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082 Thursday, April 29, 2010
Colchester Deals With Flooding

The recent heavy rains hit the entire region very hard, and Colchester was no exception. Fortunately, we did not see the flooding that other towns were subjected to, but we had areas of concern nonetheless. I personally drove around during the storm to see where our problem areas are and what, if anything, can be done about it.

Some of our dirt roads took a beating and were severely eroded in places. Additionally, some low-lying areas saw substantial flooding. Our public works department did everything feasible to keep the issues to a minimum and reopen roads as soon as possible. In the aftermath, I have requested the department to put together some options for improvements for certain areas that were hardest hit. We may not be able to fund the improvements for some time, but we at least know what needs to be done and have a long term plan in place.

Many houses also reported having their basement flooded due to the rains. Our fire department did an excellent job pumping out well over 70 homes. Although the floods caused considerable damage to many homes, there is little the town can do to help those who have suffered losses. However, there are state resources available to help through a low interest loan program. Additionally, Gov. Rell has asked President Obama to issue a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration for the region which would enable federal funds to be used for assistance. FEMA has already been on the ground here in Colchester and throughout the region assessing the damage. For the latest information on programs or funding that may be available, please visit the town website at .   

- Gregg Schuster
 First Selectman

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