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Youth Services Advisory Board Minutes 3.7.12


TUESDAY MARCH 6, 2012 at the YOUTH CENTER 5:30 P.M.


Members Present:  Tom St. Louis, Lorraine Marvin, Linda Bromley, Sgt. Rob Suchecki, Kathy Wonderly, Pam Scheibelein

Members Absent:  Chris Bennett

Others Present:  Valerie Geato, Director, Youth & Social Services; Stephanie Spargo (SERAC), Mike Schaff, Jen Sloat, Meaghan Hickey, Diane Hettrick, Gail Baxter, Barbara Gilbert, Pastor Shirley Ellis, Brittany Berube


1.                    5:30                       Call Meeting to Order:  Chairman St. Louis called the meeting to order at                                           5:30p.m.


2.                   5:35                        Approve Minutes of February 7, 2012 regular meeting:  Linda Bromley                                               motioned to accept the minutes from the February 7, 2012 Youth First                                                   Regular Meeting.  Lorraine Marvin seconded the motion.  All members                                                              present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.


3.                   5:40 to 5:45         Public Comments:  NONE



4.                   5:45 to 6:00         Program updates and report from Director: 

·         Director Geato advised all programs are running well. 

·         An interview is scheduled for a Youth Center Supervisor to fill the vacant spot.  

·         The “Families with Service Needs Advisory Board” is off to a good start, and showing good results.

·         The Juvenile Review Board is scheduled to meet next week (the 3rd Wednesday of the month).

·         Director Geato gave a short review of the Y&SS budget requests for 2012/2013.  Members were advised they could go to the Town website to review the budget particulars.  ALL MEMBERS WERE ASKED TO ATTEND FUTURE BUDGET MEETINGS. 

·         Mike Schaff and Jen Sloat updated those present on the activities of their groups.

·         A mock car crash will be held on May 24th, at Bacon Academy.



5.                   6:00 to 6:30         Subcommittee Meetings (Advisory, Anti-Bullying, L.P.C.):   


6.                   6:30 to 6:50         Report from subcommittees:  This will include any plan for programs for                                           services, needs/resources, volunteer opportunities, feedback


·         Anti-Bullying updated all present on the Community Conversation scheduled for April 4/12 at Bacon Academy, 6:15 to 8:00pm.

·         L.P.C. updated all present on a parent forum, hosted by S.E.R.A.C., on March 29th, at the Senior Center.

·         The Advisory Board updated all present on the Tie Dye Fest, to be held on June 9/12 on the Town Green, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.  The Advisory Board will also hold a bake sale on Referendum Day, Tuesday, May 8/12 at Town Hall, from 7:00 am until 8:00 pm.  All present were asked to donate baked goods, and to check their personal schedule before the next meeting, and advise if they would be able to cover 2 hours that day.


7.                   6:50 to 7:00


·         Any issues for large group not already discussed:  None

·         Discuss Referendum Day bake sale coverage.  Tentative date is May 8/12:  Discussed

·          Review possible change of Nov. 6/12 Election Day Youth First                meeting:  A discussion on changing this meeting date due to bake sale resulted in all agreeing to change the date.  Lorraine Marvin motioned to change the date of the November 6, 2012 Youth First regular meeting to Nov. 13, 2010.  Pam Scheibelein seconded the motion.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.

·          Additions to April agenda:  Gail Baxter suggested the B.O.E. liaison, John Reever be asked to advise if the B.O.E. has addressed the topic of violence in the schools, i.e. school shootings.


8.                   Adjourn:  Pam Scheibelein motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 pm.  Tom St. Louis                 seconded the motion.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.



Respectfully submitted,



Pamela Scheibelein
