August 11, 2011
Free Solar Panels Acquired
We are always looking for new and innovative ways to save money through projects and partnerships. One of these partnerships is about to pay off as the town is set to acquire some free solar panels for a couple of our facilities.
The town has entered into a five year deal with DCS Energy where they supply and maintain the solar panels at no cost to the town. These types of programs are made possible through grants and other energy credits that can be traded on the open market.
In addition to the town facilities, the school is working with DCS to see if any of the school buildings qualify for free solar panels as well. This project, coupled with our efforts to enter into a performance contract with an energy company, will help reduce our overall energy consumption and ultimately cut energy costs.
On a side note, I’d like to welcome DCS Energy as a new business in Colchester. They are opening a store in Keystone Shoppes off Linwood Avenue. Please swing by and visit them at some point to see what they can do for your home or office.
Agriculture Commission Members Needed
The Board of Selectmen has begun interviewing for the newly formed Agriculture Commission. We need a total of seven citizens (five regular members and two alternates) to round out the commission.
I’m hopeful that we’ll receive some more applicants for this very important commission. Although the focus of the commission is on agriculture, the Board of Selectmen typically looks for diversity when making appointments. If you are interested in serving, but don’t have a background in agriculture, please submit an application. We want to ensure different perspectives are included on all boards.
Applications to serve on boards and commissions can be found on the town website at or in the First Selectman’s office.
Weekly Town E-mail Launched
Colchester is an incredibly active community. There are always lots of activities going on including town programs, events, and services. Over time, Colchester has continually added to the methods we use to communicate. Our quarterly magazine, press releases, and website are all examples of how we try to inform the public.
In addition to this column, we’ve improved the layout and content of the town website. Recently, we’ve also begun sending out a weekly e-mail that combines some of the columns written by myself and other staff members with other news about town activities. It’s just another way of keeping everyone informed of all that is going on in Colchester. You can sign up for this weekly e-mail by entering your e-mail address in the form on the left side of the town website.
- Gregg Schuster
First Selectman
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