 15th, the Board of Finance will host another open discussion on some potential bond initiatives including road repairs and fire apparatus. All of these meetings are designed to have a good dialogue and hear what everyone’s opinions are prior to taking any action.

There will also be a number of meetings in March to go over the proposed budget and all citizens are invited to attend. Once the meeting schedule is finalized, it will be posted on the town website along with any other relevant information.

Building Committee Moving Forward

The newly formed Building Committee has been very busy on their project. An RFP for an architect was sent out and 16 proposals were received. The committee now has the job of selecting an architect to develop the conceptual plans for the project as well as cost estimates.

This is a fairly large project which involves the renovation of WJJMS and including a community center with dedicated space for seniors. Once the plans and cost estimates are developed, the boards and the community will have to have a long discussion on the project. Ultimately, I am hopeful that we can develop a project which meets the needs of the community and which the taxpayers can afford.    

- Gregg Schuster
 First Selectman

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