November 18, 2010
Election: A Time for Change
Elections are a time for reflection on where we are as a state and which direction we want to go in. For most people, their participation in an election amounts to filling in some circles on a ballot and finding relief that all the mailers, commercials, and lawn signs will soon be gone. However, there is a lot of work that goes into ensuring our elections are conducted fairly and in accordance with state law so that all voters have the ability to exercise their rights.
The Town Clerk, Republican Registrar of Voters, and Democrat Registrar of Voters all work very hard to prepare for the election and setup the polling locations. Also, we have moderators and poll workers that spend a very long day making sure that everything goes smoothly. I want to extend a big, “thank you,” to all of these individuals who worked so hard on Election Day.
After the election was over, I sent a letter congratulating Governor-elect Dan Malloy. The new Governor has quite a challenge facing him as the state is forecasting $3.5 billion deficit. On behalf of Colchester, I wished him well and offered any assistance he may need.
Zoning Board of Appeals Seeks Members
The Colchester Zoning Board of Appeals currently has opening for alternates and the town is looking for someone to step up and volunteer. No previous land use experience is necessary. In fact, being an alternate on a board is a great way to gain some experience in a new area.
The board deals with appeals of administrative rulings and hears requests on issues that are not in compliance with our zoning code. If you are interested or know someone who might want to serve, please contact the First Selectman’s office at 537-7220.
Holiday’s Are Time for Giving
As we approach the holidays, please remember that while most of us are able to provide for ourselves and our families, there are many amongst us who can not. The economy has not yet recovered, unemployment is high, and in town we have seen the demand for social services increase substantially.
Throughout the holiday season, there will be many opportunities for you to donate some time, money, or food to a worthy cause. Our food bank and fuel bank is prepared to help as many people as we can this winter, and we hope we’ll have enough to meet the demand. Every week in the paper, you’re bound to see various organizations conducting food drives or other efforts to help assist those in need.
Please take the opportunity to give something to those less fortunate if you are able to. There are many worthwhile charities out there. Additionally, our Youth and Social
Services Department can assist you if you are looking to help out in any way.
And of course, I hope you and your family have a great and happy Thanksgiving and holiday season!
- Gregg Schuster
First Selectman
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