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103 Thursday, March 03, 2011
March 3, 2011

Town Budget Proposed

This week, I put forth my proposed budget to the town, the Board of Selectmen, and the Board of Finance. Every budget is about choices. Last year, Colchester had to make a choice between a significant tax increase or severe reductions in services. Ultimately, the town chose to preserve services. We are again faced with a choice this year, but a different one. We can continue to preserve our services, but we need to decide how we want to invest in Colchester.

For too many years, we have not dedicated money to capital needs including vehicles, equipment, building repairs, and road maintenance. This resulted in spending too much money on keeping old equipment running, facilities with leaks and other issues, and roads not properly maintained. The proposed budget begins digging Colchester out of this hole and invests in the future.

The increase proposed in this budget is a starting point by which to initiate a discussion. I do not expect, nor would I support, increasing the town budget by the amount proposed in this budget. Some items will be removed. Other capital items may be financed. This budget must lay out all of our options so that we can, as a community, decide which priorities to fund.  

This year, we are still feeling the effects of the economic downturn. The grand list has grown 1.5% over last year, adding about $550,000 in new tax revenue.  However, state aid to the Town will remain at about the same levels as FY10-11, bringing in no additional revenue.  While Gov. Malloy’s proposed budget does introduce new revenue sources to municipalities, they will not be included in this budget as it would not be prudent to rely on revenue sources not yet approved by the General Assembly.

Much of the increase in capital reserve funding is offset by a significant decrease in debt service.  I expect that the Board of Finance and Board of Selectmen will discuss further budget reductions or financing of the proposed capital items.

Budget Input Needed

As we move forward in the budget process, it is important to remember that this proposal is a summary of the needs of the town. We can’t fund all of it and must decide what our priorities are as a community.  As the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance review this proposal, I urge all of you to make your opinions known.

There are countless meetings, workshops, and hearings where you can tell us what you think. For the latest information on meetings and times, please visit the town website at or call my office at (860) 537-7220. Your input into this process is necessary to help ensure the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance put forth a budget that reflects your wishes.

- Gregg Schuster
 First Selectman

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