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Youth Services Advisory Board Minutes 2.7.12


TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2012 at the YOUTH CENTER 5:30p.m.




Members Present:  Thomas St. Louis, Lorraine Marvin, Linda Bromley, Kathy Wonderly


Members Absent:  Pam Scheibelein, Rob Suchecki, Chris Bennett


Others Present:  Valerie Geato,  Director, Youth & Social Services, Sgt. Marc Pettruzzi, John Reever, B.O.E. Liaison, Stephanie Spargo (SERAC), Linda Iacobellis (Bacon Academy), Mike Schaff, Jen Sloat, Meaghan Hickey, Diane Hettrick, Gail Baxter, Rose Paggioli, Barbara Gilbert, Don McKenzie, Tracy McKenzie, Lisa King, Heather Hunter, Stacey Seay, Brittany Berube



1.      Call Meeting to order:  Chairman Tom St. Louis called the meeting to order at 5:34p.m.


2.      Approve Minutes of January 3, 2012 regular meeting: K. Wonderly motioned to accept the minutes from the January 3, 2012 Youth First Meeting. L. Marvin seconded the motion.  All members present voted in favor.   MOTION CARRIED.


3.      Public Comments: Parents of students in the school system and supporters voiced concern of heroin issues in Town. They are aware of dealers in Town and would like the police to make more arrests.  They also voiced concerns about the Alt-Ed program in town as a possible source of problems.  Concerned also that the drug use survey data did not reflect reality in Colchester because kids might think it could be tracked so they did not answer honestly. 


Val Geato detailed the reasons for merging the Local Prevention Council with this organization and gave an update on Juvenile Review Board and FWSN boards.


The concerned parents, who were present, were encouraged to attend Board of Finance meetings to express the need for more funds for youth substance use prevention.  Parents questioned whether undercover police are addressing the problem, investigating.  Tom St. Louis explained that police commission could probably best answer those questions and that the group of parents should also attend the next police commission meeting.

Barb Gilbert explained what the schools are doing to address this with regard to curriculum and how the schools are working with the School Resource Officer and children at the younger grades.  John Reever added some information on the last event held for parents as a result of the drug survey.

Nonetheless, parents want to voice their concerns about Alternative Ed, and the need to police the downtown area for heroin use.  Val Geato mentioned the Guiding Good Choices Programs and other parenting programs offered.  Linda Iacobellis mentioned what is being done at the high school, as well as how parents can help their children to make the right choices and inform administrators. Suggestions were made for other ideas for prevention.  Kids remember hearing stories from other kids facing addiction.


4.       New Business:  Jen Sloate and Mike Schaff gave update of youth service programs, including YAC and YFG from the past month and coming for February:


            Open Youth Center, (2 positions open, M, W 2-4 pm). , YAC (girls group, collecting         jeans for homeless), Youth Force Group (penguin plunge for Special Olympics, boys            social skills group, mentoring program, video production, first Fridays).


            Volunteer fair March 28 -- need us to man a table to get the word out about the board,      answer questions, recruit members.   Need a Board brochure. Could hand out flyers for          the tie dye fest.  Tom St. Louis will bring additional details and the group will discuss further at next meeting.


5.      Old Business:  Review by-laws: prior to the next meeting everyone should review the existing Youth Services Advisory Board by-laws and bring copies of the by-laws to the meeting for discussion.  Val Geato discussed the history of the board and appointments.  There is some utility in having Youth First be an official town board, and so Val will support making this happen.  If this happens, the Board will recommend members but the Board           of Selectmen will officially appoint them. 


2012 meeting dates were amended to be the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm at Youth Center.  K. Wonderly motioned to amend the meeting dates. L. Marvin seconded the motion.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.


            Community Conversations: Parenting workshop last week had 9 parents of 3rd, 4th, and    5th graders.   March 7 will be Nutrition, April 4 Bullying, May 3 Safe Social Networking,          and June 7th, Substance Abuse and Risky Behaviors.


            Tie Dye Fest:  Mike Schaff suggested combining a 5K Run or Fun Run into Tie Dye Fest.            Tom St. Louis expressed concerns with the logistics of trying to incorporate it for this         first year, but that it might be a good fundraiser for the second year.  Another idea was

            to finish Tie Dye Fest with a tie dye parade and/or bike parade.  Both Chris Bennett and   Pam Scheibelein were not in attendance, so questions about whether the middle school         and/or high school jazz bands would play at the event and the exact times of the event             were tabled until next meeting.  Tom St. Louis reported that 300 t-shirts of various sizes     were ordered for the event.  John Reever reinforced his willingness to request donation of     the dyeing supplies from S&S, but that he would like to do it with a letter on CYSB         letterhead.  Val Geato said she would take care of the letter.


            Breakout groups discussed bullying community conversation and tie dye fest.


            Discussion of budget, grant opportunities.


            Suggestion of writing letters to representatives to support Youth Services bills.  Val           Geato will forward advocacy emails she gets to members of the board. 


            Next meeting, the larger group will break out into smaller groups after initial part of           meeting and then come back together to report back. 


            Board of Ed liaison John Reever reported on the Board of Ed budget.



6.      Member comments/concerns/suggestions:  none


7.      Adjourn:   Linda Bromley motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:10p.m.  K. Wonderly seconded the motion.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.




Respectfully submitted,



Thomas St. Louis
