TUESDAY May 1, 2012 at the YOUTH CENTER 5:30 P.M.
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Tom St. Louis, Vice-Chairman Lorraine Marvin, Secretary Pam Scheibelein, Linda Bromley, Kathy Wonderly
NON VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Sgt. Marc Petruzzi, Pastor Shirley Ellis; Gail Baxter; Luke Lamarre, Chris Bennett
Others Present: Director, Youth & Social Services, Valerie Geato; Program Coordinators Mike Schaff and Jen Sloat; Jordan Spalla, Courtney Willson, Kay McComiskey, Jenna DeVoe, Urmi Thaker, Randie Marino, Daniel Brainard, Zach Konon, and Matt Caples.
1. 5:30 Call Meeting to Order: Chairman St. Louis called the meeting to order at
2. 5:30 – 5:35 Approve Minutes of April 6, 2012 Regular Meeting: Sgt. Petruzzi noted the incorrect spelling of his name, noted by Secretary. Lorraine Marvin motioned to approve the minutes of the April 3, 2010 regular meeting; Tom St. Louis seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
3. 5:35 to 5:40 Public Comments: NONE
4. 5:40 – 6:20 Tie –Dye lesson and sub-committee meetings if so desired: Sub-committee meetings were suspended since all members not present.
5. 6:20 -6:40 Subcommittee Meetings (Advisory, Anti-Bullying, L.P.C.)
Director Geato recommended the appointment of Pastor Shirley Ellis and Gail Baxter to the Youth Services Advisory Board. A motion was made by Pam Scheibelein to appoint Pastor Ellis and Gail Baxter to the Youth Services Advisory Board. Lorraine Marvin seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
Director Geato advised the Summer Program Registration had started today and programs are filling very quickly. Youth Services now had three vans.
A discussion on the Youth Leadership Award was held. Jen Sloat advised that 3 seniors were eligible. Further discussion will take place by Jen Sloat, Lyn Marra and Tom St. Louis to determine the detail of the 2012 award.
6. 6:40- 6:50 Report from subcommittees: This will include any plan for programs for services, needs/resources, volunteer opportunities, feedback
7. 6:50 to 7:00 Any issues for large group not already discussed:
· Report from Director re meeting with Architect re space at WJJS Renovation: Tabled for June meeting.
· Discuss Referendum Day bake sale coverage/baking: Since there is no one available for the morning, our busiest time, there will not be a bake sale on Referendum day.
· Tie-Dye Fest update: advertising; update on supplies needed for Fest: Linda Bromley and Tom St. Louis - buckets and brushes, instructions to hand out; Val Geato - small bags to contain shirts; Linda Bromley – price of printing of YOUTH FIRST on shirts.
All were updated. Additional assignments were confirmed. Secretary Pam Scheibelein will send out “To Do” list to all members to confirm responsibilities of all.
8. Adjourn: Chairman Tom St. Louis adjourned the meeting at 7:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Scheibelein