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109 Thursday, May 26, 2011
May 26, 2011

Service Appreciated

Colchester is truly run by volunteers. We owe a debt of gratitude to the many people who serve on town boards and commissions. Each board demands a certain amount of time from the members and every board is different. There are some boards though, such as the Board of Education, that demand a heavy time commitment from the members in order to serve the town as best it can.

Recently, Betsy Ciccone resigned from the Board of Education after ten years of service. I know this was a difficult decision for her, but after ten years on the board I understand the need to move on to other challenges.

To find someone like Betsy who served for so long and so passionately is something we should all celebrate. Her tireless work on behalf of the town and the schools has made Colchester a better place for all. Personally, I have always appreciated Betsy’s forthright and honest approach to issues. She tells you exactly what’s on her mind and what she feels about a subject.

On behalf of the town, I want to thank Betsy for her years of dedication and service. She will truly be missed by all.

As Betsy steps down from the board, we are looking for others to step up and fill not just her spot, but vacancies on other boards and commissions. We are always looking for good people to serve and I hope some others will step forward to help their community.

Fire Training Center Opened

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending the opening of the new fire training facility at Schuster Park. Colchester is blessed with the service of many men and women who volunteer for emergency services such as firefighting, medical, rescue, fire police, and Hazmat.

The training facility that was constructed will allow realistic simulations of firefighting in a controlled environment. Although the town did contribute some funds towards the project, the bulk of the credit goes to all of the community groups that donated time, money, or materials for the facility.

The facility would never have been built if not for the incredible efforts of our fire department volunteers. Their hard work has certainly paid off and this facility will help ensure that future firefighters get the training they need right here in Colchester. I want to thank all of them for a job well done and their continued service for Colchester.

We are always looking for more volunteers for emergency services. If you ever considered being a volunteer firefighter, EMT, or other supporting resource, please contact the fire department or my office. We would be happy to get you more information and help you get involved.

- Gregg Schuster
 First Selectman

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