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Youth Services Advisory Board Minutes 01.03.12


TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2012 at the YOUTH CENTER 5:30 P.M.



Members Present:  Thomas St. Louis, Lorraine Marvin, Pam Scheibelein, Kathy Wonderly, Rob Suchecki, Chris Bennett

Members Absent:  Linda Bromley

Others Present:  John Reever, B.O.E. Liaison, Barbara Gilbert, Diane Hettrick, Sgt. Marc Pettruzzi, Mike Schaff, Jen Sloat, Pastor Shirley Ellis, Nicole Reardon, Luke Lamarre, Meaghan Hickey, Linda Iacobellis, Mary Rose Katztney, Meg Lewis


1.        Call Meeting to Order:  Chairman Tom St. Louis called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.


2.       Approve Minutes of December 7, 2011 regular meeting:  Chairman St. Louis noted that John Reever should be included under “Members Present”, and corrected the spelling of “Psychologist”.  Chris Bennett motioned to accept the amended minutes of the January 3, 2012 Youth Services Advisory Board Regular Meeting.  Rob Suchecki seconded the motion.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.


3.       Public Comments:  none


4.       New Business: 


·         Approval of amended meeting dates for 2012:  Tom St. Louis motioned to accept the Youth First Amended 2012 meeting dates.  Pam Scheibelein seconded the motion.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.

·         Chairman Tom St. Louis would like the First Selectman to appoint a new liaison from the Board of Finance to Youth First.



5.       Old Business: 


·         Discussion of combining Anti-Bullying Committee, the Local Prevention Council and Youth Services Advisory Board:  Director Geato welcomed all in attendance and expressed her appreciation to all for their willingness to address the needs of the youth in our town.  Val reiterated the goal of Youth Services is to “Help kids grow to healthy adults”.  Each group gave a short update on what their group had done in the past, and what their endeavors for the future were.  After a discussion about future programs and goals, Chairman St. Louis stated that it would take time for this new group to evolve.

·         Motion to approve the combining of the Anti-Bullying Committee, the Local Prevention Council and Youth Services Advisory Board:  Pam Scheibelein motioned to combine the Anti-Bullying Committee, the Local Prevention Council and Youth Services Advisory Board.  Kathy Wonderly seconded the motion.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.

·         Motion to change the name “Youth Services Advisory Board” to “Youth First”, which combines the aforementioned Boards/Commissions, and will now be known as “Youth First”:  Chris Bennett motioned to change the name “Youth Services Advisory Board” to “Youth First”.  Rob Suchecki seconded the motion.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED

·         Director Geato advised the new van was delivered last week.  The second van is due in two weeks.


6.       Member comments/concerns/suggestions:  none


7.       Adjourn:  Kathy Wonderly motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m.  Rob Suchecki seconded the motion.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.


Respectfully submitted,


Pam Scheibelein
