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108 Thursday, May 12, 2011
May 12, 2011

Website Revisions Coming

One of the most important functions town government has is communications. After all, what good is all information we have if we can’t get it to the citizens. Communication is also a two way street as we need to hear from you. Knowing your issues and concerns helps us figure out what we need to address and where to focus our efforts.

Over the next few weeks, we will be re-launching our town website at . We are not recreating the wheel as there will not be a drastic change. However, the navigation will be greatly improved and more content will be added to ensure you are getting the best information possible. On average, the town website receives over 20,000 visits per month. We hope that even more people will utilize this great resource.

Going forward, we will be trying to put more and more services, forms, and information online. Our goal is to enable you to do business with the town government wherever and whenever you choose.

Zoning Code Under Review

The Planning and Zoning Commission has begun a comprehensive review and revision of the zoning code. This is a much needed effort that is going to occupy them for the better part of a year and I look forward to seeing the results.

Our code has served us well over the years, but it has grown to be somewhat complex. The goal is to simplify the code to be easier to interpret and enforce. We have learned a lot over the years with all the developments that have come to town and we want to put all the knowledge gained in the areas of parking, lighting, zones, and other characteristics to good use in revising this code. All towns are unique and we need to ensure that our code matches our long term goals for the development and preservation of Colchester.

Memorial Day Parade

In about a week and a half, Colchester will hold its annual Memorial Day Parade. I hope everyone will join us on Sunday, May 29 at 12:30 PM for the parade down Norwich Avenue and around the Town Green. This year’s parade theme honors those who have fought and died in the Vietnam War.  

I want to thank all of those who have helped to plan this great annual event. We have a dedicated group of volunteers and veterans that help plan this out every year. Without their hard work and dedication, we would not have this great parade of remembrance. Also, a big thank you to those who are marching and participating in the parade. You are making it possible for us all the celebrate and remember our great veterans.

- Gregg Schuster
 First Selectman

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