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094 Thursday, September 30, 2010
September 30, 2010

Public Safety Update

Public safety is always a top priority for the town and I want to make sure you all know of some of our ongoing efforts and achievements. In our police department, three officers have recently distinguished themselves through their actions and dedication to Colchester.

Officer First Class Tim Edwards was presented a Meritorious Service Award for his actions in 2006. OFC Edwards observed and detained three individuals that were later determined to be involved in criminal activity and recovered a significant amount of cash and narcotics.  Officer First Class Cyril Green was recently recognized by MADD for his efforts against drunk driving. OFC Green has also been heavily involved in starting a neighborhood crime watch program and his efforts are very much appreciated.

And finally, our School Resource Officer, Officer First Class Rob Suchekci, celebrated his 20th anniversary on the Colchester Police Force. Colchester has certainly changed over the last two decades and to have a consistent officer such as OFC Suchecki really means a lot to the town.  

In the Fire Department, Colchester will be receiving our new fire truck this week. The truck will be stationed at Company 2 in Westchester. The process of purchasing a fire truck is long and intensive. Specifications are developed, the voters must approve the bonding, bids are reviewed and awarded, and the construction and outfitting must be monitored.

I want to thank all of the staff and volunteers who worked hard over the last couple of years to make sure Colchester has the equipment it needs to keep the public safe. I also want to thank the voters for approving this purchase nearly a year and half ago. Your support of the efforts of our staff and volunteers to protect Colchester is appreciated.

I hope that the new fire truck serves the town well and I hope it will be needed as little as possible.

57 Fest

On Saturday, Colchester celebrated our 6th annual 57 Fest and what a great show it was! We had a tremendous band, lots of activities, local restaurants and food vendors, and of course, a big fireworks display to end the evening.

I want to thank everyone who worked so hard to pull this off. Our amazing staff in Parks and Recreation along with the other departments did a tremendous job this year and I hope everyone appreciates their efforts. Also, a big thank you to all the organizations that either provided activities or information about themselves. Of course, we need to thank our sponsors as well for giving Colchester the resources to put on this show. The 57 Fest is funded through the generosity of our sponsors and we couldn’t do it without them.

Finally, thanks to the Colchester Hayward Volunteer Fire Company for helping to ensure the safety of the public. Being onsite to handle any medial issues, provide traffic control, and monitor the fireworks is a critical part in making sure everyone stays safe.

Thanks for coming out this year and I’ll see you at the 7th annual 57 Fest!

- Gregg Schuster
 First Selectman

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